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Writing help--> im only 13!!!?

ok. So I am writing this story and it was just originally suposed to be a stupid school project and it turned into much much more than that. 7 months later, Im sitting here with a manuscipt that's 400 pages long. Im only 13. I didnt tell my parents about it, or my teacher, or any one really exept for my best friend who is SO suportive and doesn't make fun of me and encourages me on and he's great. Just I dont know what to do now... do I tell my parents... do I write a sequel, edit some more? I mean i dont know! I'm so clueless im just a kid with a mac computor with an over active imagination! Not Jk rowling or anything! I want the world to know my story just Im afriad some publishing companys, my parents, everyone at school wont like it-- and wont accpet and 13 year old girl writing some crazy weird novel. My friend thinks its great. But im sure he's only sayin that. I dont know what to do!!! Please help me!




wowie. Everyones really nice. Thanks soooo much. The person who wrote a LONG post. All those fancy words creeped me out. Becasue reading that whole thing made me dizzy and I was left staring at the computor like "What? I thought all I had to do was write it!" Thank you though. It did help alot. jee i didnt know it was that hard. Thanks sooo much to everybody!!!!!!!!!!



9 Answers

  • pj m
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I know you're only thirteen, but you need to have your manuscript edited by someone who knows the ropes. You also need someone to give you an honest critique and not just grant you lip service. This is not doing you any favors.

    Your manuscript has to be free of any erros in spelling, grammar, plot, and formatting. Yes, manuscripts have a special formatting that needs to be set up before you can send it to a literary agent.

    You will need a copy of Writer's Market. There you will find literary agents who will accept a query letter from you regarding your manuscript. This is another thing. You'll need to get examples of query letters. These, too, have to be free of any errors.

    At thirteen, you will also need a parent to sign any contracts that may come to you. Stay away from vanity publishers as well. You get nothing in return.

    Here's what I give everyone who asks this question. It seems like a long list, but it can be accomplished if you put your mind to it and your best foot forward.

    Read on:

    Writing a book takes more than just sitting down and putting your idea into words. There are a lot of things that you have to consider.

    Keep an eye out for spelling and grammar errors. When typing fast with fresh ideas in our heads, we tend to forget ourselves. Check and recheck your work. Editors are very expensive these days.

    You’ll need to know how to write an effective ‘query letter’ to a literary agent. The letter will also include a synopsis that will hold the interest of the agent, and want to make him or her ask for the first three chapters of your work. Never send a manuscript to a publisher or literary agent without querying first.

    You’ll need to know how to format your manuscript. This includes the fonts (size and type) that most agents, editors, and publishers want. These are usually Courier New and Times New Roman (12 pt). Short stories and novels are formatted differently. You will need to follow submission guidelines just as they are laid down for your submissions. Anything less will result in your manuscript sent back or destroyed unread.

    You will need to know what Point of View (POV) is. Know how to write in First Person Point of View. You’ll need to know the can and can not of each.

    Do you know how to write dialogue? How to format dialogue? This is very important and allows the author and his/her characters to communicate with the reader. Remember dialect as well. Dialect is how a person speaks. Your characters may be highly educated or dumber than dishwater. ‘Ain’t got none’ is highly acceptable when used properly by a character who is even less than street smart.

    It’s a good idea to know some of the publishing laws. The use of names and places.

    These include

    o Delivery Of Satisfactory Copy

    o Permission for Copyrighted Material

    o Grant Of Rights

    o Proofreading and Author's Corrections

    o Advances and Royalties

    o Author's Warranties and Indemnities

    o Copies to Author

    o Option Clause

    Learn how to get a ‘word count of your work. Some novels have a prologue and an epilogue. You’ll need to know how to write them and why they’re used.

    Know what the word ‘genre’ means. Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction; These are all genres.

    One of the most important issues in manuscript submitting is the proper ‘page set up’ for your work. This includes margins, indents, and paragraphs. Most editors will want to see your manuscript double spaced. This allows the editor to use his/her proofreaders marks between the lines. Most margins will be one inch all around with a ragged right margin and an even left.

    Are you prepared to do a lot of ‘research’ involving your work? Remember that many professionals such as, doctors, lawyers, nurses, public accountants, judges, architects, bricklayers, engineers, and police officers read, too.

    Do you know what a sub-plot is? This is a plot that comes ‘under’ the main plot. The hero may be after the vampire, but the mob may be after the hero as well. This is a sub-plot.

