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Jules asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Ladies, sensitive ? If you have had.. or know someone who has had an abortion.. any regrets?

No one needs to elaborate.. or tell "who" but if you, or someone you know has ever had an abortion.. do you/they have any regrets.. Why do you think your decision was morally right or wrong? This is for a Christian Poll.. Not looking for any "disclosures on a personal level" Looking for answers that adress regret, or your opinion of the act having been morally right or wrong. Thank you for your honesty and opionion..

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had one when I was 23...I'm 29 now. I don't regret it because it was right for me at the time. I was with someone emotionally and verbally abusive, and I would have had to stay with him because I didn't want and wasn't able to be a single mom. I don't have any close family, and I wanted more for my life than to live in a mill town with an uncaring man and no job or money. I'm now living across the country and doing well for myself.

    I guess at the time I just wanted to be out of the situation so I didn't really think about what it meant to have an abortion or whether it was "right" or "wrong". I still can't say what I think because it's different for everybody and it's a very personal decision. All I can say is that it was right for me at the time. Would it be right for me now? Probably not. If I had a baby now I know it would grow up in a loving home with every opportunity available to it, not growing up in poverty and abuse.

    I do still think about it from time to could I not? Sometimes I'll think, "Wow, I would have had a two year old now," or a 5 year old. I wonder if it would have been a boy or a girl and what it would have looked like. But ultimately I know it would have been a very unhappy life for both of us.

    I don't think anybody should judge what anyone else does (within reason of course) but with abortion it's a very grey area. There are definitely times I think abortion is wrong. For example, when people get multiple abortions b/c they just haven't bothered to use birth control, that's wrong. When people have money and resources (family etc) to help out and are in stable relationships I don't think it's right to have an abortion.

    I hope this helped

  • 5 years ago

    This issue is a incredibly heat subject count and individuals are very divided over it. there is ethical, ethic and non secular perspectives on it and it significant to debate . i'm professional-determination, although i would not personaly bypass with the aid of with an abortion. Being professional determination means which you bypass away the window open to having an abortion, and which you admire although determination the pregnant guy or woman makes. i think of abortion is an option for fetuses that may not stay after delivery( very severe delivery defects I.e: stay like a vegetable, bodily and mentaly) individuals that have been raped and people who do no longer opt to have babies. i do no longer think of abortion would want for use as a birth control approach, yet i think of this is a ideal a woman has over her physique. If abortion grow to be unlawful, it may nevertheless be finished and not controled , meaning that folk could be getting them later than 1st trimester... Adoption is often an option even though it brings a pair of entire new set of subject concerns including state investment, overpopulation, etc. it particularly is demanding to have an opinion on the issue once you're no longer interior the region in keeping with se , yet I truthfully have been there for a pair of pals an it is not an common factor to bypass with the aid of. although a woman makes a decision, it particularly is her determination yet you reside with it and you would be able to desire to under no circumstances sense sorry approximately with the intention to do it... and attempt to do it advert quickly as attainable .. Fetuses do improve early and quickly!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I never have, and hope to whatever's up there that my contraception never fails me and I never need one; but I know I would have no qualms in having an abortion if I were to become pregnant.

    My O/H & I do not have the financial means to support a child at this moment; and when we do I am making the right choice and not reproducing so that I do not bring another child into this forsaken country, and world.

    I would much rather spend my time and money on myself, my partner, family, friends and pets; as well as keep my figure and my current level of continence.

    I would much rather keep my figure and continue to feel good about myself; than have a child & spend every day wishing I didn't as I now hate the way I look and don't have the time or money to do anything about it.


    Sorry, I have to disagree with "Cappy29" - being in a stable relationship & having money and other resources doesn't matter if you don't want children, not wanting children is the overriding factor.

  • 1 decade ago

    I did- I did it because if my family would've found out I was pregnant and unmarried (and 20), that I thought I would have "disgraced" them. Had I to do it all over again, I would've kept my baby and had the guts to say, "I don't care what you think" and would've done the right thing. I think it was morally wrong to do something like that.

    I do know that, while I dont advocate pregnancy before being in a commited relationship (commited enough to embrace marriage), if the same situation happened to my daughter, I would not want her to feel the shame that I did. I'd have the "real" christian attitude of being supportive, loving, and finding a way through it. That's what God would REALLY want.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You may want to actually type this question under the Religion section (think there might be a Christian section). Not all of us are Christian, and it IS a sensitive topic.

    I just come here to find out if someone thinks burping out loud in a public place is rude or matters concerning RSVP. Wasn't expecting a question on abortion.

  • 1 decade ago

    A girl I went to school with had one.She had missed one pill and got pregnant.She wanted to go to college,and she knew this was not the time to have a child.As far as I knew she never regretted it.I haven't seen her since I finished school,but I'm sure she made the right decision.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know of a couple of ladies that have had one, and both say they had no regrets. They both were in terrible relationships, it it was best for them to terminate their pregnancies.

    One felt that having their child would've severely altered their life for the worse. The other one knew they did not want to have children and tried their best to keep from getting pregnant, and they still did.

    Mind you, both of these women are still adamantly pro-choice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe they regret not using protection, maybe they regret the guy doesn't want to marry them, maybe they regret they aren't old enough to be mothers yet. Yes.

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