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Lv 5
Ken asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Why does the obsession with Al Gore, by doubters, continue?

I seldom, if ever, see links to Al Gore's web-site to provide evidence that supports the theory of global warming. Instead, I see people like Bob, Dana, JS, d/dx d/dy d/dz, Alan J, gcnp58, etc. post links to actual scientific literature and respected scientific research organizations.

If we were all going around saying "Al Gore said ...", then I'd understand the attacks on Gore. But Gore is insignificant to the truth/falsity of global warming. And only someone ignorant of the climate science community would think he's the source of any evidence for global warming.

So, doubters, why do you continue to attack Gore? Do you really think that if everyone agreed Gore was a lying sack of sh** who's only in this for money, that would somehow disprove the science and eliminate the IPCC reports on global warming?


Heretic - I never voted for the guy either (had 3 chances). The only reason I ask this question (not the first time it's been asked) is because of a recent spike in Al Gore criticism questions by a new batch of doubters. It's ludicrous noise and I'm confident this group would be better if Al Gore were never mentioned (but that won't happen).

Update 2:

Mark Anthony - Christy agrees AGW is real. So he's in my camp on this issue :-)

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This same question plagues me! I've posted numerous links to scientific research by reputable organizations -- which obviously many people don't read. I've not *once* cited Gore as my source (I don't even know much about what he says!) but without fail some fool can be *counted* on to strike back with an attack on Gore. They obviously don't realize they're showcasing their ignorance on the entire subject when they talk about him as if he were the one to start the concern about climate change, not realizing there's been talk about it for decades!

    Reasonable people provide links to *science* resources, as you pointed out, because they know that science is the only way we can find out answers to questions about causes and dangers.

    Unreasonable people don't care about the science, don't know what it says, won't read it, don't even know what science is about, don't understand your question, won't understand this answer, and/or may not even be able to direct their little one-track minds out of the political arena or out of self-delusion. They just jab and bit** and derogate and then go back to their lives feeling smug and probably forgetting the whole thing.

    Meanwhile rational, responsible, concerned people *continue* to invest their time and thought toward learning the facts as they come in, and do what is necessary to take care of things -- including ultimately saving doubters' sorry asses, just as it happened with ozone depletion and the earlier awareness-raising about pollution.

    Many disbelievers are typically selfish, self-righteous arrogant bores who think they (in their hour or day of reading, perhaps, and often their inability to grasp the science) are privy to something hundreds of relevant scientists have missed! Astonishing... and revolting.

    To be fair, I know a few intelligent, thoughtful, caring people who (to my surprise) are not yet convinced of the human contribution to climate change, and who do not resort to attacking Gore, or to even considering his viewpoint in making up their minds. But the others probably fall back on attacking him because that's one of the few weapons in their mental arsenal, and (for the ones who aren't too lazy to investigate for themselves) they've found they have comparatively few voices in the science community supporting them. A cornered animal will lash out with whatever they have. So will an ignorant human ostrich with an agenda, such as a need to save face.

    People who lack knowledge of -- and therefore respect for -- the rigors of science see the growing consensus as just another opinion, particularly one which (they assume) can be bought out or misrepresented. There is no way this can happen in the competitive peer-reviewed *worldwide* climate-science community, but they don't get that (partially due to the blinding effect of fervent nationalism) and are biased more, therefore, by the *politics* Al Gore represents to them. Again it's often about saving face; they cannot admit to concurrence with someone outside their own political affiliations. (I'd have no such bias even without my respect for science, since I have no party affiliation.)

    As for the opinions of non-American scientists: "Uhhhh....Huh?... there's stuff outside America? [insert Beavis & Butthead laugh]"

    When you think about it, attacking Al Gore is a perfectly natural response for simple minds who know nothing and/or are too lazy to learn and/or too stubborn to give up being argumentative despite realizing they have little credible support.

    Wouldn't it be nice if they -- and only they -- had to pay the price for their lack of responsibility, thought, reason and of care for other people and other life?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Global Warming became a global political issue and the movie he produced is the foundation for this. Any time politics is entered into science this is what happens. The bad thing about this, is it can change the role science. The debate is now lost and science loses validity.

    The Great Global Warming Swindle documentary, Christy is quoted as saying, "I've often heard it said that there's a consensus of thousands of scientists on the global warming issue and that humans are causing a catastrophic change to the climate system. Well I am one scientist, and there are many that simply think that is not true."[6]

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer is simple, deniers are making no headway against the science, they makeup one silly theory after the other to little effect, the science of global warming is quite sound. So they try to pick on Gore instead sort of shoot the messenger.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    what's extra exciting is the obsession with the "average" believers in worldwide warming to downplay the importance of Gore. Gore, who has no formal practise in technology substitute into particularly waiting to to realize worldwide warming is a important difficulty lengthy before maximum formal scientists did, in all risk which comprise the meant climate scientists in this board who wimp out in protecting Gore, as though by using giving into the Denier bullies they are showing fairness & stability. maximum strange are the non-scientists here who say people shouldn't hear to Gore by using fact he's no longer a scientist--clueless they are implying that they should not be listened to the two. EDIT <<Al Gore? His presentation substitute into as boring as his political occupation. innovations on climate technology shouldn't shouldn't come from politicians or third Viscount's of Brenchley. they ought to come from experts of their field. one million day in the past >> it is strictly what i substitute into speaking approximately. the guy I only quoted saud we ought to continuously in elementary terms hear to experts interior the sector. yet in different posts he has given techniques, even nonetheless he's no longer an authority interior the sector!

  • 1 decade ago

    To be blunt, it's their only option. They can't argue the scientific evidence, because it supports AGW, so they have to engage in ad hominem attacks. Al Gore is the easiest target. You've seen their efforts to attack James Hansen and RealClimate - they're pathetic.

    Not only is Al Gore irrelevant to this discussion, but their attacks on him aren't even valid most of the time. They criticize Gore for having a big energy consuming home, but at least he's taken steps to make it as environmentally friendly as possible.;_ylt=Aht1A...

    They claim the British judge ruled that 'An Inconvenient Truth' was inaccurate, when in reality he ruled the film was "substantially founded upon scientific research and fact."

    And climate scientists have confirmed the accuracy of the basic science in the film.

    So I really think it says a lot that the best they can do is engage in unsubstantiated attacks against an irrelevant figure. But you are correct - those of us well versed in the science of global warming always reference scientific literature and virtually never even mention Gore.

    The 'skeptics' simply have no other choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    Al gore is most noticed out of all the global warming believers. He made the movie, he ran for president. So.. why not?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    people made a choice a few years ago, maybe some of them now have a sneaking suspicion they made the wrong one? nothing like feeling silly to make a person defensive/agressive....

    and he is smart rather than pretty, that never goes down well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have been forced to the conclusion that it is a sexual fixation of some kind, although these days Lord Monckton seems to be tickling their fancies a bit. Scoot over Al, you have competition!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Please remember you ask this question. I never really cared for the man from the beginning(pre GW). He fitted my criteria for a Charlatan, and I never considered him to be of any consequence or value.

    Edit: It does get old, almost a sleeping pill.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because his stupid movie is the one being pushed into schools to indoctrinate our youth instead of this one:

    The Truth About Climate Change:

    and this one:

    Global Warming Hysteria Debunked - Scientists Ignored:

    which prove that he is misleading the people to believe his false claims to support his own agenda.

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