    Can you take rejection and constructive criticism? If you’re easily hurt in the feelings department, then writing may not be your forte. Critics will tear you apart or build you up. The best writers in the world “King, Patterson, Koontz, J.K. Rowling, and many others” have been torn up one side and down the other. You can’t please everyone.

    If you decide to hire an editor, remember: Your manuscript will be double spaced, which means there will be twice as many pages. A 600 page novel could cost you around $1800.00, some even more depending on what the editor charges per page. Then there’s the hourly rate that some charge. Usually it’s within the range of $65.00. So, if they work on your book for 18 hours, that’s another $1170.00 + $1800.00 = $2970.00

    These are the things you must know to work at your craft. Don’t let these things deter you from writing. There are books in libraries and bookstores that can teach you all of these things. Buying these books (if you want to be a serious writer) is the best thing to do. Why? Well, because you can use a yellow marker to highlight all the points of interest. Then you can use the front of the book to make page references to those markings in order to check back on them at a later date, when you need to.

    You’ll need to get a copy of Writer’s Market for the current year. This has literary agents whom you can send out query letters to. Some of them allow email queries. They also have a website. Google: Writer’s Market.

    I wish you the best of luck!

    Source(s): Published author. Spook Rock, a novel. Many short stories online and in printed anthologies.
  • 1 decade ago

    first of all, you should show your parents, you know, make sure that they will support you. if you're happy with your story, and you like it just the way it is, then be prepared for some criticism, especially if you go to publish it. some parts may have to be edited out. don't get all discouraged with criticism and editing either! it is constructive. also, if you're afraid everyone won't like you're story, then go under a false name for the author. just make it believable, and not too crazy! Above all, tell you're parents. chances are, they'll LOVE that you put all this effort into it (400 pages!). i wouldn't jump to writing a sequel just yet, until you have the first published or completely written. personally, i am amazed to hear a 13 year old wrote a 400 page novel! This shows how much of a passion you have for writing! great going! Hope this helps you out a bit!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would talk to your parents so they can help you edit and do research if you want to get it published.

    You can be any age to write. The book Eragon was written by a 15 year old. He is older now but he wrote it when he was really young and look at what it has turned into.

    I feel you pain though. I'm a writer at 16 but I can't get mine organized the way i want it to. I do have over 500 pages of work but most of it is just random ideas that I got while at school.

    But talk to someone who might know something about publishing or something. It shouldn't matter to you if not everyone likes your book or not. No matter what no writing will please everyone. But the important thing is to believe that people will and trust me when I say they will.

    Email me if you ever need help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh, you little sweetheart! I don't think your parents are going to be angry with you, they'll probably be very impressed that you did manage to write 400 pages about anything. I will tell you that it is perfectly normal to worry that people will hate your work, but if you never show anyone how will you know? Start with your parents and your teachers, ask them to proof read it and give you an honest opinion. From there I'd go to a company like It's a small print on demand company, which means basically that you order your book when you want copies made, you retain all rights to it (they can't print out a million copies and sell them without you knowing it), and if you want to sell them that's your business. At the very least I think you should get one copy printed for yourself ^_^ and who knows? If your teacher is really impressed maybe the school will allow you to sell to your classmates.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am 13 too, and if i wrote a 400 page book i probably wouldn't know what to do ether. I think it would be best if you showed it to your parent and English teacher to see what they think. Then don't be afraid go to the publishing company and show it to them and who knows you might just end-up as famous as JK Rowling or even more. simply follow your heart and every thing will be fine.



  • Aki F.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You should post an excerpt on it at It's this great site where you can get decent feedback. If the owners of the site think it's good enough, a publishing company might contact you. It's copyright protected, so don't worry about stealing or anything. And while you're there, you can review my feature novel Witch Tourniquet.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know a few publishers who might like it. I'm a military fiction author and started when I was 14. Some of my closest friends star as my senior commanders. Do what you think is best.

    My publisher's It works for me, but isn't right for everyone. Search around. I'm always willing to help fellow authors so feel free to ask me for help anytime.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are a very talented young girl. I would recommend that you tell your parents, you never know, they will probably support you. Believe it or not - there are very many writers who were very young when they wrote their famous books. For example: Christopher Paolini was only 15 when he wrote eragon. And that is now a very big hit!!

    Best of luck to you-

  • hello
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Probably ask someone older to have a look at it and edit it.

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