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The Afro American culture is viewed as dysfunctional, but a closer look of slavery may prove why, u believe...

It's also known that hardships can rapidly alter a community's unique culture, which can also be passed on. Jewish communities adopted closer knit families and a fear of disease and sickness after the holocaust, yet, they were generally able to rehabilitate and regain forward progress, but what about other cultures? The African American culture is viewed by many to be dysfunctional, but a closer look at the beginnings of slavery, activities practiced during slavery, and the effects that still remain, might prove to be beneficial in determining why this may be the case! Do you believe that the blacks in the community are still affected by what happened 400 years ago!? You think being torn from your family back in the day is the reason for broken families now? Is there a correlation?

Opinion is greatly need here.. thanks...

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well, as an African...i don't really know, but i can add my 2 cents. i don't know a lot about Africans Americans History and neither do Africans Americans know my History. we 'africans' r still having problems 2day b/c of the white supremacy in our countries. they started it years and years ago...our countries will never be free till the western take their A$$ off and go back! every Africans know it and we can't deny u think we want to fight and want to still poor?!?

    NO!we can't control the goverment...the goverment control when it's under the "white men" supremacy we'll never be free.Now, we come to the US and try to do our best! why can't Africans Americans do it 2?!? it's not like all of them don't study or whatever but why can't they?!? we all "blacks' as a all, have been under the reign of the "white men"..what we have to do now , is move on with our lives. we can't still blame on the white men..while there public schools for evrybody not matter the race..only 10% of those white kids in school all have higher grades than the 70% of black kids in there. in my school, most of the Honors and AP classes i'm taking, r w/ white students... even though they represent the 10%. most of the girls there have their babies 2. those that means they 're fu**ing up just b/c of slavery? i don't know.. or it's just b/c some of them don't really know the meaning of life..while some know it, u c them becoming doctors and stuff.

    Source(s): In my AP (advancement placement) calculus class we have 5 blcks. that include me, my lil brother and 3 AA. And u c them teachers making difference between us and AA,,,my friends say we A, r different then AA b/c of our attitudes and behavior blah blah blah. I know we r not the same but at some point we're Blcks. if we Africans can manage to break free even though we're still under the "white men" supremacy, why can't AA? yes. there is still racism, but it depend on us to prove 2 them that we're capable to do whatever they can do. when i came here, i was really confused by the attitudes of AA, by blaming all to the white men.while in Africa we know they r 1 causing trouble there...but we blame it to our presidents 4 letting them take control of our gov. i know it does hurt to not know ur father family was killed...the only person who left alone was my grandpa...and tha's why i'm here 2day.
  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, the African American Community has been dysfunctional for a number of reasons but especially due to slavery. Broken families not just missing fathers but children taken from mothers, fathers and mothers seperated from each other and then from their children. Unlike the Jewish community, there was also no economic, nor educational opportunities unless the community made it themselves. Look at American inventions that we still use today-created by slaves but never afforded the recognition. Everything in your life is relative-that is not to say that we cannot excel, it's just to say I understand the dysfunction. Some of us don't see or even want to relate. Maybe if we took a stronger, harder look at ourselves on a larger scale we could combat the dysfuction within our own community. Including the conditioning of darker skinned tones vs lighter skinned tones-we're all still Black so why can't we just appreciate our Blackness and move forward-FOR ME BLACK IS STILL VERY BEAUTIFUL and believe it or not we are a very intelligent people with a lot to offer society!

  • 5 years ago

    I dont think so, we humans evolved to such a point were we experience dominion over the animals, if they didnt want to be eaten they would of evolved and become more powerfull and less able to kill, instead they submitted to man and became what they are today becuase of us. And I think that the population of earth needs to learn respect for there fellow man before they will stop eating meat. There are far more worse crimes than meat eating in the world. Only when the human race becomes a peacfull race then we may stop eating meat. Untill then ill have the porterhouse steak welldone with diane sauce.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay if you locked your kid up for 40 years and then brought him back out into society would you expect him to catch up in 3 years or would it be a struggle? People got to realize that the effects of slavery still linger alot of violence in the black community is due to poverty and lack of education why, because more than likely ancestors grandparents were discrimanted against and not aloud to go to school. So kids in the black community don't see the results of education. I think blacks should get free education and not Affirmative Action for what whites did to our families

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well of course the past affects us today if slavery wouldn't have happened I wouldn't be alive right now but only low income blacks are dysfunctional and that is only 24.7 percent of the community less than a quarter so think about it people's views of our culture come from the media because most don't know any blacks personally so they believe the bullshit they see on tv

  • 1 decade ago

    I think life is action and reaction like chemistry. The flow can be reason in the sense that pressures positive and negative render uniqueness as cases that is always changing in the truth of being. Awareness perceive moment by moment changes of the high performance of existence. Any case of life act and react accorded to it's agency as an element or compound state. States of being can be reason and felt as human culture as people create methods such history, math and other tool to read, write and calculate rendering meanings to use. People develop politics, as a tool, from the ways that they are condition from pressured to live or die. Acknowledge human was invented from nature to be the agent to be the spirit that any stuff of being evolve to be moment by moment of time and space. Life is energy that is simply of exchange. People fears, courage and bravery are their articulation to be understood as chemistry to press and be press in time and space. Cultures are this power invented in my opinion as I try to think, feel and will. People become what they do and think that engineers various individuals and cultures. Here and now every case of life was invented from what was and is to invent and reinvent to endure. We can understand this in politics!

