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NetGear Router problems????

I have been using my Netgear router for about six months without issues. Yesterday, it started dropping and reconnecting on a 15 second interval. I tested out the cable modem by connecting, via cable, directly to the modem, and have no problems. I then reset my router to default settings, and reset my computers to match. I have also tried setting it to a specific channel rather than letting auto select. Tried both WEC and WPA settings.

Still have same issue. It will connect, I can load first page of a web site, then it goes into this 15 (or so) cycle where it connects, drops, then reconnects.

I'm starting to think my router has gone bad, but thought I'd ask here before laying down the $$$ for a new router. Any thoughts, ideas or similar experiences out there?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you're describing a very common problem with Netgear wireless routers. If you check the forums, you'll see a lot of complaints about the routers starting to reset itself in a looping fashion. It seems to start showing up about 6 or 8 months after using it, with no real fix for the problem.

    If it is still under warranty, I'd take it in for a replacement. If it is out of warranty, the you're probably SOL.

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