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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

I hate society and humans?

I hate life , its make me want to commit suicide. I hate humanity and their ways(good and bad). I hate my own humanity, sometimes I want to be a humanoid or a goddess( or something above human and human soceity). I hate how soceity expects you to want to be a drone and what to contribute to it. And also I hate how everyone has their own little agendas. And most of the time their agendas usually invade our private lives. Also I hate that when you don't have a social life, your consider odd or wierd. And the fact that soceity makes you want to feel tlike you want to be accepted by people. Also hate how when you have a feelings, society doesn't like they also want you fix it( even if soceity cause you to have those feelings). I also hate how people want to controls your life. To me, from now I hate humans and that human life is meaningless to me.Even my family is meaningless to me.I will never love a human being or ever desire to be with one(I'm asexual. I hate that i have human feelings


And I hate soceity because its tells you how to think.

35 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know how you feel. I went through this and in fact I still am and I'm 24. I think you are just learning about life's ugliness. But really , like that girl above says, why fight it? live in harmony with people and you'll be happier. Do stuff you like (that is legal). I don't think you're 11 or 12, you have great grammar skills! I've never heard of a 12 year old that spoke and thought like you.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I Agree, Society Does Suck! In fact It Really Sucks - But All One Can Do Is Just Go With The Flow, Or Anyone Not Following Gets Swiftly Brushed Underneath The Carpet. There Is So Much Sh*t Going On In Society It's Almost Hard Not To Care! But You Know What - How About We Just Think Of All The Deep Faults In Society As The Past And Our Own Individual Future As Hope. We Know Better Than Society, And Will Not Let It Simply Sweep Us Into The Corner! There Is So Much To Life, And Humans Are Not The Only Things On Earth. Think Positively In The Sense That You Are Outside That Dark Current In The River, You Do Know Better And Clearly There Are Others Like You Too. Just Carry On As If Life's All A Joke, We're All Just Another Ant On The Floor Or Shell On The Beach, And Aren't Any More Or Less Important Than Anyone Or Anything Else On This Planet - In This Infinitely Big Universe! So Laugh At Those Stupid Politicians Who Think Their So Important In Their Posh Clothing And Rich Cars, Or The Dumb People Around Who Can Never Look At The Big Picture In Life, Cause Their The Ones Wasting Their Lives As A Whole. So Laugh At Them!!!

  • 6 years ago

    Listen I feel the same way a lot. Except, why commit suicide when you can do something a lot better? And no, I don't mean spending waste-less years studying for a job that you'll end up hating anyways.

    ---I mean **** like, hunting rapists and molesters, and drug gangs that have ****** up kids lives forever. I was molested twice in my childhood, booth by separate men. (I'm a guy age 19). And I can't stand to see the guys still walk around, I would rather die fighting than be worthless and kill myself. Because if you aren't disabled you have a lot of power as a human being, not that disabled people don't, they just might not be able **** **** up and get away as easy.

    All I'm saying is, don't waste your life, when you can go change someone else's. Such as saving a child that gets raped repeatedly every night by their stepfather. It would change their life drastically, and soon you'll be able to see what life is living for.

    Start going on runs, going to the gym, learning some free-running. Learn some boxing or any martial arts, please just do something with your meaningless life. And make a difference in the world, little by little.

    Maybe watch WonderBoy or the KICKASS trilogy. or any book by mark millar. Just find a drive in life that actually interests you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I Hate Society

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  • 1 decade ago

    i went through a time about 6 months or so ago when i hated the way the world was cause it just doesn't makes sense why do we kill people and hurt people etc. i was struggling with friends at the time and people do seem to want you to conform

    i know how friggin hard it is but keep on going cause trust me when i say it can only get better there is no way it can get worse... feelings seem to make everythin harder but remember that there are good feelings.... i don't know how old you are but if you're at school maybe move schools... all i wanted to do when i was going through it was to have some kind of change i just wanted everything to be different... i don't think that you are 11 or 12 .... i don't know any 11 or 12 year old that is observant enough to see the world as a whole (i'm not against 11 or 12 year olds its jsut a fact) ... keep on fighting maybe make some changes in your life just for something different... as i said it can only get better cause it seems the worst it can possibly be right now!

