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Would you give up on a relationship if you had ineffective communication?

I personally feel that it is imparative to have and do not want to live my life in "misery" on daily struggles. I can admit my faults and apologize when convinced that I did something, but expect the same. The only problem is that she won't admit that she jumps to conclusions and completes my sentences for me and that is what makes me upset, when I try to bring it to her attention---oh, no, it's not her fault---all mine. If she does admit it---she is only patronizing me. I take "jabs" at her, but she is more vindictive and spiteful when mad.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, for if I cannot communicate and we cannot resolve the issue, remaining together is torture

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like there is a problem. I don't know what point you are at in your, committed, engaged, married? If you are anything more than dating, and you, aside from this, love this person and can see yourself with her for life or at least for a long time, esp if there might eventually be kids, perhaps you might try counseling. There is a great deal that can be fixed by just changing your/her approach and communication method, and gaining understanding of each other. So if she has everything else you want in a woman but this, I would try to work on it. If it's not that great on top of this, I'd give up and move on, you are right, the day to day would be too hard. Good luck and best wishes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Communication for any relationship is a big deal. Have you tryed to approch her in anoter way. Telling her in a sit down hear to heart the way it makes you feel. Not just telling her you do this and I don't like it.

    Like when she finnishes your sentences. Have you sat down with her with out being angery or anything like that. And say hun sweetness or what ever you call her You know hun It really bothers me that you finnish my sentences when I am talking. I know you don't always think you do that but to me it feels like you do. And when you do this I don't feel like and fill in the blank like you may think of it as a lack or respect for you or what ever it makes you feel. And share your actuall feelings with her and not just tell her what she is doing wrong.

    Open up to her with your feelings. That is also a trust builder. It show that you can sit down and emotionaly open up to her and not just point out faults. But open up and really share why it make you feel the way you do.

    Also some woman may feel like they are disapointing their man and that is why they wont admit wrongs. That means they have to admit to them selves that have made a mistake and have been disapointing and disrespectful.

    Well you are right communication is a key thing and so is coming to an understanding of each others feelings. So if you two can do both that will be great. So not only communicate in a more effective loving way but be understanding of her and her feelings as well.

    Good luck hope this is a help

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course it's imperative to have effective communication in ANY type of relationship. Ask yourself a question, do you try to "over power" her when you try to get your point across? That would put any woman on the defense. It is scary to have a man that towers over you raising his voice and flailing his hands through the air trying to make you "see" his point and agree with it. Do you ever give her a chance to get a word in edgewise? The current stresses that are affecting your life and hers will play a part in that to. Have you considered that?

    And the jabs you take at her...don't you think that hurts her too and gets old? Women can only take so much of that. The relationship didn't start out that way......what has happened to change it? Are you totally innocent of doing and saying things that hurt her? Are you cruel in your methods of communication? What about common courtesy and respect, or maybe even disrespect? and what is it that she has done that was vindictive and spiteful? Does she trash you to her friends and tell old BF's she loves them? You don't love her, so how do you think that affects her when she sees that type of stuff coming from you? Sometimes when you give and give and then get slapped in the face it hurts, and communication shuts down. When you hurt someones feelings, then you shouldn't have to be "convinced" that you did something wrong. Peoples feelings are valid and are not subject to whether you agree with them or not. Compromise must come from both sides. What has she given up for you? Now what have you given up for her? If you really believe you are faultless, then maybe you should move on. She was fine before you, and she'll be fine after you. Then maybe someday she'll meet someone who truly have the capability to love her and not run her thru an 18 month trial period of tests and bashes to see how she will handle it. Step out of YOUR box for a second and put yourself in her place. Try for just a moment to see how she might be feeling. She has obviously put herself in your shoes and had enough compassion for you and your situation to put herself out there and do what she did for you. That means SHE cares about YOU. Don't allow your frustration over the situation you are in to cause you to take it out on her. Find another outlet for your anger. Lastly....ask yourself honestly why you are in this relationship? Do you REALLY care for her? Or is it a relationship of convenience due to your circumstance? If the answer is the latter.....then you should go.

    Source(s): Living it right now.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think that if communication is not established in any relationship it may be the cause of that relationship to possibly cease to exist.

    Being able to admit that you are wrong at times, is an essential

    part of the love and trust you share with each other.

    Working to bring this type of communication into a relationship is imperative if you have any hope of being together.

    If you both can not do this, then you may as well move on.

    Source(s): Just from my own experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would not stay in a situations like that because when you think in 5 years from now could you be okay being the bad guy.... and if you cannot tell eachother faults now what makes you think you will later..."You cannot change anyone!!"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try reading this free e-book called 97 steps to a happy relationship. I've read it (a while ago) and I still think about the advice given in it.

  • 1 decade ago

    YES!!!!! If there's anything I've learned over the last 15 years it's that ineffective communication is only curable if both people realize it's a problem. I spent too long being the only one trying to "fix" the lack of communication and at the end of it all I keep asking myself who the bigger idiot was, him for being stupid or me for recognizing he was stupid and still trying to have intelligent "grown-up" conversations with him? Please, get out with your sanity while you can.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had a relationship like that once. I got a divorce, life has been way more pleasant since then.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It would depend on if kids are involved. If it were just me, and I were miserable, yeah, I'd leave...but if you really love eachother, you might try counseling or something.

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