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Paul C
Lv 6
Paul C asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

So Kate and Gerry are to make £1m from writing a book - Your views please?

This article states the Maddy fund is dwindling, paying £50,000 a month to a bunch of amatuers can not help surely??

Can anyone tell me what exactly have metodo 3 done to warrant this amount of money being paid to them?


Thanks for asking Delly - my little man is doing great!!!!

36 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The problem with the McCanns is that they seem to think they have the God given right to this fund.

    This is a fund that was set up as a limited company to accept heartfelt donations from members of the public to search for their little girl.

    They've never searched.

    They don't have a right to this money. I think of all the other poor parents who's kids have gone missing and they've had no help, had to sell their homes and scrape together what they can to get by.

    All we hear is 'the fund is running low' and 'we must raise the fund', well how about they actually get off their backsides and do something constructive.

    Sell their home, go back to Portugal and try and help with the investigation to FIND their daughter.

    Sitting with my feet up in Rothley, hundreds of miles away from where my daughter was last seen??? No way.

    They've made enough money of the back of the poor kid - writing a book about how awful their life has been for the past year is something that they've already whinged on and on about - we don't want to hear about it again.

    What about Madeleine? She's the victim in all of this - NOT THEM.

    Source(s): Apologies for the rant! Hope the little fella's okay xx
  • Rosina
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I for one, have read more than enough about the McCanns over the last year and I certainly would not buy a book to read even more of the sort of self serving stuff that we have been fed for far too long.

    According to the Mail (so I don't know if it's true) the twins have toy telephones with which they 'phone' Madeleine. They also have a version of hide and seek where Madeliene is the one hiding. This really gave me the creeps and, if I were their parents, I would definitely put a stop to such games. It is time that the McCanns began to pick up the pieces of their lives for their own sakes and, above all, for the twins. It is time for them to grieve and try to come to terms with their loss. The longer they put it off the worse it will be.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I certainly won't be lining the McCanns pockets. However, I will no doubt be able to get my hands on a copy and read it, even if only from my local library.

    The McCanns are constantly claiming to be misrepresented so it will be nice to get their version from a book they have written. Then if there are any discrepancies or inconsistencies they have only themselves to blame. And if we don't read it we only have one side of the story and can't honestly say we have a balanced view of what happened.

    Maybe it's hypocritical of me, I don't know. But it will be a chance to get a real insight into their personalities. I mean, what makes a couple think it's okay to leave 3 babies alone, to have a family holiday where you only see your family for a couple of hours a day, where your daughter is allegedly abducted and you go jogging or playing tennis the next day. What makes a mother look and act so cold. What makes a father seem so arrogant.

    People fascinate me, and crime fascinates me. I want to know why some people do things the rest of us would never even contemplate. So yes, I will hopefully read any book they publish, but no, I won't line their pockets.

  • daisy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    looks like they are still milking the surprise there. seems gerry and kate want to write a book which will set the reocrd straight on the events of may 3 2007.......aren't they quick to say any other version but their own is false?.

    metodo 3 - waste of money and time....i thought they were going to have madeleine home for last christmas?. seems to me they don't know their **** from their elbows.

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  • Skidoo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If people don't buy it then it won't make that much money for the fund, which would be a shame. But I'm sure all the haters on here will be buying it to fuel their paranoid fantasies so that's okay and I hope they make a lot of money for the fund to find Madeleine!

    I don't know what Metodo 3 have been doing exactly and neither do you, but I do realise that advertising their every lead and move would be detrimental to searching for Madeleine, which you seem unable to comprehend.

    BTW - authors get royalties from library loans too so you won't avoid donating to the fund if you borrow the book from a library!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Should be released on 1st April. it could come under the heading of the Dummies books, how to lose you child and get away with it for Dummies, Bad Parenting for Dummies, Scamming for Dummies....

  • 1 decade ago

    Why would they want to write a book about their "missing" daughter?

    Its in extremely poor taste and just shows the public what its all about.

    She doesnt look too fragile in that photograph does she?

  • 1 decade ago

    I wont be buying the book that's for sure, as you know I don't make comment on this couple, it has turned into the strangest missing child event I can ever remember, and to be honest I cant make head nor tail of it, the only bit I have clear in my mind is, those children at their ages should never have been left and that no matter what else constitutes child neglect.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why bother reading it? It will only be what Kate and Gerry say happened. I for one will not waste my money, and I agree with the other answerers who say that if she hadn't been left alone that night, there would be no need for a fund.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it is wrong to take advantage of the awful loss of their daughter but I suspect they remain circumspect about what to do and because of their undoubted guilt concerning the abduction they will continue to search. They need to fund ther efforts from some source. However, I believe the sales will not achieve the forecasted level of figures

  • 1 decade ago

    My view is .That it is disgusting they should be able to profit from this poor little child.

    How they have the nerve beats me.

    Cold and heatrless springs to mind

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