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  • Why does YA keep saying that my questions were deleted, and then they're still there?

    Several times today I posted a question, and then Yahoo Answers

    said that it was deleted. A few times *immediately* after I clicked

    the 'submit' button. But then when I went to my profile, I see the

    questions are still there.

    And the same thing has been happening with other people's questions,

    ones that I posted answers to: the page heading said they were deleted,

    but from my profile information the questions are still there.

    What's going on??

    Is Yahoo Answers just really screwed up today, or what??

    I have not been back here much lately, it seems like it's gone

    way downhill from what it used to be. These are not little

    problems, it's massively annoying, to the point where it

    does not seem worthwhile even to participate here.

    Is anyone else having similar problems?

    Any idea if/when Yahoo will get it fixed??

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How can we cure the sacred Earth of the plague of human overpopulation?

    Any truly spiritual path includes worshipping Nature,

    and the sacred planet Earth that gives us all life.

    But it's clear that we face a huge challenge right now

    in serving and protecting the Earth from our own species.

    Namely: human overpopulation. How can we fix this?

    The Earth is now WAY too overpopulated with humans.

    Our species has become a destructive plague upon the Earth.

    We urgently need to reduce the population back down to

    something less than one billion humans total.

    We can do that via a vigorous campaign of birth prevention,

    using a combination of sterilization, contraception and abortion.

    But we need to get started NOW, because it may already be too

    late to avoid major environmental catastrophe. (Or, more accurately,

    to avoid MORE major environmental catastrophes. Wilderness

    has been destroyed and species made extinct in record numbers


    We really need to get over the idea that people have some innate

    "right" to bring as many babies into the world as they feel like

    -- often while insisting that OTHER people must pay for them!

    NO. The life of this sacred planet comes first.

    The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth.

    So we have no right to trash the sacred living planet

    that gives us our life, the planet that is our only home

    in the entire vast cosmos.

    There is a lot that governments could start doing right NOW

    to discourage excess births - change the tax structure so

    that people pay more taxes for more children, not less;

    and offer monetary incentives to those who get sterilized

    before they make any babies, or after only one; etc.

    It would be best if it could be done on a voluntary basis.

    But if we don't start aiming in that direction now, we will

    ultimately be FORCED into a situation like there is in China,

    where the government uses coercive tactics to enforce the

    one-child-only state policy.

    There is clearly SOME limit on the number of humans that

    the Earth can support, while still maintaining ecological

    diversity and environmental well-being. And just as clearly,

    we are already long past that point. Time to stop it NOW.


    Any other ideas on how we can begin to implement a

    swift and drastic reduction in the human birth rate?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What can be done to reduce human overpopulation on the sacred Earth?

    For anyone whose spiritual path includes worshipping

    the sacred Earth, it's clear that we face a huge challenge

    in protecting the Earth from our own species. Namely:

    The Earth is now WAY too overpopulated with humans.

    Our species has become a destructive plague upon the Earth.

    We urgently need to reduce the population back down to

    something less than one billion humans total.

    We can do that via a vigorous campaign of birth prevention,

    using a combination of sterilization, contraception and abortion.

    But we need to get started NOW, because it may already be too

    late to avoid major environmental catastrophe. (Or, more accurately,

    to avoid MORE major environmental catastrophes. Wilderness

    has been destroyed and species made extinct in record numbers


    We really need to get over the idea that people have some innate

    "right" to bring as many babies into the world as they feel like

    -- often while insisting that OTHER people must pay for them!

    NO. The life of this sacred planet comes first.

    The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth.

    So we have no right to trash the sacred living planet

    that gives us our life, the planet that is our only home

    in the entire vast cosmos.

    There is a lot that governments could start doing right NOW

    to discourage excess births - change the tax structure so

    that people pay more taxes for more children, not less;

    and offer monetary incentives to those who get sterilized

    before they make any babies, or after only one; etc.

    It would be best if it could be done on a voluntary basis.

    But if we don't start aiming in that direction now, we will

    ultimately be FORCED into a situation like there is in China,

    where the government uses coercive tactics to enforce the

    one-child-only state policy.

    There is clearly SOME limit on the number of humans that

    the Earth can support, while still maintaining ecological

    diversity and environmental well-being. And just as clearly,

    we are already long past that point. Time to stop it NOW.


    Any other ideas on how to implement a swift and

    drastic reduction in the human birth rate?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What will you say to the Horned God when you die?

    This was a reply to a question by a Christian, but that one got deleted.

    So: the real question should be addressed to Christians and other monotheists:

    What will you say to the Great Horned God -- who is the True Almighty God,

    and the mate of the Great Goddess -- when you meet Him in Death's realm??