    Source(s): Just Thinking
  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly, WHO views Afro-American culture as "dysfunctional"???

    That is kind of a 'blanket' statement, that I'm not going to validate....


    So, if you're question is about...... what may or may not be going on today can be attributed to the past... OF COURSE!! If you're parents weren't born, YOU wouldn't be born....etc... That is called LOGIC!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first you should not make a blanket statement Afro American culture is viewed as dysfunctional. Yet yes slavery does have a part in many of the Afro Americans culture.

    My home church is all back with the exception of a few hispanics and myself, These blacks are wonderfull people, loving toward God and mankind.

    I am born Jewish, do i live thinking of the Egyptians that once enslaved us? If I did that would be where my life is today. We are what we think "As a man thinketh so it he." Proverbs

    A simple comparison between Africa and America even for the approximate 1/4 of blacks that live in poverty in America, even they are far better off than in the vast land of Africa, where poverty abounds (Except for the government leaders and a small minority of those there that are rich civilians).

    Yet, in America most blacks chose to claim Africa before America-setting themselves up to be unhappy Americans who never want to live in their first 'choice' Africa, thus living an oximoron life.

    When a person/ people look for excuses for their bad behavior, their behavior is in turn blamed on their excuse.

    Why not rap it out with the main line of rappers from start to finish (there is Jesus rap, even Usher did sing about Jesus,but he gave it up saying there was no money in it)

    so the rap, 1% of police have been found to be bad and fired, so 'kill the police'

    white man (aprox. 10% of present amricans have ancestors that were slave masters of white and black slaves/endentured servants) so why not hate all white people, or say that they all owe us.

    in the mean time why not do their females and throw them away like trash? Rap it out

    why not be out on drugs, and shooting other rappers? its whitey's fault.

    do not you dare use 'rap' music as an example they cry out, it just shows what our society is like.... blame whitey for our actions as they make millions preaching their antiAmerica antimorals antipolice prodrug proviolence messages. They claim the want a better America, but it is 'oximoron living'

    Some black ministers instead of preaching the gospel of Jesus, preach the message of hate like Obama's minister of many years, will he still go to hear the messages? yes, will he try and justify it yet claim it is wrong? yes 'Oximoron' living!

    this past answerer here claims to want change and not blame whitey, yet it is obivious the blame game is there too=

    we all "blacks' as a all, have been under the reign of the "white men"..what we have to do now , is move on with our lives. we can't still blame on the white men..while there public schools for evrybody not matter the race..only 10% of those white kids in school all have higher grades than the 70% of black kids in there. in my school, most of the Honors and AP classes i'm taking, r w/ white students... even though they represent the 10%. most of the girls there have their babies 2. those that means they 're fu**ing up just b/c of slavery? i don't know.. or it's just b/c some of them don't really know the meaning of life..while some know it, u c them becoming doctors and stuff.

    12 hours ago


    In my AP (advancement placement) calculus class we have 5 blcks. that include me, my lil brother and 3 AA. And u c them teachers making difference between us and AA,,,my friends say we A, r different then AA b/c of our attitudes and behavior blah blah blah. I know we r not the same but at some point we're Blcks. if we Africans can manage to break free even though we're still under the "white men" supremacy, why can't AA? yes. there is still racism, but it depend on us to prove 2 them that we're capable to do whatever they can do. when i came here, i was really confused by the attitudes of AA, by blaming all to the white men.while in Africa we know they r 1 causing trouble there...but we blame it to our presidents 4 letting them take control of our gov. i know it does hurt to not know ur father family was killed...the only person who left alone was my grandpa...and tha's why i'm here 2day.

    this is the land of the free, we have more black athletes than there are leaders in Africa, and earning multimillions a year, more money then most of the presidents/leaders of African countries, while not threatened with coops, and assasinations from rebel factions in Africa to overthow them and the constant civil wars leaving masses of orphans all over the land.

    yet the proud claim goes on we dont like America we are Afro-Americans!

    is there prejudice in America, yes and the biggest I have seen doesnt come from whitey. Then again the Euro Americans who came in the early 1900's who make up the vast majority of America dont justify living immoral, hate filled lives by blaming Afro Americans. that would be oximoron living.

    America has its greats as Martin Luther Kings, and it has its others that many Afro Americans justify and support unquestioningly; Michael likes little boys Jackson, Al all blacks are right Sharpton, OJ my Afro Americans for my defense will pay Simpson, Obama 'hating white man and America is wrong, but you have to understand why someone hates then it is ok' in oximoron living.

    Jesus is still the answer, repenting of sin, even predjudice and letting Jesus into the heart to be your friend, amen Revelation 3:19&20

    In His unconditional love for all, "If you say you love me and do not love your brethren, then you are a liar and the truth is not in you." I John (no colors given-Jesus love is color blind)

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