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Is it possible to Fall in love with some one who lives in another state and that you have only talked to?

online and the phone? yet you both have agreed that you both feel like you belong together? and that you have a lot in common?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is entirely possible . Not only from another State but even from another Country . I know because that is how my Husband and I fell in love . We met online in April of last year and neither of us wanted anything but a friend to talk to about things in our lives . I expected a female friend but God brought us together . We talked from April until July as friends . We told each other every secret and every doubt and every dream in each others lives. One day we were having a normal conversation and I said something that he totaly agreed with and he says "See that is why I love you so much " . We never talked about a relationship beyond friends before ,but we did discover we had alot in common and we felt like we were falling in love . After that we decided to see how things went as being a couple and we prayed about it daily . We finally decided to meet and in November I flew to Morocco and I lived with him for three Months and while I was there we got married . We are so happy together and we both feel as if we are Soul Mates .God knew we would never meet otherwise so he brought us together on the net and we got to know all the dark side of each other BEFORE we fell in love and it helped us grow closer sharing our griefs and dreams .

    Do whatever makes you happy and do not let people tell you that you are crazy . They told me all kinds of horror stories about meeting him online and going to another country but I did it and I have never been so happy in my life . Good luck to you both and God Bless.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The relationship is not going to get better until she realizes that she's in love with a guy she's picturing in her head, her computer, and some texts - NOT a real person. She needs to stop pretending this is going to go any further than email and what she imagines. It's not love - it's obsession and delusion. And the hard part is that you can't make her realize that. You can't make her realize that she's in love with a fantasy, that the guy on the other end (if he is a guy and whom he says he is) is not going to be any better than the situation she has now, and that she is the toxic one in the relationship. Her imaginary friend has gotten out of hand but to her he is all too real. It's not until that reality is shattered will she actually consider her actions. It's like going to Paris - the movies, the travel books, and everyone says it's super romantic and you build it up in your head as something really special - and you get there... and it's just another city. Does she even want to be in this relationship (between you and her) anymore? You mentioned she wants to continue to talk about divorce proceedings, but wouldn't it be better to go to a marriage counselor? Try giving it one last shot if you can get her to agree to it. If not... well, there's always canceling your internet service.

  • CSF
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I would say yes, but things can change.

    You have to consider you don't live or spend the night with this person so he may have bad habits that can drive you up the wall.

    One guy I used to talk to online we had the best conversation I've ever had with anyone, we got along great, seemed totally compatible... but when we met it wasn't the same. It was strange how perfect we were when we talking online or on the phone but then in person everything was different.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I live in Melbourne and i had a friend who i liked now her mate stole my number and started to text me we became close seeing we never met she then moved to Queensland and we still talk she is one of the coolest people i know and yes once i did feel like i "love" her and i dont regret that because i knew i did so there is nothing wrong with it all that seeing someone should really do is see how they look unless u start dateing him then u nbeed to see him but u will be able to atleast once a week :)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Totally! I think that is how Brad met Angelina! Seriously...of course not. Think about it. You can't find your ENTIRE STATE to date? The average American sees between 40 to 60 people during the normal course of their day. I find it extremely hard to believe that not one person is suitable for a relationship. Finding someone online is just a little sad. :(

  • 1 decade ago

    yes. i think that any type of relationship is possible in love as long as both people want to make it work. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    its possible

    but its also a possibility that the other person is a sex offender of somkind and really isnt that far away from u

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely. Happens all the time and there are many happy couples because of it.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't really think so. At least not deep down love. Maybe puppy love or a crush. You don't have the same sparks as face to face.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Definatly possible, but be carefull make sure they are not someone they're not

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