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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Women don't seem to want to approach men. However, if they like a guy, they seem to drop him "hints". True?

Alright, I notice women don't approach men. Men only approach women. Is it fear of rejection for women? I think it's that, and plus the current society's gender expectations/guidelines that "only men approach". Men's fear of rejection is no different than women's fear of rejection. Men only approach because they have to and are expected to -- women won't do it.

Anyway, if you're a shy guy, or if you're just afraid to make the move on asking a woman out -- then you just might not do it.

So here's the question - if a woman sees a guy she likes and wants to get to know better... but he doesn't make the first move, because he doesn't notice her, or he does notice her but has made up in his mind that she'd reject him or is already taken -- then what does the woman do? I mean, her making the first move is out of the question, right? So I assume she must drop hints to give him the green light.

What I'm asking is, does a woman's version of a "first move" consist of dropping hints?


I'm going to have to disagree with a lot of you women that keep saying "women ask men out too". That's BS. I'm not saying it never happens, but it doesn't happen to a significant point where we have to pretend it's common for men to be asked out. I never see it. Okay, so 1 out of every 100,000 women ask men out? Wow. I've had women be bold with me and initiate conversation or flirtation, but never ask me out. And I'm a nice guy and have been told I'm good-looking. Let's face it -- 99.9999% of all initiations are done by men.

Update 2:

And don't get me wrong -- I'd prefer it if more women did ask out. It would ease the burden of men always having to do the work. Especially shy guys that really have a hard time. It would also let women feel rejection that all us guys go through. Yes, I've been rejected -- all guys that ask out will be. You can't expect every woman that you ever ask out to say "yes". But I'd say my ratio of landing women as opposed to rejection is very high. I'd say 80% of the women I've asked out have said "yes". Why? Because I gauge first to see whether they're in to me or not. Secondly, I don't consider it rejection for the ones that say "I have a boyfriend" or "I'm married" because I figure that makes sense, and I'm glad she told me. There's a slight chance that she could be doing that because she's not interested, but I have no way of knowing. So I assume she's telling the truth.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Men are not all mind readers. Somehow most of us manage to read the subtle nuances that are subliminally broadcast by women. It is only those who have difficulty 'reading' women who come to grief in the interpersonal/ romance stakes.

    'Dropping hints' is the female way of establishing whether or not a male is 'receptive' to her interest in him. The direct approach of just coming straight out and asking a man out for a drink is often totally beyond the realms of a woman's comprehension. They want you to be the one who that they are in the power position, ie, that they can then rebuff your advances, that way a woman never loses face and can maintain her dignity.

  • 1 decade ago

    I myself don't make the first move because....well, that's not how I am. Plus, it doesn't help that I'm shy around the opposite sex. I'm old-fashioned and still think guys should make the first move. Sometimes when I think a guy is cute, I do drop hints like make eye contact and lock eyes with a flirtacious smile, but I do it in a friendly way just so I don't appear like an easy target (if you know what I mean). I don't want to give them the wrong impression either. Yes, I'm afraid of rejection. But my advice to you is this, you've got nothing to lose if you approach women. I'm very flattered when men give me attention, whether they're good looking or not. A woman should feel flattered when a man approaches her because it means she's good looking and attractive. It's sort of a compliment. She doesn't have to like him back, but can be friendly. If she does end up being interested in him, then wonderful. Men, you have nothing to lose. So what if she's not interested? It's her loss, right?

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Women are afraid of rejection just like men are but you are don't pick up on subtle hints. You have to be direct. I realized after reconnecting with an old friend that if I ask him a direct question he responds...and quickly which is great. But if I just make a comment...ehh...he may respond or not depending on his mood and workload, I guess. He wasn't always the best man or friend to me either so he probably needs to comprehend the fact that I'm not holding it against him.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Pogmothoningod -- you hit the nail right on the head.

    Women want men to just magically do some sort of Spock-like mind meld and understand what they want out of men, which is to be honest NEVER going to happen. Additionally, most women think far too much when it comes to looks. To a woman looks are everything, screw the intelligence, she just wants someone with a face and that's it. For women today dating is about pictures not actual attraction based on pheremones like it used to be...soooo, women get it wrong and their marriages are few and far between now...

    I have NEVER seen a girl email or approach a guy these days like women did back in the 80s. That's predominantly, because women are now picking only the most ape like men they can find or they're looking for some model alien being. To be honest, who wants their kid to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger anyway. I know looking for women on dating sites like POF and OKCUPID is hard, because the last thing I want is to date a female who looks like HER FATHER !!!!!!!! AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!! Run, run fast and far, far, far away...

    If you look at the statistics of who's married and who isn't you'll find the median income level is about $35,000 which is wear most construction workers are on the wage scale, most macho men earn even less than that so things at home are not happy at's not he panacea women want for themselves, but they still don't get it....

    The smarter males are almost always single, but they make double and even triple that money...but, they're also the ones women find most un-dateable...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Things have changed since "men only approach women." There are plenty of women out there who if they are interested in a guy and if he hasn't made the right moves that she will just make the moves herself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this as long as it is done in a tasteful manner. Women today do realize that there just are some men out there who are "afraid" to make the first move. Instead of taking a chance and losing out, a lot of women will make a "polite move". Maybe she will drop hints or just

    plain ask a guy all depends on the situation. There is nothing wrong with this and "Yes" it can consist of "dropping hints"!!! Good luck!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    ok here is my view. I have been married 4 times. I am known as a bold person, yet shy around men til I get to know them. Most women/ teens I know are not shy either. I didn't " get bold" til i was in my late 20's. By then, I had " been around" a bit and was not shy about taking what i wanted, either asking men out or whatever. the only rule: married men/spoken- for men, or men in committed relationships. Anyone else was fair game.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only very handsome men and rich famous men are lucky enough to have women approach them. If you do not have Christina Bale like good looks or a fat bank account than you are screwed and you will never get a woman if you are not the one doing the approaching.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Women do ask men out I have had five ask me out in my lifetime. It was kind of wierd the first time it happened I turned her down and I really liked her. I just thought "women never ask guys out so she must be screwing with me." well she wasn't because she got pissed and I had a hard time explaining myself.

    Although women ask men out the majority of women drop hints and they can range from subtle to outrageous such as asking you out. I always find that if you are in doubt if they like you and you like them back ask them to go somewhere with you. If they accept then you are on a roll.

  • Josh
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I hate women that think like that. We all have the same insecurities. I consider myself a reasonably attractive man, and I have NEVER had a girl make the first move OR drop a hint. When it seems like they are dropping a hint, alot of them are already taken and make it appear they are interested. OYE!

    Source(s): Bad experiences in the past with women.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Woman seem to demand men read their minds.

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