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Given the evidence concerning mothers with asthma and breastfeeding, do you think there may be an autism link?

The latest studies on breastfeednig and asthma confirm that mothers with asthma who breastfeed raise the risk of the child having severe asthma by 6 - 9 x's over the children of mothers with asthma who formula feed. The composition of the breastmilk is different (lacking in long chain fatty acids and containing markers that apparently trigger asthma genes). Given this do you think there is a possibility that the same holds true for autism? We know that autism in the past has been under diagnosed because the symptoms weren't recognized. Is it possible that mothers with mild undiagnosed autism are triggering more severe autism in their children by breastfeeding?



asthma: very well researched by reputible researchers. THis is pretty well verified, for mothers with asthma.

(if you are going to post studies showing different please first verify that maternal asthma was used as a primary factor)

Update 2:

you used Oddy! never used maternal asthma as a primary, secondary or even tertiary factor. Google Dr. Anne Wright instead.

Update 4:

(Dr. Wright actually started with the premise that breastfeeding was a protectant for family history of asthma, and was very shocked when the results showed differently (she was even the keynote speaker at National La Leche talking about respiratory benefits of breastfeeding, before the results started showing up. The Tucson Study is the largest and most controlled and longest term study on breastfeeding and asthma/atopic is funded by the NIH and is being done in conjunction with National Jewish Research Center and Hospital (top hospital and research center in world for respiratory disorders. )

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I totally SUPPORT breastfeeding and am aware of all the benefits.

    "A longer duration of breastfeeding appears to be protective against the development of asthma and wheeze in young children. More public health efforts should be directed toward increasing the initiation and duration of breastfeeding." (Teresa To, PhD, Population Health Sciences, The Hospital for Sick Children)

    But I've done some research and these links below APPARENTLY support the asker's statement:

    "After adjustment for age, gender, parental smoking status, and parental history of asthma, a significantly higher prevalence of asthma was noted among children who had been breastfed .... The results indicated that breastfeeding in infancy might be related to the higher prevalence of asthma during preadolescence." (The Tokorozawa Childhood Asthma and Pollinosis Study)

    "Prolonged breastfeeding appears to promote healthy lung development in most children, but it may increase the risk of asthma in babies born to mothers with the respiratory disease, new research suggests." (WebMD Medical NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDNov. 1, 2007)

    but IMPORTANTLY, the article ALSO says:

    " 'There is no question that breastfeeding is the way to go for the first three months of life,' he (Homer A. Boushey, Jr., MD) says.

    He adds that keeping asthma under control with adequate medication while breastfeeding is also critical. Many women limit or stop using inhaled corticosteroids during this time because they believe the treatment could harm their baby."

    Ok, this one is about Autism...

    “Breastfeeding, Infant Formula Supplementation, and Autistic Disorder: the Results of a Parent Survey.

    "The results of this preliminary study indicate that children who were not breastfed or were fed infant formula without docosahexaenoic acid/arachidonic acid supplementation were significantly more likely to have autistic disorder. "

    and one more...

    "Autistic children often have chronic health problems, including recurrent infections and respiratory problems, allergies and chemical sensitivities, and digestive problems. Numerous studies have documented that breastfeeding strengthens the immune system, protects the gastrointestinal system, and protects against food allergies. These health benefits continue for as long as the child is breastfed, and in many cases continue well into adulthood." (American Academy of Pediatrics 1997)

    THERE, you have all the information now.

    Keep in mind that all of those are still "studies", which is why they have not been published as a "known facts" (unlike all the benefits of breast milk, which is already a "known fact").

    Source(s): I'm breastfeeding right now, and I'm only providing the above links as information. Please don't kill the messenger... ^_^ And please do read the articles before you kill me with your little thumbs...
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Cure Your Asthma Permanently -
  • 5 years ago

