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Safe Sex Intervention Program?

I am doing my Psychology paper about practicing safe sex and need to create an Intervention Program for it, but I am rather stumped on how to get started.

Teacher: For your term paper you will need to develop a detailed intervention program, designed to promote or enhance an adaptive health-protective behavior in others.

What specific things might people on your program have to do? How will people know if they’re doing it right? How would you evaluate the overall effectiveness of your program? What are some of the costs that the initiation of your program might incur? Would it be cost effective? An ideal program should be effective, safe, realistic, practical, easy to follow, and affordable.

I have tried for 2 days to get started on my paper and I can't. If you were to write this paper how would you start it? What would you include in your Intervention Program? Maybe some suggestions will get me going.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    wikipdia has a page on "Safe Sex" that might help you focus a little more. Also, at the bottom there are links to some pre-existing safe sex programs that you could hav a look at. Borrow some of those ideas for your own intervention program.

    Your project is pretty straightforward. You need to sell the idea of safe sex being cool sothat people will do it. ("enhance a adaptive health-protective behavior").

    What do people in your program have to do? Wear condoms more often.

    How will people know if they're doing it right? Well, the condom is still there and in one piece at the end of sex.

    Evaluation of effectiveness. Use of condoms increases. Rates of STDs and pregnanciesin your target population decreases.

    Costs would include al the free condoms that you're going to give away, teacher training, purchase of videos or brochures, posters. Any other promotional items.

    Cost effectiveness: Compare program costs against the cost of raising a child or treating STDs at the rate that might occur in a year. (Program will be WAY cheaper)

    Think about health programs that actually changed your behavior. Were they scary or fun? FUN! Condoms are FUN!

    Good luck with your project.

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds tricky!! you need to start with whom your project is aimed at. is it high school children, college kids or adults?

    try researching other intervention programs and see what they offer and how they implement it, there will be loads on google. try taking a mix of those programs and evaluate what the good points are and what the bad points of each ones are. then you will have a basis for how they work.

    off the top of my head things to include would be:





    (if for high school or college) you could even suggest getting local drama students to produce a play about safe sex. this would be beneficial as it uses peers to get the message accross and the students would do it for free as they need the experience.

    hope ive given you some ideas to start you off!!

    good luck x

  • " "
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well, here's the problem--there is NO such thing as safe sex. EVERY time someone has sex they are taking a risk. The risk of a STD, pregenancy, etc. Maybe that's why you are having such a hard time!


    As a youth specialist, I can tell you that teaching safe sex to kids is a DANGEROUS concept. It gives them a false sense of security. Why do you think the US has the highest rate of teen pregnancy? Or why 1 in 4 high school students graduates with an STD. It's time our society woke up and took responsibility for teaching kids that sex is 'safe'. It isn't. It never is. We are failing to teach our youth the facts and the truth. 'Safe sex' is not the way to do it. I work with youth every day--I can tell you things will only get worse if we continue to rely on 'safe sex' education. We have failed and our youth are paying the price.

  • 1 decade ago

    safe sex is for suckers

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