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wanted: a party opposed to individual-on-individual liberty infringement?

When you think about it, it's not only gov't that is likely to oppress individuals. Really, it's one of the curses of humanity from the start of history and, no doubt, before.

Individuals and groups have a long history of oppressing individuals and groups.

A current example would be that one is likely to be forced to submit a urine sample in order to get a job sweeping a warehouse floor. I say it's an outrage. I can imagine others saying that this is a necessary method of keeping down costs, but I don't buy it. Seems clear that the damage to liberty far outweighs possible costs.

My question is, "is there any party who confronts this squarely and has a plank in their platform addressing this issue?" I've checked out the Libertarian Party site, but they don't address this issue, as far as I can tell. The closest they come to it is the mention that they do not wish for prohibitions on behavior that is honest and not destructive, or similar wording. But I want


But I want a party that would, with enough legislative power of course, spell out in law just how many constraints we can put on each other.

(How many constraints gov't can put on us, too, but that's already dealt with in the Constitution. Though some of the details seem to have been forgotten. Another matter that needs attention)

Is there such a political party? Thanks

Update 2:

To the Ron Paul supporters; thanks. I may have to check out his stand. He'll have my vote if the right answer comes back. But then, we need a movement, not an individual.

To the other two; I didn't ask for your approval. If you can't answer a question, then don't try

Update 3: mistake. "Orange Evil"; you did answer the question, so you don't belong in "the other two". I think you're making a mistake. But unfortunately there's no room here to discuss it.

What I'm really looking for is someone to say; "Yup, look up the such-and-such party."

5 Answers

  • Elise
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm all for liberty, but I really don't think that person-on-person restrictions is something that politics should be involved in.

    The best way to counter such a scenario is make the biggest hullabaloo possible, blog, start a boycott against whatever the company makes, get enough like minded individuals together to make the company hurt, and they will change their policies!

    Ron Paul 2008

  • 1 decade ago

    Just to clarify, the government isn't some inanimate or god-like entity. The government IS a group of individuals that likes to oppress you.

    As for the example you cite, employment is voluntary. The law is not. That's why requiring a urine sample to sweep a warehouse floor isn't a violation of your liberty. You don't have to work there, you don't have to provide a urine sample. If the government arrests you for drug use, do you think you'd have the same right to walk away? No.

    Liberty isn't about having everything your own way, it's about coercion and force. You sought out the company, you applied, you were asked to voluntarily submit a urine sample. How have your rights been infringed there? They haven't.

    I think drugs should be legalized, as does the Libertarian Party, but the LP wouldn't ever say that companies can't ask for a urine sample, even if the majority of party members were on drugs. The company has the liberty to ask for certain requirements of its employees, just as you have the right to quit or turn down an offer of employment because you dislike the drug policy.

    I don't know of such a party. It'd have to be a political party that supported government controls on individual actions, though, because you'd need the full power of the government to stop companies from setting up their own hiring standards.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's an outrage to give a urine sample? Your floor sweeping scenario is bogus. The person is not required to work there. No one is forcing them to give a urine sample. It is simply required if they want the job. It goes along with a resume and possibly a credit check. You can avoid the hassle of all three of those things by simply not applying for that job. You do not have a God given right to work where ever you want. You have a right to apply and be considered fairly, but the employer has rights to hire competent people, and drug test is very relevant to job performance.

    Back to the broader scope of your question. If you elect people to write more restrictions on behavior, you are not going to get more liberty, you will just get more restrictions.

    Write back if you like. I will check this now and then.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If "wish" and "replace" have been tax deductible, we nonetheless would be in debt to the wazoo. Liberals have not any purpose of particularly parting with any of their very very own wealth or lifting a finger to assist the destructive. this is for human beings to do with what's left of their earning after the government has taken its greater and greater great cut back. i like the concentration for the two Democrats and Republicans. Freedom, Liberty and guy or woman Rights is for each individual, no longer in straightforward terms Republican. It makes you ask your self why Liberal Progressives do no longer back this circulate totally. that's relatively bi-partisan. After examining rather some the solutions out of your question, that is not any ask your self why the Democrats' suggestions are being rated so poorly. this is growing to be painfully obtrusive that the party of Democrats stands for government Redistribution, Plantation possessing welfare state and State mandated rules on existence itself. The Democratic party is being flushed and the spiraling swirl additionally stinks.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Check out RON PAUL. He is a Republican candidate and considers himself a CONSTITUTIONALIST. He believes in the constituion and wants to return to that. You wouldn't know it due to the fear of Media to cover him. Americans are being cheated. Figure it out for yourself.

    Your thoughts suggest to me that you would really appreciate him, as do many of the rest of us. We will vote for him even if we have to write him in.

    THE Crooks that run our great country are scared to death of him. Check him out.

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