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What is the dumbest thing a person has ever said to you?

I'm having my third child, and of course everyone found out. At any rate, when I go to the doctor's to get my pregnancy confirmed, she asks me, "Are you pregnant?" I was like "Uh yeah, why else would I be here?" lol...

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The wealthy have more problems than the poor.

  • 6 years ago

    Someone tried to convince that his father was an alien named Zeus who lived on a planet far away and that he was 45,000 years old. This person claimed he was half alien and all of the gods mentioned throughout history were apart of the alien race. He also claimed to know magic,

  • 1 decade ago

    The dumbest thing a person's ever said to me was when they were making fun of me for having asthma in 9th grade. One of the things she said to me was "You can't die from asthema!" What she didn't know was that my best friend frome elementary school died from asthma. I do not like that girl. Grr...

  • 1 decade ago

    Guy asked me to be his partner then the teacher hands out an assignment we have to do together.

    He says, "oh great. I knew I should've picked someone at least slightly smart."

    That ranks up there with a girl saying, "I have a cat in my pants." then she laughed hysterically. I swear this girl SCARES me. lol.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have to choose? There are so, SO many! I was really into Linkin Park recently, and my friend asked if that was the adult cartoon show that was really stupid. I think she meant South Park, so I cracked up.

  • 1 decade ago

    "oooh, your a girl" said the policeman when he stopped me for speeding some years ago.

    I'm very obviously woman, hehe there are these things on my chest & i have long blonde hair. Thank goodness most men are not so dumb.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When my litlle boy was first born i had him totally dressed in a blue outfit complete with a little ball cap, & a lady asked me if it was a boy or a girl!!! OMG! Hello!

  • 1 decade ago

    God, I work as a clerk in a hotel/resort place with very, very OBVIOUS uniforms that say the name...People come up to me all the time and ask "Do you work here?"...grr.

    Or maybe when they know I work there, they ask "do you know where the bathrooms are?"...No, honey, they make us go outside behind one of those little bushes. Sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cats don't have 9 lives

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I said "I love the quesidias here." Then this girl said, "You aren't Mexican." And I was like, "So, I speak Spanish." She said, "I have been to Mexico!"

    And then she walks away.

    It was really stupid.

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