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deer problem?

Deer keep hanging around my backyard at night. Theres really nothing there for them but for some reason they are back there sometimes laying down,,,,like its a motel.

I personally dont mind them but someday i may get a buck back there in a rut and maybe he will spear someone.

So is there anything i can spray on the ground or plant tat would keep them away???

NO,,i'm not going to start blinking lights at nite or play a loud radio,,,that will only keep me up all nigh and i need my rest for work.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ~*~I have a garden in deer country, I have tried Human and wolf urine- they work for a week then they figure out that no one is really around. I have tried soap, electric fence and none of them have worked. I finally found the solution. It is a product called The Scarecrow™ - This motion-activated sprinkler attaches to the garden hose. Just hook it up to your garden hose, plug in the 9-Volt battery and then place the stake in the ground near area to be protected. When an animal is seen, a valve opens, and instantly releases a three-second pulsating spray of water. The combination of the sudden noise, movement, and water frightens animals away. Is s a clean and alternative to repellent, but is limited to the distance the water can spray. Both a pro and con is that it is motion activated sensing motion and heat the same way security lights work. This motion could be deer, your dog or cat, or you. One scarecrow can cover up to 1,000 square feet.

  • Katie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Cargo3 is correct. Deer will not go near an area if there is human urine, reason? I'm honestly not sure.

    Also, you can buy deer repellent at your local home and garden store (home depot, lowes, ace hardware, an even walmart)

    I personally would get creative, i would find a dead deer along side of the highway, and put it in my backyard so all the other deer would see an tell all there deer friends and they would get the hint.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take some pictures that's cool. Go to your local hardware store or your local extension office one or the other should give you all the information you need to keep the deer out of your yard. I am going to assume you don't want to put up a fence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A spray made with water and habanero peppers (ground in a blender)then sprayed liberally in the ares will discourage them (they will always try the vegetation in the area where they bed down.) This also works as a great insect repellent for your garden.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I've had deer problems too....eating my plants.. I had my husband pee in the back yard in certain areas since deer don't like humans. It worked!!! I've heard deer don't like moth balls. Last year I bought this really gross stuff and hung it in my trees-- that worked too!! It was in a burlack sack with powder and bones.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    do you have a fence? well there is deer repelent at local hardware stores.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dont worry , if he's in rut it aint humans hes looking to fcuk...

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