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lolagrl asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

People of another race, don't like to be called the "N" word, but use it so freely themselves.?

I was at the ATM the other day, and there was a black man on his cell phone calling the person he was talking to the "N" word,and I had my 7 yr. old son with me. I have always tought him never to use that word, but how do I explain it to him now?Of course he picked right up on it.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it is so uncanny that african americans can easily get so disgusted and insulted when called the "N" word by a Caucasion but use it so freely amongst themselves or at other members of the race. I suggest that when a Caucasion calls them this, it is suggesting that they are a bad person and they are offending and insulting them but when another member of the race calls them this, they know it isn't meant hurtfully because if it was to be projected hurtfully, the african american is insulting him or herself which is rightfully dumb and unreal. Tell your son that it is a disrespectful term used against a person of another race, and that it should never be used by anyone in the world, that the man was only kidding but if anyone else used it, it would hurt their feelings. Give him an example like, persay, if someone called you a stupidhead or a meanie, amongst your friends it is just a joke but if it used on someone else, persay, a little girl, their perception is that the little boy MEANS it. THat will work.

    I hope I helped you.


    Liz A.

  • 5 years ago

    This is a nation of multiple races. When you fill out a survey for a job you still have Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Native and sometimes more. These are races. The beauty of this country is that it is made up of many races that bring many diverse ideas and cultural benefits to this country. We (as a nation) can relate to almost any country in the world because we have that culture and we have that diversity. That was the good... Now the bad. For most people who come here from a different background the buck stops there. It maybe unfortunate, but it's true. Only until recently (20-30 years ago) this country has even started accepting diversity into leadership and leadership is where our guidance is. All the way at the top this country has always had a white male (usually catholic) president and that doesn't stand for diversity. That stands for sameness. We don't feel like a master race because we are as split apart in this country as the separate countries that exist in the world. We need to start doing some real mixing of beliefs , genders, and philosophies, but we need to do it in a neutral environment where ideas can be heard and evaluated equally. This is the idea behind this country and these ideas need to be run by smart people,... People which are as diverse in their knowledge of the world as the people who are inside this country. We have put ourselves into a deep state of confusion for close to a decade and we have lost our identity. Our president thought that war will help us find it again, but it plundered us into further state of confusion because aggression is not our virtue. We need to be smart and we need to care for one another. We all live in this country and in this world and we need to think of how to make the world better not just our pocketbooks. Everyone needs to make an individual effort to improve the life of their neighbor, co-worker, the elderly, and the future of our lives (our children). Because when you're here on earth what matters is what brought you here and what you will leave behind. What you have and what you get makes no relavence in the long run.

  • 1 decade ago

    It seems to have become for black people a word that they call each other. I see this all the time. I am a white person and have been called that by a black person.

    You know how some people will call a person "dude"? I think it has become for them the same kind of thing. I think they only get mad if they are called that by someone they don't approve of, and the intention that they think is behind it.

    That is the best I have got.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do understand how you feel. I hate that word no matter who uses it.

    I would say this to your child..

    1) (This is a little complicated) Sometimes people like to use a word that has a bad meaning against them, and turn it around. But this means that only the the person who this word describes can use it not anybody else. For example a Fat woman , might joke that she is a 'fatty' but to call a woman 'Fatty is very rude.

    2) That the N word is bad word no matter who uses. Whilst it is worse for white people to use it, people with any class from all races don't use that word.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's all in the difference between "laughing at someone" and "laughing with someone," which your son might be able to understand.

    He might understand it if you explain it as something that could happen to him. For example, if one of his friends falls down, he probably knows by now that he shouldn't laugh at them because it will hurt their feelings since it means he is acting like he's better than that kid. However, if he and his friend BOTH fall down, then it's okay for him to laugh because his friend knows that he is there WITH him and isn't trying to sound like he's BETTER than him.

    Explain that the N-word is used by white people when they want to feel like they are better than black people, but that it's sometimes okay for black people to say it when they're talking to each other because they understand that nobody is trying to act superior.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that when other races say it, it's viewed as a power thing. When black people say it to one another, it's viewed as taking the power away from the word. Personally, I think it's a terrible word that shouldn't be used at all -- no matter what the race.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask the guy not to say those words next time, because you kid is "like a sponge" or whatever the saying is.

    As for right now, say that most people don't use that word but some people use it but don't like it when other people use it.

  • 1 decade ago

    If black people say the word with the "a" extension, it means friend or brother or comrade. This is very controversial among many black people, who think it is as offensive as you do.

  • edoedo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    N word is really stupid!

    people get the wrong idea!

    i don't go around calling people name like that.

    the saddest part if they (black) saying that words , then white or yellow or red children hear it and get the wrong idea to calling people's name.

    it not always white faults, it goes both way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you say what they have been saying for years. they took the word for themselves so that it would take the power away from the word. the same is true of homosexuals using the word queer.

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