    Here's the thing, the chemical that allegedly induced autism, Methyl Mercury, is now not observed in vaccinations, it used to be banned a long time in the past. Autism, nonetheless, is on the upward push. One would recall it could be anything else. Try and stop your self from coming into the mindset "if a be taught does not accept as true with my already held beliefs, it's mistaken". Science is set difficult these, and really in most cases gets disregarded in favor of essentially the most sensational possible outcome. Bear in mind that the identical persons who are supplying you with the 'photographs intent autism' argument additionally tell you not to use aerosols due to the fact of the ozone destroying CFCs (banned in the 70s), and that you shouldn't ever purchase tuna given that it kills dolphins (a different hindrance laws handled). There are greater fad disorders out there, but i don't wish to sidetrack the entire debate. Now, you've gotten, I feel, already made your decision to now not get vaccinations. I can only wish your child just right good fortune. Preserve in intellect, it could no longer be as profitable an enterprise, however the production and sale of sensational books with no foundation actually is a far older and simply as booming a business as any drug corporation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have 4 children the 1 st one I breast feed until she was 3 years she never was sick nor did she ever get a ear infection until she was 5 years old, my 2nd who is my 7yr old son was breast for 2 months and bottled/formula the rest he had constant ear infections. My daughter the 1st child has mild asthma which she was diagnosed at about 6 yrs and they say it is do to her allergies , my 2nd my son has allergies bad but no asthma. My last 2 are my 6 month old boy and girl twins the boy is all breast the girl is bottled/formula fed so far they are both healthy even they were premature. I myself didn't develop asthma until I was in my early 20's and it is do to severe allergies. I dont really think you can pass these things from breastfeeding but I do believe allergies are inherited. I think if this case were true there would be so many sick kids with autism and asthma scary thought. As long as my daughter and I take our allergy medicine/shot our asthma doesn't seem to be so bad. Hm mm!! I shall hope this isn't the case. My mom breast fed all 7 of us kids and I'm the baby and the only child with asthma. Interesting very interesting...

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I feel your pain. I've had asthma for 14 years now and have seen several doctors. The truth is, there is no known cure for asthma at the moment. But the symptoms can be prevented. It really depends on what causes your brother's asthma. Mine is usually dust and hot weather. But I think the universal method is using the control inhaler.

    I cured my Asthma the natural way?

  • liz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have severe asthma and have breastfed both of my children. They are perfectly health. No problems. I would think that would be true for austism either. One study that comes out doesn't meant that it is necessarily true. You should read 10-20 different opinions before coming to a solid conclusion. It is so hard to know what to believe now a days. There a several studies that come out, but that doesnt mean that there is scientific proof to back up what they are saying.

  • SoBox
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That makes absolutely no sense. Oh yes, children get autism from breastfeeding. Not long ago, there were studies trying to prove that formula feeding can lead to autism - which I still personally do not believe.

    You know, many children with autism rode in cars when they were babies. Maybe cars cause autism. Oh, and many of them peed their pants. Maybe wetting oneself causes autism. Oh, and don't even get me started on my theory about the link between being cooed at by strangers and autism!

    My son was breastfed for well over a year. I have severe allergies; he has none. And neither of us has autism. But then again, my child is a human, not a rat.

    Source(s): Friend of a woman whose formula - fed son has autism. The child would have had autism whether he had been breastfed or formula - fed.
  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, you're mistaken. There is no link between breastfeeding and asthma. A mother can't pass asthma through her breast milk. Breastfeeding REDUCES the risk of asthma and allergies in a baby!

  • -
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think you've just pulled a string of sentences out of your a**.

    Where is this study -- please provide a link.

    Everything I have read indicates a child is less likely to have asthma when breastfed --


    Breast milk lowers risk of baby developing asthma

    A number of studies have linked lack of breastfeeding to asthma. According to one study, six year old children were more likely to have asthma if they had not been exclusively breastfed for at least 4 months.

    Oddy W.H., et al BMJ 1999;319:815-819 ( 25 September )


    You don't pass on autism through breast milk either -- that is ridiculous.


    Edit -- Haha, based from a study of rats.... get real.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Got a link for that "confirmation"?

    All I can find is

    "Our results suggest that dietary n-6 PUFA are not as readily transferred into breast milk or incorporated into serum phospholipids, but may be utilized for other purposes, such as eicosanoid precursors, in allergic/atopic individuals. Subsequently, high dietary proportions of n-6 PUFA, or reduced proportions of regulatory PUFA, such as -linolenic acid and n-3 PUFA, may be a risk factor for the development of atopic disease."

    which confirms that a study was done, and...not much else.

    edit: from your own links: "This association of longer exclusive breastfeeding with increased risk of reported asthma among children with asthmatic mothers may be biologically based, or may reflect reporting biases."

    "But children with allergies who had been breastfed by a mother with asthma have a significantly higher risk for developing asthma than allergic children of asthmatic mothers who were not breastfed."

    That isn't confirming "that mothers with asthma who breastfeed raise the risk of the child having severe asthma."

    But interesting stuff nonetheless.

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