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Are you able to see an opportunity provided by Allah......?


What do you see ? One day and ...........

Plz accept my best wishes ....for..

.............. ................. .................... ...............

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*.•EID *.•E *.•MILAD -UL *.•NABI *.• *.•

*.• *.• H *.• O*.• L*.• I*.• *.• *.• *.• *.•

*.• N*.• A*.•V*.• R*.• O*.• Z*.• *.• *.• *.•

*. GOOD*.• *.• *.• FRIDAY*.• *.• *.• *.•

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Let us have comments from others about the answer posted by ............



Update 2:


Dunamis ...........

Sorry I was not amongst them who hijacked humanity when they dropped "Little boy" on Hiroshima & Ngasaki...

Sorry again, I wasn't there when you hijacked humanity and killed millions of innocent Jews in Germany......

Still sorry, I was not there when you hijacked humanity in name of WMDs and destroyed Iraq killing millions of it's people.......

Sorry sorry sorry......I will never be amongst them who hijacked Humanity no matter even if they are MUSLIM TERRORISTS.

But would you like to apologise for your above crimes against humanity ?


Update 3:



I saw an opportunity to greet you.......

I saw an oppotunity to make friends.....

I saw an opportunity to fight hatred......

I saw an opportunity to know about you religion..

Alas I missed it and YOU TOO.......


Update 4:


Though my question was in no way related to the topic forced by you, but you must be knowing the fact that ...........

* Japanese did not attack the city inhabited by the civilians at Pearl Harbour. It was a military base.

* Every citizen has a right to defend and support his country. How can/ could you expect the Japanese to leave their land for you to drop a nuke ?You very well knew that civilians are going to be killed.

Didn't you ?

* Correct your history knowledge, the bomb was meant to be dropped at the civilians ONLY. Go to your archives. It was amply discussed by your President and military officials who finally decided to drop it on the chosen cities.

The poor fellows were never given a chance.

Tell the world that ,"The bombs saved civilian lives! " as you said. They will appreciate you.

I suggest you post this question at Yahoo,


I'm sure you will get good response.

Update 5:


*You seem to have devided the world into 2 groups, Muslims & non-muslims.

In that comtext Muslims were not involved in the Holocaust in Germany.


* You seem to ignore even YOUR reports & surveys about killings in Iraq.

According to General Tommy Franks, the commander of US forces, over 30,000 Iraqi army men and nearly 8,000 civilians were killed. Despite the President Bush's announcement of "Mission Accomplished" on May 1, the war continues, taking a deadly toll of over 1.1 M I L L I O N IRAQIS, according to one estimate. The US itself has lost nearly 4,000 soldiers in these five long years.

Even if Muslims killed each other as you said, who is responsible ?

Had you not invaded Iraq, they won't have killed each other. So you logic is again unreasonable.

* I & billions of Muslims do not support Osama, you can see if you have eyes.


Update 6:


.........But if you are pretending to be sleeping, no body can wake you up.

So open your eyes to the realities, my friend.By the way who gave birth to Osama ? You only.

Islam is not what your 'once upon a time- friend Osama' tells you in his serial soaps.

It was you who created Osama and the whole responsibility lies on you to convince him.

I wonder what did you do to convince IRA, KKK, Skin heads etc etc .

Update 7:


NAZAR Bhai.........

There you have a beautiful NAZARIYA.

I appreciate it.


8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dear Captn,

    there are many people in this world..

    who can not see though they claim to see,

    do not hear though they claim to hear,

    do not think though they claim to be wise,

    do not understand though they claim to understand.

    Allah has fixed the seal on their mind and they will always see the half empty glass and will mourn.

    May Allah give all of us Sadbudddhi. so that we can see the signs of God all around us, and put all our efforts to make this earth a beautiful place to live by eliminating confusions , misunderstandings and hatred and developing Love and peace among all.


    Thanks for ur remarks.

    Le de ke faqat ek apni Nazar to Hai

    kyoon dekhen is jahan ko kisi ki nazar se hum.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you mean from the pilot's seat of a hijacked airliner?

    Edit: "Sorry I was not amongst them who hijacked humanity when they dropped "Little boy" on Hiroshima & Ngasaki..."

    Neither was I, but knowing history as you do not, I would do it in a minute. Were you there when the Japanese attacked pearl harbor without warning? We warned Japan before dropping the bombs! We warned the citizens to evacuate! And if you knew your history, you would know that Japan was training their civilians to fight to the death when allied troops landed. The bombs saved civilian lives!

    But your Islamic rhetoric is typical, as you ignore the facts to create hype.

    "Sorry again, I wasn't there when you hijacked humanity and killed millions of innocent Jews in Germany......"

    I'm not German, so what the hell are you talking about? My Dad and my uncles fought the Nazis and freed the Jews. You are clueless, and by spewing such rhetoric you think you can persuade others to Islam?

    "Still sorry, I was not there when you hijacked humanity in name of WMDs and destroyed Iraq killing millions of it's people......."

    Millions were not killed. Why so much hype? Are you simply a follower of one-sided rhetoric and ignorant of the facts? Try reading the news instead of listening to the propaganda, you'll find that Muslims have killed more of their own than the allies have.

    "Sorry sorry sorry......I will never be amongst them who hijacked Humanity no matter even if they are MUSLIM TERRORISTS."

    Then as a Muslim, do something about it besides spewing one-sided rhetoric!

    "But would you like to apologise for your above crimes against humanity ?"

    So just like the Japanese who attacked without warning, so did the terrorists of 9/11. They were cowards. We were at war with the Japanese, and we didn't start it! I have no crimes to apologize for, but since you asked, I suppose that you've apologized for Osama and to all the families who lost, and continue to lose innocent loved ones in the name of Allah, including Muslims!

    Those are just the facts, no rhetoric. So, in the name of Allah, would you like to explain? Because the only opportunities I've seen provided by Allah are for death and destruction. So please explain. And since you say you are not among the Islamic terrorists that have "hijacked" humanity, explain to me the division between you and them, and what they are missing in the Koran that you are not. And if it's supposed to be so easy for us to see the difference, why can't they see it and why can't you convince them?

    No animosity here, it's just that I've asked this many times and have yet to receive a direct answer from a Muslim.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for your good wishes, my friend. Here are a few Bible passages which I hope will be a blessing to you.

    Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

    Hundreds of years before Mohammed, the apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 1:8, "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!"

    And in 2 Corinthians 11:14, again, hundreds of years before Mohammed, "No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."

    May God, in His abundant mercy, open your eyes to the deadly deception of Islam and lead you to salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Source(s): Holy Bible (NASB)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this kind of opportunity do pop up many times. but i never take them. i am not an opportunist you see... so wish you a happy eid-milad

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not me, but the people who believes in it, they would

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no such god. That isn't an opportunity, it's an ambush. Run Forrest, run.........

  • Rana
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    yes, I m always thankful to the Allah for his kindness to me

  • 1 decade ago


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