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Someone is trying to get me to pay for Damages I didn't do!?
I am kinda in a sticky situation......My neighbors brother has been visiting and parking his car directly across from my driveway. I drive an Expedition and it is hard to not miss his car as I back out. Yesterday as I tried to maneuver my car I slowly bumped his trying to back out. The corner of my bumper made a small dent the size of a baseball and did absolutely no damage to mine. I noticed that there as already some other damage on his car around that same area. He admitted that the other damaged areas were already there but he is still saying the whole panel needs to be replaced because the dent would need to be repainted...this includes the damaged areas which I did not do. His estimate is $1000. I explained to him that a dent that size will not cost that much to repair. I believe he is trying to get me to pay for those other areas and rip me off.
I guess I am trying to do I know what to pay for and what not to pay for? I don't even know for sure I did any damage at all!
I belive he is illegal and has no insurance. In fact I had to explain to him what a 1,000 insurance deductible is!
Some more details...He is very iffy about going with me to my own body shop. He just wants me to write him a check for $500 and call it even....I told him no!
OBVIOUSLY some people can't read! I was going maybe maybe 1 mile backing up if even! He will NOT tell me what or when the other damages occured he is telling me he wants me to repair all! I didn't do all!!!!!!! I only caused one little ding that I am maybe 50% sure I did...who knows? Would you pay for someone elses damages? There are NO damages to my car!
9 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
I recommend that you go with him to some body shops to get some estimates of what it would cost just to repair the damage that you did.
That kind of a dent does not require the replacement of the panel.
I recommend that you offer to pay only for repairing the dent that you caused, not the dents that the others caused.
Two years ago I had a small dent repaired on the fender of my car. With paint over just the site of the repair, not the whole panel, it cost me $320.
I live in one of the highest cost areas of the United States.
I doubt the cost of that repair will be any more than I paid for the dent that someone else put in my car.
At least you had the character to let this guy know that you bumped his car.
The character that put the dent in my car took off and I do not know who did it, so I had to pay for it myself.
- 1 decade ago
I was rear-ended a few years ago. Most of the damage was to the alignment of the car and only a small amount was visible. I decided to just take the cash rather than have the car fixed. A few months later I was rear-ended again. The other driver's insurance company set an adjuster to judge the damage to my car. Based on the damage to my car and the damage to her car he estimated what damage had been caused by the first accident and what had been caused by the second accident and then paid for only the damage the second driver was liable for. You need to call your car insurance company. Tell them what happened and they will send an adjuster to estimate the damage you are responsible for. Then, if you want to let your car insurance pay for it you can or you can tell them you will take care of it personally to avoid your rates going up.
Also, most places have laws regarding how close you can park to someone's driveway, a fire hydrant, intersection, etc. An insurance adjuster will know these laws. Use your car insurance. You have car insurance for a reason. They are there to help an protect you in situations like this.
If you were only going 1mph you probably didn't do any damage and he just wants some extra cash. That's what bumpers are for! For bumps like this! It keeps the car from being damaged. I've bumped people a lot harder than 1mph and there was NO damage. He just wants some money.
Also, the laws regarding this situation are different in different states. In some states if there was prior damage the person who's responsible for later damage only needs to pay half. So if it is really $1000 (which it's not) you should only have to pay for $500.
- ?Lv 45 years ago
I agree with you in the sense that the US has come to dominate the world. It can be heavily argued that it is the only superpower left in the world and as it spends more on its military might than the GDP of several Third World countries the US is prone to aggression when someone disagrees with it because it has the military presence to force people into submission. Personally, I believe Democracy and an Islamic state cannot go together there are just too many differences to allow it to work. The US, hiding under the banner that "democracy is always right and will always work" attempts to force these Islamic states into submission. Indirectly, pressure like this causes people to become hostile to the US and to the West whom they see as a pawn of the US, and well as their own desire to kill "infidels". Of course I do not support the terrorists, the atrocities they commit are appalling, but I believe that instead of just dismissing it is "islamic fundamentalism" its important to look at the other reasons too. Obviously, I'm a little liberal, but I feel that the other point of view needs to be put across here. At to paying back all the damages, you cant really put a price on civilian lives destroyed. Plus the US also donates aid and medical care to these countries as well so it may not even it out, but it may help. BTW: in response to: "Thanks to the USa providing 99% of the military forces needed to keep the Soviets from just walking over Europe, the Eurotards were able to have the great welfare system they have today. Screw the world." Jackass, you really have no clue at all do you? The US will only ever get involved in a conflict if it directly concerns them, so stop pretending like you cared about the rest of us during the cold war.
- raichasaysLv 71 decade ago
He doesn't have to agree to have you go with him to a repair shop. He doesn't have to agree to have more than one estimate.
Tell him to get a legitimate estimate only for the damage you believe you may have caused and turn it over to to your insurance company.
It is not a police matter or an immigration issue. It is an insurance matter. That's why you have it. Call them and report it.
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
you hit his car! how can you say there are no damages? yeah he probably has a pos but that doesn't mean you can't get away without paying for damage YOU did. and admitted to.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Turn it over to your insurance and they will go to bat for you. If there is no mark on your vehicle, you may not have done anything!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Why are you lying to us?
You hit his car. You caused the damages.
Pay the bill and move on with your life.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
perhaps a lawyer (on your side) could make sense of the problem and straighten things out.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
call the cops....have them handle this....if u didnt do anything and he wants ur money call the cops!!!!