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030809 asked in Business & FinanceCredit · 1 decade ago

How can I up my credit score?

My credit score used to be 714, now it is 611. I was fighting with my credit card company and refused to pay the bill. STUPID let me tell you, and never again will I do that. Anyways. Its 611 and I want to sell the house I have now, and buy a new one ... the fact that my score is 611 is going to lower my pre approved morgage loan. I don't want that. We are going to wait a month or two untill I go for it. Now what can i do in the mean time to UP the score. I heard that if you apply for a credit card and get the card your score will go up 21 points, I also heard that if you make a payment it goes up another 35 points. Is this true? What else can I do. All my debts are paid for. I pay all my bills on time and have taken care of my two credit cards. Witch I have no more. Advice, help? Thank you. I would like to get it up to 700+ by June if that is possible??


My credit is all pay'd off and all bills are always paid on time LIKE I ALREADY SAID.

Update 2:

I have NO credit cards. Just the one. I pay'd that off a year ago. I want to get a new credit card, just incase I should ever need it. Its not that I don't have money because I do I put at leat 2 grand a month into my savings the most 3. That away I can pay for everything all at once for re-modeling purposes. I pay all my bills a week in advance. I never pay them late. I talked to the lady at the real estate agency and she said that I have a PERFECT morgage payment ... I never missed the only thing that SCREWED me was the hole me refusing the pay the credit card. Thats because the lady said I had NO CHARGES ... then I had charges on there after I canceled and I didn't use my card. But it shows they were charges that didn't show up yet on my card, so the lady should have been more clear. Its also my fault because I should have just pay'd it and been done with it. She said it was just because of the hole credit card thing that screwed me.

Update 3:

AND I only put on my credit card, what I can pay off right away. Unless its a project then I just make sure I can pay half one month and the rest the next month.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    just from my own experience I would say the only thing to do is pay on time, pay more than the mininum, preferably as much as you can afford, cut out unnecessary spending. It will take a couple years to get your score up to 700 again unless you have something outstanding that you either pay off or something deliquent 7 years old falls off.

    I guess one thing you can try is applying for a card , and putting some small purchases on it but you need to pay it off in full each month but even there you're gonna be rebuilding for a couple years most likely

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't apply for any more credit! If you apply for more credit it will not only hurt your beacon score but it will also really make the mortgage company start asking questions (why is she wanting all of this credit so suddenly; she clearly can't live within her means)!

    To get your score up I would recommend:

    1. You pay off any delinquent accounts.

    2. Pay off any credit cards or at least pay them down to 65% of the limit (you have a $100.00 credit limit * 65% = $65.00 would be your new acceptable balance).

    And pay all your current bills on time. Don't close any accounts or open any new ones! BAD thing to do. Keep in mind also that creditors only update your credit bureau every 3, 6, 9 or 12 months!

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't apply for any new credit cards - it will actually hurt your score as it will lower the age of your accounts and show that you are seeking new credit. Instead, try to get the credit card company that you had the dispute with to retract any derogatory remarks, and put down that you paid on time.

    You may want to contact your existing cards and see if they are willing to increase your credit limit.

    Barring getting that credit card company to change its characterization of your payment history, it's not likely that you can increase your score to above 700 in a couple of months. Basically, it will take time for the bad remark to affect your score less and finally to disappear off the credit report completely.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I'm confident that you will find every financial answer at=

    RE How can I up my credit score?

    My credit score used to be 714, now it is 611. I was fighting with my credit card company and refused to pay the bill. STUPID let me tell you, and never again will I do that. Anyways. Its 611 and I want to sell the house I have now, and buy a new one ... the fact that my score is 611 is going to lower my pre approved morgage loan. I don't want that. We are going to wait a month or two untill I go for it. Now what can i do in the mean time to UP the score. I heard that if you apply for a credit card and get the card your score will go up 21 points, I also heard that if you make a payment it goes up another 35 points. Is this true? What else can I do. All my debts are paid for. I pay all my bills on time and have taken care of my two credit cards. Witch I have no more. Advice, help? Thank you. I would like to get it up to 700+ by June if that is possible??

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What you heard about "quick bumps" to your credit score is NOT true. A long history of on-time payment is what raises your score, along with a good debt-to-limit ratio.

    Source(s): T T
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here is a article on how to increase your score, plus other good reading material.

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