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When will science make the concept of God obsolete?

So often atheists claim that science makes the concept of God obsolete because it will eventually explain everything in material terms (and therefore make "God" redundant). But how does that argument work? Like this (?):

Science has explained a few things (relatively speaking) without need of the concept of God.

Therefore science will explain all things without need of the concept of God.

Doesn't look like a valid inference to me! In fact it is more like a good example of the fallacy of induction!

Let's look at the logic another way: if I say to you "one day a Catholic cathedral will be built just where you are now living".

Can you ever prove my theory false? Of course not. At any point of time I can always say "if it isn't built yet, it will be in the future." So the theory is unfalsifiable - and any scientist will tell you that an unfalsifiable theory is no kind of empirical theory at all.

In fact, your theory is no better than a matter of faith.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Science can never make the concept of God(s) obsolute, as they can, and have, changed throughout the times to accomodate our advance in knowledge. Organized religions however, that venture into the scientific realm, trying to claim scientific information, that are unwilling to change when their claims are falisified, do become obsolute. Now that does not mean people stop following them, as religion is a highly psychological process because it deals with questions that we fear so deeply by nature, our own mortality.

    We know complexity comes from simplicity, this can be observed in every process every recorded. While we certainly don't have all the answers, evidence, and logic, points to the universe either always existing, or at least the basic elements of it always being existant and the universe becoming complex through a long process.

    If one claims a creator it would have to be even more complex than the universe in its present state by defintion, and then you have an even bigger problem on your hands.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NEVER! Those who think science can have no place or rgiht to claim a rational thought. Such people would believe science is meant to explain "why", when that it, in fact, a question it completely ignores because of the many variables such a question can hold.

    The place and purpose of religion is to explain "why", which is the most important question, and the ONLY one that matters to anyone who feels anything - they could care less about who, what, where, when, and how. Individuals who actually acknowledge they have HEARTS wonder "why".

    Though I will concur that atheist will either never get that, or never care, thus the reasons they believe...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually there is a big difference between your example and the "theory".

    The reason why people think it will explain things is basically because they don't believe in God so they are hoping not predicting science will give them all the answers later.

  • Dee
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Religion and science are two entirely different things.

    They ask different questions, in different ways, and provide different answers. Science is about HOW - explaining how Nature works. Religion is about WHY - giving meaning and purpose to life.

    Ideally, religion and science have nothing to do with each other.

    But they are both essential to our full humanity.


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It became God, and God created technology. technology would not inevitably bypass against God, human beings only especially cases interpret it to bypass against God. human beings argue that the huge Bang created the universe, possibly, yet what began the huge Bang? God.

  • God created the fundamentals of science. Most scientist are too arrogant to admit someone is smarter than they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.

    Luke 21:32

    Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

    Luke 21:33

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think you will ever find a real scientist who will

    tell you that eventually all mysteries will be solved by


  • 1 decade ago


    good thinking.

    but im sure someone will find some fallacy with what you said.


    science will NEVER replace God. thats my faith

  • 1 decade ago

    first of all god is not science god is our almighty creator it says in the bible god only lets us know what we are to know

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