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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

serious question concerning limits on friendship?

I have a certain contact whom I addressed already over this issue. Everytime this contact answers a question they make it a point to say something about how many kids I have. I am not ashamed of my kids I had them because I wanted them. I have five kids, and have made it clear to everyone who knows me that I have five kids. I support them , am not on welfare and see to it they have what they need. When I come on here it is to unwind and have fun, I most certainly do act like a child in real life. I can not make out if this person is trying to let other know I have five kids so they will have no interest in me or if they are trying to be funny. I have asked them in a email to answer my question without involving my children and they continue to do so . Even If I ask a question that does not pretain to children at all. Am I be a cry baby ? Or would other get annoyed by this? If I ask why the sun does nto shine I night , my answer would be , well you have all those children to tend to .


I do nto find it funny anymore, so my question is am I reading to much into it? or am I being fair in saying that its not fun having a contact who you think is making fun of you for some strange reason?

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    They have crossed the line....


    When someone crosses your lines...

    You block them....

    If you went through the trouble of sending an email expressing your concerns and they have not the sensitivity to do comply with your wishes....then it is time to block...because that person is no longer acting as a friend.

    You are sunshine in my gloomy little life.....and you do not need that crap.....We are good parents you and I.... And as you said this is a place to unwind....Most everyone here -- at least my contacts know I have 2 boys....and unless I mention them in the question...they are left yours should be as well....

    I am so sorry someone is giving you a hard time...

    *SHAME ON THEM!!!*

    Peace be with you..

  • 1 decade ago

    You know what, I think you're reading a bit too much into it. I do it, too. I let strangers who have no idea about me, who don't know me at ALL, have an effect on me. What a waste of time...of precious space in my mind. You shouldn't let what this closed-minded person says or does bother you.

    GOOD for you for having five children who you LOVE and SUPPORT. I just got married and am coming to terms with the fact that I need to try to have children now. I'm think about it so much because I'm feeling anxious. Such a huge life step, leaving a part of me behind and starting on a new chapter.

    It's going to have to happen soon, if at all. People like you give me hope. There ARE people who care enough to raise good people. Thank you. And forget the insults, just remember the good stuff.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The second you tell me that I have crossed a line, or that something I said makes you the second I apologize and never, ever do so again. Family is out of bounds as far as I am concerned, unless you bring it up. That should never be in question, for you or anyone.

    I would say you have done what you could to explain. If this contact does not want to respect your wishes, then they should no longer be a contact. I consider my contacts friends, but no friend does things like that.

    I am sorry this is happening to you. You do not deserve this and I have tremendous respect for the way I know you love your family. They ALWAYS come first.

  • That's a hard one. For me I always take it personally when someone continues to do something I've requested they stop. How could it not p*ss me off? Maybe your request didn't register as serious (or at all). Hopefully by asking this question it will now.

    And who the hell wouldn't have interest in you because of the number of kids you have? I've thought you were awesome--- details, back-story, kids, hairy leg. Even your tendency to run crying hysterically from the room. Especially that, actually.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Be a duck and let it roll off your back. You have Tons of REAL admirers and I honestly think the fact you have so many children and still maintain a sense of Humor is Amazing! You are a Wonderful Person - let no one bring you down unless you are digging for your gold spandex!


    You rock!

    Source(s): IGNORE Negative People
  • 1 decade ago

    Wow! That really sucks! I mean, obviously, this person is a contact because you two connected on some level & here they are, dissin you! I would probably just block this person & go on being your funny self on here! I love your Q's & A's & would hate to see you stop! My sister also has 5 kids & she is TOTALLY immature to the point where I want to slap her sometimes. I think you're pretty damn cool!!

  • Starr
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You have every right to be annoyed. It sounds to me like they are acting like a totally insensitive douchebag. If you have already asked them in an email to stop mentioning your children and they keep doing so, then it seem to me like they are just being spiteful and petty. Block their @ss and don't give them a second thought.

  • 1 decade ago

    It can be solved easily. Block this person and make your network private.

    This person is not being respectful.

    P.S. You included the word, "friendship." Remember...This is a computer. You sound like a decent careful.

  • 1 decade ago

    kitten you are to sweet and fun to have a contact like that. your personal life is yours and when you come on here people need to respect that. your not digging at them calling them a ***** or something everytime u answer their questions

    Source(s): i would let them know that if it keeps up its better you guys not be contacts
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Crap like that can get old. If you've made your point clear, block the idiot. Life is too short and there's plenty of other things about you to make fun know I love you, right? ; )

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