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Why did he remember?....please answer?

i have this professor (he's leaving the school after the semester ends and our final is next week). i like him and think he is attracted to me as well with him always looking at me even when he is not lecturing. btw i'm mid-20s. he's a graphic design professor and i'm a communications major so it's not like he sees me everyday, i'm only in one of his classes but he remembers things from our past conversations such as when i was asking about ad internships he remembered a few weeks later how i wanted to be such and such and asking for his help on one of my brochures. i was just wondering if all professors do this with students that are not even in their field and don't see them everyday or is he singling (sp) me out because he is attracted to me? also my own advisor can't even remember the classes i'm taking just to compare both situations. thanks for any input

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lots of teachers/professors/lecturers have ways to learn how to remember things about each student or person they come in contact with. It is by association, and not really that hard to do. I took a course once that required everyone to try and name each person in the group before the end of the day. There were 25 people and everyone was a stranger. I was able to associate something with each of the people to help me remember their name. I was the first to accomplish the feat.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your advisor may not remember because in addition to teaching several classes, conducting research etc., he is an advisor. Advisors may have 25-50 advisees. They cannot make mistakes on students' programs of study, so they need to double check your files. They may remember but do not want to rely on their memories. I didn't when I was an advisor.

    Your professor could be interested in you, I suppose, or he may be an auditory learner. He can remember things that are said to him. I had students like that when I was a professor. It amazed me. Because he's a graphic designer, there's a good chance he does also have strong visual strengths. I would not put too much weight on this, but if you suspect he's interested in you personally, be careful. These kinds of relationships are frowned upon in some colleges. You may be asking for trouble you don't want. A third idea occurred to me. If you are an excellent student, he will remember your work. It's a given, I'd say.

    Good luck with your degree and with this professor!

  • 1 decade ago

    You might want to be sure he doesn't have a family and that type of thing. So Google him and find out if anything jumps up about him that set off an alarm for you. Maybe pay for a quick people search on the internet...about $10. to see if he has any violence or alcohol/drug issues. If you really want to know what his intentions are, just ask him right up front. You're an adult and so is he. Why not just get it out in the open. Be very very wary of his attention. If he is a nice guy and interested in you, go slowly getting to know each other. Stay a class act!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well to be completely honest I've been in the same situation before. Test the situation first before making any hasty choices. Ask him this simple question, which should resolve everything. What until he is alone before saying..."Professor(his name) I'm really going to miss you. I would really like to keep in touch when you leave. Do you have any suggestions?" With that he would most likely either confirm your suspicions by giving you his number and maybe inviting you to eat sometimes or he would be profesional.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Remembering nearly insignificant facts is a trait of a good conversationalist, but it isn't always wasted on just average relationships. He is probably interested and if the feelings are mutual, once he's no longer your professor, the game is on.

    Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He may be attracted to you and at the same time be a very dedicated instructor so he remembers your questions for that reason, he may do this with all of his students. Which is not to say that he isn't attracted to you also.

    Since he is leaving the school, you now have your chance to ask him out, he won't have a conflict of interest. I say go for it, ask him out for coffee.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well... some professors can remember everything, but that's extremely rare. :P

    Most likely he remembers yours easily because he indeed likes you, not sure it's love, can't say that without seeing it.

    Perhaps it's an idea to just ask? ^^ He's a well-educated man, most graphic designers are kind and easy to handle people... Just ask him if he likes you, it's the quickest way to happiness. :P

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think this is a sign that he likes you, neccesarily.

    I mean, anyone with a decent attention span can remember a request someone made of them a few weeks earlier.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He could also just have a good memory--I know someone who can tell you about almost anything in his life from age 3 on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you don't sound so disappointed about it, and I'm pretty sure most professors try to keep business and personal life separate.. maybe you even like that he's paying extra attention!

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