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Do you think World of Warcraft is an effective place for Evangelism?

have not played WOW for almost a year. I'm considering reactivating my account for the purpose of sharing the Gospel of Jesus. Do you think people would take the time and listen? And would a christian guild be effective? Let me know what you think.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    The only people you can preach to would be your Guild.

    You start sending messages to random people, they will report you as spam and possibly get your account shut down.

  • 1 decade ago

    An intriguing idea. I'm not an overly religious person, but I am supportive of inventive roleplaying ideas when I come across them. (WoW is after all a role-playing game)

    Please keep in mind that the following comments are not intended to be in anyway anti-christian:

    To promote a real world religious figure in a fantasy environment would be a challenging undertaking.

    For one thing, you would have to respect that roleplayers aren't interested in the "real world" when they're playing, so you have problems with preaching christian doctrine in-game (things like warlocks summoning demons, every wizard you meet conjuring bread to feed the masses, and myriad priests performing what would appear to us to be miracles without being consecrated by the christian church)

    If you were prepared to keep it simple, the spirit of Gods word, rather than the letter of it, you might find a niche among the priest and paladin characters looking for direction.

    In short, you might not win any converts, but I'm sure the christians already playing (and there are many of them) will gladly hear your sermons.

    I advise choosing an out of the way location ingame (the chapel or maybe the Park in Stormwind), no one will notice one more person in front of Bank, no matter what they're saying.

    Sincerely, good luck with it if you give it a go

  • 1 decade ago

    I mean if you're really serious, a Christian guild would probably work out pretty well if several don't exist already. I know of themed guilds for far more obscure sects of society.

    Do I think you should evangelize anybody anywhere in the game? Not even for a single moment do I find a shred of "good idea" in that thought. There's nothing more obnoxious than people trying to force their views/opinions/practices/beliefs on to others, especially in a game they pay to enjoy, and quite frankly it's an extremely poor way to sell a religion. Aside from me finding Evangelists to be rude, presumptuous, elitist, and annoying you'll most likely either get flamed beyond belief or possibly even suspended if you took it far enough.

    That's my two cents at any rate...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's always nice to find people who share your interests, but it's pretty annoying to have someone else's views shoved down your throat. You sitting in Stormwind and talking about Jesus isn't going to get anyone to accept the Lord. Everyone is aware of Christianity. Personally accepting it is up to the individual in question. So, leave them be and just play the game for the fun of it.

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  • Jay L
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think it would be awesome. Even if you just get one to listen, it would be all worth it.

    Dont spam folks with the message. Only bring it up in general conversation. The key here is witness to these people on a level they can and want to understand. If you come at them with fire and brimstone, expect to be shunned. If they say no, then move on.

    Me personally, I would not want to be a part of your group. But someone out there might.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think you should keep it out of wow, a. you will annoy ppl, b. your wasting your money, and c. even if there are christian guilds which i am postive there are, its still a game ppl get on to escape reality do you really need to ruin that by bringing the real world into wow.

  • 1 decade ago

    Amen Brother!!!!!!!!!

    I agree with you all the way!!!!

    if you start a Christian Guild in World of Warcraft do not falter, for the Lord is with you always!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    you have a good idea, but how many christian gamers play games that involve hell?

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