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resting pulse rate avrg of 100 for past 4 months?

im 19, a little over wieght, other wise healthy, i just got over a respitory infection with anti biotics but im still having trouble breathing and my resting pulse rate has been up, i thought it was because of the resportory infection but oviously not. what to do? should i worrie?


animia is possible, im normally borderline when i donate blood...

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would go see a cardiologist, that is too high and is considered tachycardia.

  • 1 decade ago

    As soon as you begin counting, pulse races a bit. Best way is to count for longer time &/ or discard the first few seconds' reading. Keep finger on pulse and don't count for 15 sec., by that time pulse will settle down. I think counting it this way will bring it down to well below 100 bpm. If it doesn't, get a check up to rule out fever, anemia, thyrotoxicosis etc.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, worrying is definitely not going to help your heart rate, so try not to.

    A heart rate of 100 at rest for any age is too high. You should consult a physician to see if you need to be on medication or if any particular procedure can fix the condition.

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