  • 1 decade ago

    An odd, lost feeling? You want answers to questions most others cannot even comprehend. Questions about god, humanity, the universe, thought... But think, how can anything exist unless there is some higher power. How can things just be? Don't commit suicide or become the next Hitler. Someday you may come to love something, even humanity. And if the feeling isn't love, its a need, an instinct, to take those 'below' (intelligence wise) you and guide them, progress them, and show them that which they could have never seen without you. Change your hate of humanity to a hate of humanity's flaws, then strive to fix them. Think of how much work has one into moving humanity forward, and all those whose lives were devoted toward it. Then seek out one of our many faults, and try to fix it, for the sake of mankind's survival.

    We are our own tombstone, and we know that. Our biggest threat is ourselves. But within humanity is a hope, the ability to reason. Now look at yourself and use your ability to reason. Life is not flawless, but life is life. And you have only one life,one chance to make a difference. One chance to be remembered. Use that one chance wisely.

    Source(s): Wisdom... acheive it and you'll be able to rattle off answers like this.
  • 7 years ago

    I hate life also and I don't know why. I'm never really satisfied with anything and it makes me angry and sad. I"m to proud to consider suicide and not cruel enough to kill innocent people. However, I sometimes dream of the entire world of blowing up into smithereens and everything starting over from scratch. I think I hate our current culture more then anything else. I hate what we have become and what we all stand for. Not just our country, but the world in general. I would say the majority of people do not understand how I feel. I sometimes consider the majority conformists. They are happy with following along. Not me, I can't live a life of conformity.

  • 8 years ago

    Society is screwed up because when you say stuff like this.. people think that there is something wrong with you..

    But no, there's nothing wrong with you.. IN FACT.. the people that try to advise you.. there is something wrong with them..

    They are so programmed by society that they cannot face themselves that they DO HATE things around them.. rather, they 'convert' themselves to think they suppose to love society... which is all SO WRONG...

    No, society is not a pleasure game.. it sucks.. TRUE...TRUE..TRUE..

    Society is made up by people like you, me and them.. and we all have differences.. then those with the common thinking.. which is normally weak minded thinking.. form into one big clique.. and start to formulate rules.. so yes.. it sucks..

    Go right ahead to hate society and humanity.. but know one fact, it is NOT ALIVE.. it's not even a thing.. You don't have to live to accept it.. you will always be you.. BUT.. you can't do anything about it.. So make the best out of your life.. this is not programmed words.. this is just words of reality.. something you can't do anything about.. no choice..

  • 7 years ago

    you are not alone ..

    I hate this world & reality, I hate this "real" life, & I hate people / humans, why they sucks so much?

    Look, this is the harsh truth in this "reality / real-world / real-life" we're living here:

    the majority or MOST of human beings/people in this world I've found to be either a bunch of stupid, shallow, superficial, ignorant, selfish, rigid, stoic, lifeless, and/or boring/mundane ones.

    maybe that's why this "reality" (or "real world" / "real life") or our society currently is sooo f*cked up almost beyond help!

    with only VERY FEW exceptions of: real-GOOD, honest humans/people, real smart/intelligent people, and/or very creative, imaginative, 'artistic' type of humans/people (that produces some of the best "other-worldly" works like novels, movies, games, anime, work of art, etc etc) ,... then the rest (again, which is the majority, like 90% or even 99% of human beings on this planet!) , I simply absolutely HATE them, and how I deeply always f*cking wish that I NEVER live in ONE planet with them,.. or how I wish I could get immediately transported into another world / universe (like in those 'cool/awesome' movies, novels, games, etc etc) ..

    however,.. through some *deeper* searching,.. I think I've found perhaps somewhat sort of a 'way out' of this madness .. google these for starter: Maladaptive Daydreamers , Indigo , Starseeds , Lucid Dream, Astral Projection, Gnostic/gnosis, Esoteric/Mysticism, Virtual Reality.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hate is a very strong word. You sound confused and angry. how old are you. you need to experience life and love, maybe get off your asre and travel for a while, see how other countries live and cope with life, especially a 3rd world country. After being away from your cosy life and family you will soon appreciate it. Life is a gift, many people would give anything for your healthy life, especially cancer sufferers. Maybe you should also tell your doctor how you feel as you might need professional help.

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