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4 month old sleeping!?

My daughter is 4 months old.When she 3 months she was sleeping really well, sometimes sleeping through and sometimes only waking once.

Now she is 4 months her sleeping is really up and down, sometimes waking 2-3 times other times 5-10 times!

We have recently started weaning her on lil bit of baby rice which substains her hunger at day but not at night!

She is teething so could be that? or a growth spurt?

11 Answers

  • Dee L
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would suggest that you don't go to her as soon as she wakes up - if she wakes up and just lays there for a bit without crying she may well go back to sleep without you intervening.

    If she wakes up screaming then she isn't hungry - she's in pain - so she may have colic or teething.

    If she wakes up lays for a bit and then cries she is either too hot, needs her nappy changed, or is hungry.

    Personally I gave my baby the rice later in the evening rather than during the day as this helped with sleeping. At this age I gave my baby a feed every four hours with the last one at about 10.30.

    Source(s): 2 contented babies
  • 1 decade ago

    4 month olds don't have colic. Particularly when there wasn't an issue previous to this.

    Babies always go through sleep stages. 2 weeks ago, our 19 month old was waking up every 4 hours. It was a growth spurt. It's not uncommon and is actually normal for a baby to wake up at night well after they turn 2 years of age. Growth spurts, teething, illness, separation anxiety, etc.

    I change nothing about her routine and would never allow one of our babies to I nursed her back down. Since then, she has been sleeping all night again.

    As well, whenever there is a major change for them- new skills, new experiences, changes in the environment- they tend to wake up.

    It will pass...I promise!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well welcome to the world of parenting then!! They go through phases of sleeping ok then not really sleeping at all, right up to age 3!!! My son is 2 and half and still wakes through some night's, needing a drink of milk to get him back to sleep. Health visitors will tell you to ignore the crying and let them cry till they get bored and go back to sleep, but sometime's this is impossible and drives u insane!! I can't do controlled crying, never have done, in my opinion they just cry harder and louder and get into a state if you ignore them. You just have to find out what your baby wants, maybe just a cuddle then back to bed, or a drink, or maybe they have a tummy ache. It could be wind, or hunger, you will work it out eventually. They are all different so there is no right answer. As for the baby rice, and the weaning, I don't know wher you are, but in the uk they are now saying that you shouldn't give them any form of solids till 6 months cos they have a fragile digestive system and it's not ready till then. Good luck anyway...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    4 month old should be sleeping anywhere between 8 and 10 hrs a night. I put mine down around 8 and she takes a nap around 2 in the afternoon. Sometimes she still wakes up in the middle of the night, I just give her a couple of oz's of milk and she goes right back to sleep.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would say yes the only thing that messed up my baby's routine is when he started teething around 4 months he went from sleeping right through at 2 months to waking most nights once the tooth popped through he would be fine till the next one he's nine months old now and there still coming i just can not wait till he gets them all hes got 10 teeth now good luck they don't like change milestones always affect there sleep when my son was learnt how to crawl he didn't sleep well its just something new unsettles them as there used to routine

  • 1 decade ago

    i think it could be a number of things.

    my son is 7.1/2 months old and he goes through fazes where he will sleep really well maybe only waking up once through night then this week he started waking up between 4-5 time every night, and when 've tried to feed him hes been fussing.

    try her with some rice but i don't think it will work,my son has 3 meals a day.i think things will calm back down

  • 1 decade ago

    This really sounds as if she is teething. Before you put her down rub a little cream onto her gums.

    Never put food into a bottle as this is a serious chocking hazard. Also you said that you have started to wean your baby. Have you spoken to the health visitor about this as it maybe to early to start and she may have tummy pains. Talk to your health visitor and your doctor.

    Enjoy your child and remember this is only a phase and will soon pass.

    Source(s): Registered childminder
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like the teething but it's hard to say, maybe speak to your health visitor.

    Is she bringing up wind ok when you feed her. mine had problems and would wake with tummy pains. Try gripe water or something like it.

    Hope she sleeps through soon, gl


  • 1 decade ago

    Could be teething. Talk to her doctor. She might be sick. That always happened when my girls got sick. It was exhausting!

  • 1 decade ago

    put it down to teething!

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