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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 decade ago

I'm 20 years old, i really like this girl, but i justt cant tell if she feels the same towards me?

met this girl at the gym bout 2 months ago, for the next 3 days, she IMs me, leaves me facebook comments, says she wants to hang out MULTIPLE TIMES, sends me her number without me even asking for it. We hang out, i try to make a move, after i kissed her once, she turned her head. I apologized 2 weeks later and she said its fine. She hadnt contacted me at all in the next few weeks(while i had been tryin to), only time was when she saw me at church on easter sunday, and as soon as mass was over she texted me saying I JUS SAW U, HAPPY EASTER. so i saw her at the gym lasweek and she kept following me around kinda (not in a bad way) and wanted me to go to grocery store with her? anyway, she asked me get coffe last weekend, so we went and it was good. STILL, she never contacts me first like she used to BEFORE we hung out?Las week i see her at the gym again, AS SOOON as she sees me she goes I BEEN TRYIN GET UR ATTENTIONN BUT U DIDNT HEAR ME, IF U DIDNT DO ABS YET, U WANA COME DO THEM WITH Me


she has been telling me the past month that she has had problems at home because her Grandma(whom lives with her) keeps going in and out of the hospital and its making her fam kinda crazy, and i do believe her but i still think shes acting kinda strange. Andd just 2 days ago she texted me askin me if i was going to the gym today because she wanted to go on the elliptical with me. I mean she obviously knows that im interested in her, so if she jus wanted to be friends, wouldnt she have just backed off by now?

and then todayyy she IMed me and i dindt answer then she textedd me askin me what i did las night. so we texted each other back and forth a bit then she saiD she was goin to the gym tomoorow morning and that she wanted me to go? so idk she seems interested but im just not sure

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Easy ask her out..... Best way to know if she likes you or not, if your shy do it where the two of you are alone or even on-line!

    Try it u might be surprised........

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    she might like y ou but shy one day ask her out for a coffee after you gym and then have a chat with her see what happens from there

  • 1 decade ago

    ignore her...

    that will drive her crazy for you...

    wear brut cologne and stand in front of her in church...

    haha...sorry i couldnt help it...i was just joeKing...

    the obvious asnswer is like the others so kindly replied is to AKS HER...

    if you dont ask you dont get...

    remember that in life son...

  • Boss
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Just ask.. Some times... once you ask.. they feel the same way..

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  • 1 decade ago

    ask her

  • 1 decade ago

    tough one, no idea.

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