    You will have to explain why you have not only ignored Him in favor of the false and

    petty god of the bible, but - even worse! - you have even dishonored and blasphemed

    Him by demonizing Him as an evil demon?? Yikes! I suspect that He will not be too

    happy about that. It could get verrry awkward for you.

    But He does have a pretty wicked sense of humor, so maybe He will

    just have a good hearty laugh about it, and won't reincarnate you as

    an insect or anything. Maybe He will just send you to one of the less

    desirable realms of the bardo, while you await reincarnation.

    Speaking for myself, I have no such fears regarding the afterlife.

    The true almighty God -- that would be the Great Horned God, also known as

    Pan, Herne, Cernunnos, etc. - knows very well that I not only believe in Him,

    but also that I worship Him with all my heart and soul, and I always will. :-)

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Male dominance is romantic, female dominance is kinky?

    I recently saw that comment from a feminist on another site, regarding bdsm and how it's portrayed. She was being sarcastic, because she didn't like male dominance, but I agree with that idea, and I do like male dominance.

    So is there some universal truth to that idea?

    It also may help explain why it is that depictions of "kinky" bdsm tend to portray dominant women (ugh) and submissive men (UGH) -- when the opposite is actually much more common. Most heterosexual women tend to be sexually submissive, while most heterosexual men tend to be sexually dominant. But because it's so natural and common, they can easily find their sexual preferences fulfilled in a normal "vanilla" relationship; while people who have the opposite preference can't find it so easily, so they're more likely to gravitate towards the kinky scene where people like to play at reversing gender roles.

    I recently came across this question, which got me thinking about it:;_ylt=Ah.h_...

    What do you think?

    Is male sexual dominance natural and therefore romantic?

    And is female sexual dominance unnatural and "kinky"?

    8 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Why do short men delete their questions?

    I just composed a long and thoughtful reply to someone, who then deleted their question. I really hate that. It's inconsiderate to the people who are giving their time to try and help you. Anyway, the question was from a young man who worried that being short would hurt his chances of finding a good woman to love. If there is room here, I'll try to add my answer in the "details" section.

    6 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Is Monotheism the closest thing to Atheism?

    Most of the world's religions are polytheistic pagan religions, with many Gods and Goddesses. Pagan religions have many ways to access divinity or spiritual reality.

    For maybe a million years, humans worshipped the many Gods of Nature. Then monotheism came along and declared war on all those other religions and their Gods, and claimed there was only one god. They put their one god outside of Nature instead of inside of Nature. Then, a short time after that, people started questioning that idea too, and denying that the monotheistic god exists.

    Was monotheism just a stepping stone to atheism? Are monotheistic religions like Islam and Christianity almost atheistic, because they deny all the Gods and Goddesses of other religions?

    To go from polytheism to atheism, you would need to deny a LOT of Gods. But to go from monotheism to atheism, you only need to subtract one god.

    So: Monotheism = Almost Atheism.

    What do you think?


    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this ANNOYING, or what? People deleting their questions.?

    Why is it that people will ask a question, especially a question seeking help or advice, and then you spend 5 minutes or more composing a thoughtful and helpful reply, then when you go to post your answer you find out they have DELETED their question??

    Sorry, but that just strikes me as rude and thoughtless. You're making other people waste their time, for nothing.

    I just spent some time answering a question about what candle color to use in Wiccan magic for friendship, and when I went to post the reply, the question was already gone. So now that makes me feel like I should not even bother to try and answer or help anyone, because it might just be a big waste of time.

    How do other people feel when they spend time composing thoughtful answers, and the person asking the question just deletes it? Doesn't that seem rude and thoughtless and annoying??


    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Real men in Wicca - where are they?? (Pagans only please.)?

    Traditional Wicca, as one form of Traditional Witchcraft, always emphasized a balance of the sexes -- we honor both the divine masculine and the divine feminine, the Horned God and the Moon Goddess as divine lovers; and both a priestess and a male priest lead the rites.

    I've been a traditional Wiccan priestess for 20 years, always had plenty of men in our covens. But with eclectic Wicca today, it seems like mostly women, and mostly younger people. There are not many mature men getting involved, and the males who are drawn to Wicca are often not the most masculine men. (Sorry, but it's true.) Where are the big, strong, manly, warrior men, the kind that I see in Asatru or other pagan paths? What can we do to bring more mature and masculine men into Wicca?

    It's not an "evangelical" issue of pushing Wicca at people who are not called to it. Pagans don't do that. But Wicca should have male-female gender balance. How to restore balance, and honor and encourage masculinity in Wicca?

    33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago