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ProudMama asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My beagle keeps throwing up HELP!?

All of a sudden she started throwing up and we noticed that she is eating grass. She then would have diarrhea with grass. She would throw up yellowish foam like stuff. She is eating and drinking okay. She also keeps dry heaving (sp). She seems to be normal playing and sleeping... just throwing up too. I called the vet and he is out of town. Help, any advise. THanks...


Thank you everyone that gave me good advise. She is doing fine right now playing and drinking lots of water.

But for some of you that found this question annoying. Get a life.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dogs eat grass when they have an upset stomach, so it's probably something she's eaten, the yellow foam is stomach acids, and the dry heaving is probably because her stomach is empty from being sick and there is nothing left to bring up, keep an eye on her and if it continues you should see the vet, she could dehydrate from the diarrhoea and sickness, provide her with small amount of water regularly, as drinking excessively can cause more sickness.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Beagle Stomach Problems

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The dog has an upset stomach. Have her fast for 24 hours (no food water is good). It is scary to have your dog throwing up. As long as they are playing, sleeping, breathing ect ok then she is just trying to get whatever is upsetting her stomach out. Hydration is a must because they are letting so much of the necessary water leave their body when they throw up or have diarrea. Think of when you get food poisioning, your body is doing whatever it can to get the yuck out of your body and it is going to come out of both ends. If you feel comfortable give the dog maybe a teaspoon of peptobismal. Keep a close eye on her tho please. There is a possibility tho that the grass might have been treated (espically if you live in an apartment or condo because you don't know what was put on the grass), if this persists for more than 2 days I would go to the emergency vet. They will probably take a lot of tests, possibly keep her over night for observation, x-rays and a number other tests so be prepared for a big vet bill.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tigrababy is right- your dog could have parvo. Find an emergency vet clinic and go now. What happens with parvo is dehydration- that is what ultimately could take your dog's life. Be safe rather than sorry. Your vet's office should have had an alternative for you if they are out of town. Check your yellow pages and find an emergency clinic. Go now.

    18 years ago my miniature poodle (now gone) had parvo and was hospitalized for 5 days, but he lived. Why, because my vet explained to me what to look for in parvo which was rampant where I was living that year, and I got him to the vet early.

    Good luck!

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  • 5 years ago

    Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you

    A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    call another vet, there are also emergency vet services available in most towns. those are usually open 24/7 . tho i personally hate beagles i don't like to see any animal suffer. the yellowish foam is just bile, (stomach acid) because the dogs stomach is empty. nothing to worry about. she might have eaten something that is stuck in her esophagus causing her to gag. best to have her put down. to end her suffering.

    sorry about my attitude toward beagles but my neighbor has one and it attacked my 85 Lb rhodesian ridgeback completely out of the blue (they used to play together all the time) cost me $1k in vet bills. then it attacked a police dog and ripped open the side of its mouth. again with no provocation. my ridgeback and my neighbors german sheppard K9 dog are about the friendliest dogs on the planet. and are completely non-aggressive (the K9 is a bomb dog) so naturally i'd rather have a pit bull next to me than a beagle.



  • 1 decade ago

    Wow... there must be an International Veterinary Association conference this week in Fiji or something, because everyone's vet is apparently "out of town". When my vet goes out of town, they leave an emergency number, or they have one of their associates or colleagues take their clients.

    Keep your dog hydrated. If the symptoms continue, take her to an emergency vet. Keep her off food for now, until her stomach settles, or until she sees a vet. Do make sure that she has plenty of fresh water available in the meantime.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are emergency vet places, you don't have to wait for your vet to get back. If you feel concerned.....go! Better safe than sorry. There may have been something on the grass like a pesticide that could be making her sick, which if that's the need to know! You'll have peace of mind, even if it's nothing, once you know for sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    My beagle did this very same thing when I changed food......perhaps something is upsetting her tummy...they eat grass to calm a stomach ache....per my vets instructions.....give her a pepto bismol tablet or two....and make sure she stays well hydrated....her system is producing an overload of bile for some reason.....good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have 2 beagles and yesterday one of them threw up the yellow stuff which is Bile. He ate some grass and then he dinner and was fine. I'll save you a vet bill give him a dose of pepto since your vet isnt in vet er's are terribly expensive go according to his weight my vet has told me to do this bedore and it holds off. i usually know when they have a syomach ache because i can hear it growling good luck

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