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Born2Bloom asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

When will something be done to make eventing safer ?

Two more top horses euthanized due to injuries sustained during Rolex yesterday. The jumps are just getting too dangerous.


Yes, but the number of riders and horses being injured or killed has increased a lot in the last few yrs.

Update 2:

Guess I'm more concerned with the horses who do not get to decide than the rider who does get to. The rider gets to make the choice of whether he may die today or not. The horse goes along without choice. I would not ever put my horse in that type of situation. Plus if one reads the news the eventing ppl themselves are starting to take a serious look at what is going on as of late.

Update 3:

The change to short format has made a difference imo.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are working on it. The president sent out a message about two months ago that this is being looked into. The main complaint is that at the higher competition levels the jumps are becoming to technical and do not go with the natural flow of galloping across a field, which was the original intent.

    So, they are working on it - but these things take time, you will likely not see huge differences until next year. And yes, this is something that has changed in the last few years. In making jumps more technical for the better riders, they eventually crossed the line - starting a few years ago. They need to find the balance between difficulty and correctness for the sport.

    There are some people that claim the influx of new riders to the sport has also caused problems, since these people are not properly trained and do not really understand fully the cross country phase. They therefore cause accident through hubris and ignorance. This is just an argument, though, and not necessarily true.

    EDIT: Dreamy and horselover also have some good points - going back to what I said earlier, there are some people that seem to move up to quickly. While this is true in all sports, take jumping compared to eventing - you move up to quickly jumping, your horse is likely to start knocking down jumps. You cannot knock down cross country jumps, hence accidents that lead to injury and death.

    Eventing also created the minimum time for cross country as an answer to people going to quickly - it seems now the times need to be adjusted to accomodate bigger and more difficult jumps than what was used 10 years ago.

    Also, someone mentioned making the jumps able to be knocked over. The jumps are supposed to be reminiscent of nature - yeah, a horse isn't likely to jump a huge duck or boat in nature, but still. This means the jumps are built to not be able to be knocked over. They are looking at ways to make the top part of jumps roll a bit if a horse knocks it, but these can only be used on jumps that are mostly logs and are very cost prohibitive right now. Shows are expensive enough without bumping the price up to pay for these - and they are useless if people stop showing due to cost of shows.

  • loggy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They really do try to make it as safe as possible. but you have to look at the conditions like what the footing is etc, sometimes its just not the course designers fault. Any horse can take an awkward stride to the jump, and hurt them selfs. These people that event know the risks, and they know what can happen.

    Edit - I also want to add that these horses love what they do (well the majority at least) you can see it when there galloping and jumping. More horses die each day from slaughter, than they do in eventing. I think any horse would take going becuase they jumped a fence wrong and be put down in piece with people they knew/loved around them then have, then go in a trailer for several days no food or water scared and packed on a trailer with many other horses.

  • Debi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    When all is said and done eventing is, and always has been, an extreme sport.

    Not what I would choose to do with my horses, but then I'm not a competitive type. The courses are designed to test the rider and the horse - both of them working as a team.

    The horses love it - trust me I've worked with them, these animals would never be happy with a quiet hack in the country.

    There are risks inherent in everything we do everyday, we could be killed crossing the street never mind paragliding or whatever. The competitors know the risks involved and train the horses to be equal to them, accidents happen.

  • Susan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Oh God I so know how you feel but I have to keep my mouth shut as I know nothing about it. My Son in law events and my daughter is now starting to do one * and shortly 2*'s. These levels don't seem to be so bad 'Gulp'. Some of of the 4* jumps are horrific!!!! You have to admire the horse as he seems to just trust the rider and jumps even if he hasn't a clue whats on the other side and it's such a strain on his legs. I have been told that some of these terrible accidents can be put down to inexperience and bad judgment. And the more accomplished the rider and horse the safer they are.'Gulp' again. I try not to think about it but you hear about things when they happen!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    is it the jumps or is it the riders? recently i've seen riders move very quickly up the levels and i wonder if their horses are fit enough. i'm talking horses that were once going prelim are now going cic* within a very short amount of time. i speculate that people are trying to rush to make it to the big time and don't spend enough time conditioning their horses. i'm not trying to bash anyone, i love eventing and respect all of the athletes involved i just think the riders are going to have to play a big part in making the sport safer. i hope something can be done. after seeing ralph hill fall last year i'm becoming very discouraged about the future of eventing. its unfortunate that such an awesome sport could have such tragedies. good luck to all you who compete.

  • 1 decade ago

    its up to the committee who runs it. those courses are carefully designed, a lot of time is put into them. they are checked and rechecked to be sure that they are safe. if two horses out of lets say 50 don't make it then it is more on the safe side then the dangerous side. i agree that it is dangerous but the riders know that going in.

    EDIT- if i asked you to jump off a cliff would you do it? if the horse doesn't want to jump, he isn't gonna jump. its 1,200 lbs of horse vs 150 lbs of rider, who do ya think is gonna win? the horse knows that the big thing in front of him is a jump, he can choose not to jump it if he wants to.

    i completely agree with the answer below me, i don't eat beef because i think that it is wrong and i don't like it. if you do not like eventing then you don't have to watch it.

  • 1 decade ago

    So then do not compete. If it is too dangerous for you then don't do it!!!! Don't watch it & don't go buy tickets then.


    Well never put your horse in it. But those people pay for those horses for that & it is the owners right. They make those races pretty safe. & The other poster said they know the risk of the race. I just don't see why you have to stir things up because you don't like it. I mean what about veal?? That is bad if you ask me. I don't buy it. But because I don't like it, doesn't mean everyone else should not eat it. That is my right as a American. Animals get euthanized every day for just being in their yard. There is a chance of everyone/anyone getting hurt doing anything!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Eventing has its united statesand downs. the united statesare that that's exciting, you're making pals and are making extra of a connecting including your horse. The down area is it is so risky and unstable. while accepting into the horse worldwide and agreeing to your self to love and journey horses continuously and stick to that, you're taking a dedication which could convey approximately satisfying your aims, or ending your lifestyles or intense injuries that no well being practitioner can restoration. Horse-returned driving could be on occasion so outstanding and unreal, we do basically not see we would could placed our lifestyles or our horses lifestyles in probability. while excepting the extensive worldwide of horses the very minute you experience the horse fever upward push up in you realize which you will continually have a love for horses. whether you do flow directly to bigger and extra helpful issues. you will continually have it. continually....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the comitee has been talking about this issue lately. they decided that they want to try and get the rider to slow down and concentrate on safety, rather than speed. most eventers love their horses, but sometimes they make mistakes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thumbs up to you for not wanting to place your horse in jeopardy over a jump. I love watching cross country but I'm no fan when a horse is fatally injured.

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