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Lv 5
Rainy asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsCancer · 1 decade ago

How much debt would you put your family in for Cancer treatment ?

there is no guarranty that the cancer can be removed or cured and you may die anyway . . insurance will only pay 75% after a 5000.00 deductible for prescriptions and care. What would you do ?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    read and be cured like alot of my friends have for a fraction of the cost

  • 1 decade ago

    most people would pay anything. You can't buy a new car for $5000, so isn't a person worth more than that? not saying it won't be tough but hopsitals can set up payment plans and refer pts for financial councelling. you can ask businesses for donations and do a theme basket benefit to cover the $5000. might get hall donated too. recently had one for friend w cancer and they raised over $30,000. also for $100 you can have tickets printed for a monthly 50/50 split raffle ticket based on the daily lottery numbers. for $5/ticket,sell all 1000 tickets and you've got your deductible covered.

    So there are things that can be done and I at least believe a life is worth more than $5000.

    having said that, if I KNEW I was terminal and had a very limited time to live, I think I'd forgo the treatment and just enjoy what time I had left. If you have less than a year, why spend that time suffering through treatment.

    Source(s): living with treatable cancer and racking up the medical bills.
  • 1 decade ago

    Look at it from the families' perspective - what would they give up to try to help the person with cancer?

    I would've given up everything I own if it would have helped my mother.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    READ: The Allopathic Cancer Conspiracy


    Then think about trying this:

    New studies on the benefits of onion juice for eliminating cancer have just been concluded by researchers at Cornell University, confirming what we have been saying all along - onion juice will cure your cancer. What they are still not understanding is how the onions should be administered to effectuate the greatest benefits in eliminating your cancer. Find out the proper procedures for onion juice treatment at

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  • 1 decade ago

    None, I'm not American. We have universal healthcare.

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