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Would you feel lost & lonely without Yahoo Questions & Answers?

I would..I have made such good friends..there not a day goes by I don't learn something new,get a good laugh,

are find a new friend.

Hope everyone enjoys as much as I do.

36 Answers

  • Cleo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mustbe I've made many friends on this site. If tomorrow I woke up and YA was gone I could still stay in contact with some. I get huge belly laughs just when I need them the most. Hugs and good wishes are also sent when I've needed them the most. There are some that can just catch my wierd sense of humor and go with it no questions asked and no put downs. Yeah I like this place.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Are you kidding? I go through withdrawls. I had two problems

    with my computer in the last couple of months and I was not

    online for a week to two at a time. I was so lost, having no

    way to even reach net friends I've had as personal friends be-

    fore that, and when I couldn't reach YA I wondered what I was

    missing out on.

    I pick up something new most everyday myself. And I do

    much more googling for answers and learn things from that

    too. I'm at a point in life where I have the willingness to learn

    more now, than any other time in my life. Maybe that's from

    the hour glass running down. But I have the quest to learn. Too

    bad I didn't have this enthusiasm when I was in HS. I might

    have been an honor student.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been pleasantly surprised by the experience of interacting with so many interesting people here at Yahoo Answers. They have been amazingly kind, informative and encouraging. I do not think I would be exactly lost and lonely without Y/A, but I would miss it.

    I appreciate the sense of community that you and others have established in Seniors and I have been enjoying the poetry section, too. It is nice to know that some of my contacts show up in both places.

    Y/A is certainly a better venue for exchanging ideas than chat rooms. It is amazing that Yahoo can provide so many options for us. I am glad they do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's a fun way to spend some idol time. When I first started on here I kind of got addicted for awhile but did build lots of good online friends during that addiction period. But now I just log on when time allows instead of letting it rule my time.

    I would not feel lost or lonely without it though. I keep in touch with most of my good YA friends via regular email and Yahoo 360 and some even via the phone.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I enjoy this site also, especially the seniors.Ive tried other categories but always come back to seniors.It seems like I get into it with to many younger people on other sites and they make me a little peed, so I would rather communicate with folks my own age.People that know right from wrong & still have some respect for their fellow man/woman.So, for the answer, YES, I would feel somewhat abandoned. Good evening to all.

    Source(s): Enjoying Yahoo answers
  • 7
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I do enjoy coming here, trying to help folks and so on... but most of my person-to-person contact that is on line is through on-line games such as World of Warcraft.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I enjoy it, but keep to myself. I wouldn't be lonely as I come in here between outside chores,.Today, if I can get my youngest daughter out of bed,we have to select out varied small livestock to go to an organic farm as a pet area*.I find Yahoo Q & A relaxing with the varied characters some prim, some wild, ultra bright and pretty 'em all.

    Source(s): *All we select will live in a huge fenced off paddock...running free(ish).
  • 1 decade ago

    It was surprising to me how fast I became addicted, for want of a better word, to Y/A. All I wanted to know last year was the starting date of the World Series. I am so glad that I discovered the senior section. It allows me to start and possibly end the day with a few laughs. It is always interesting.

  • 1 decade ago

    i cant keep off it,i could lI've without it but id feel as if id lost someone,i love being on here,I've yet to make any friends but then ive only been a member since late last year and i do enjoy learning something new and this is the place to do just that.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I almost feel foolish for saying this, but yes, this has been a good place to meet new people from all around the world and I would feel a loss if it was gone. When I shut down for the night I leave with a bit of knowledge, a smile and a chuckle.

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