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Lv 7

Philosophy, what is the Right thing to be and to do?

Do you feel that your actions are right by instinct or do they occur after a deliberate decision making. Which is the best policy?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Only animals and heathens act by instinct. Rational human beings deliberate over their actions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends upon the time available.

    I think, actions that can have long lasting effect or have the probability of changing the course of life should be taken after a deliberate decision making.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sinful actions are instinct because we are born with a sin nature. Children have to be taught to do good. No one is really taught to do bad, that is instinctive...No one teaches small children to lie they inherently just do. I know that good actions come from a deliberate effort to do good on our part. Yes there is also inherit good in us when we are born also because we have two natures....the sin nature and the nature of God....that is also why children are more eager to forgive and to share when they are small....this Godly nature gets corrupted by our sinful nature as we grow because our sin nature through the world...what we see what we hear grows stronger than our spiritual nature because it is fed and developed more. But when we began to develope our Godly nature more than our sin nature we fight against our selfish and sinful desires of our flesh and we began to deliberately deny the wrong actions that we want to do and make a conscience decision to do what we know to do that is right. So Good actions are indeed a deliberate decision on our part.

  • 1 decade ago

    Human response to situations range from straight instinct to deliberate decision-making. There is no one "best policy". It is dictated by the situation.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    honesty is the best policy.

    if what you are considering fits that criteria you are well on the way.

    of course it is deliberate and we dont always have all the facts so sometimes we DO get it wrong.

    All you can to is be true to yourself, and ask what will the consequences be if I go out on a limb and do this thing versus doing nothing.?

    All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing. Edmund Burke

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    - be perfect: Mt 5:48 (of imperfect law & perfect grace)

    - be merciful: Lk 6:36 (of merciless law & merciful grace)

    - be no more children tossed to<-->fro with law<-->law: Eph4


    - do will of God precedes receive the promise: Heb 10:36

    (will of God: I will have mercy[grace], and not sacrifice[law])

    (Ps 40:6; Ps 51:16; Hos 6:6; Mt 9:13; Mt 12:7; Heb 10:all)

    Source(s): GodShewOrg
  • 1 decade ago

    Morality is when we learned what we should have done. It is not really likely that we can have this knowledge in advance of the situation which causes it.

    To put it another way: We live and learn.

    Source(s): * no religious belief implied
  • 1 decade ago

    Base all of your life descisions around steak and Ron Paul

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Spontaneous right action is the best... and that comes with the regular attention to Spirit... (Worship in Spirit brings spontaneous right action)

    Worship in Spirit is from the Original Kingdom Gospel, and this explains that original gospel...

    Nice question... thanks.

  • 1 decade ago

    It all depends on your state of mind and principles.

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