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Do you ever give your baby food, drinks or snack like foods...?

that you know you shouldnt but do it anyways? Like a little sip of soda, etc. I know your not supposed to so dont give any lectures but I know moms do it cause they want to see the reaction of their baby.


A bong? Get real, its a simple question nothing else. People do it all the time and the human race continues...

Update 2:

your an idiot, get over yourself. there always has to be one to spoil it.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course! Lemons, pickles, etc. People do it all the time. They just don't like to admit it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have never given my baby soda even my daughter who is three didn't try it until she was three and that is because she went and grab our soda and drank a sip of it quickly. We do not give her soda still unless there is nothing else. We try to give her juice or water or milk and sometimes tea.

    As for snacks that you shouldn't. I have given my kids a little taste of chocolate when they were babies and some ice cream when they were around 9 months and some cake. That is all I actually remember. I think as long as they try it and if they like it keep it in moderation.

    Source(s): Mom of two...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I figure the junk food my daughter gets amounts to maybe 1, 2% of her diet? I have no problem with her enjoying eating nachos with Daddy, or taking her out for a baby ice cream cone she can eat three bites of before dropping it.

    This is a healthy 8mo; it's not going to hurt her in the least. I hasten to add that Daddy didn't take her out for nachos a few months ago.

    She is a great fan of asparagus and broccoli and a great wealth of other produce, does not eat refined carbohydrates at home, and also enjoys curries and pesto. There's nothing wrong with a baby having a wide variety of tastes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know of so many people giving babies Kool-Aid, soda, cakes, candy, whole mike instead of formula and on top of that the milk is mixed with chocolate of strawberry syrup, etc... And they don't just do it to see a reaction from their baby but this is they normal way they feed them! Crazy, huh!? I don't understand why a mother or father would deliberatly destroy their babies bodies! I mean a baby only eats because they are hungry not for the taste so why give them that stuff? It's not like they are asking for it either!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I give her a taste of what I'm eating (she's almost 6 months now). If I'm having a banana, she gets some mashed up, if I'm having juice, she gets a taste from my finger, etc. It's fine. Before "baby food" was invented, what do you think babies ate? Whatever their parents ate but either chewed or mashed up.

  • liz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    OH yes!! we never give her much, but just tonight she got a sip of sweet is so cute. Whenever she sees a cup she has to have a sip and starts moving her tongue cute

    She can also drink through a husband has let her taste DR was cute!

    Source(s): mommy of two
  • 1 decade ago

    I would let me child try some of it eventually.Right now he is only 5 weeks so not anytime soon.But I see nothing wrong with it.I fail to see how letting a child try food could be compared to a bong..Some people..(rolls eyes)

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to chew my food and give my babies little nibbles of ABC burritos. I noticed no effect. They are both perfectly fit. One prefers her food as plain as can be, the other loves spicy food with a side of water. 7 and 4 respectively.

  • 1 decade ago

    When im drinking something or eating anything im always tempted to give my baby a little taste.. I have done it once before but it was i think mashed i dont think it was enough for her to really get a good taste..

  • 1 decade ago

    My 13 month old has had: chili, french fries, chicken nuggets, indian food, chinese food, pickles, lemon, keilbasa. Of course we don't make an entire meal of these things, but if he seems interested in what we're eating and wants to try it, we allow him to try it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't believe someone wrote they can't swallow until they get teeth. My cousins baby can eat a full bowl of spaghetti and she hasn't even gotten her first tooth. I know a couple who give there toddler a sip of beer once in awhile. He makes a funny face, then he wants another sip. I only share a glass of water, or banana with my baby.

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