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j.srikant asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

What is Death?

physically, medically, psychologically, vitally, mentally, psychically, and spiritually.

category - philosophy

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Physically, your body is like a shell or space suit and you're the astronaut. You step out of it when you die.

    Medically, your body is an extension of your soul or spirit. When you die, your body gets reabsorbed into the planet.

    Psychologically, death add meaning to life. If we thought we lived forever on this planet we would take everything for granted and life would have no meaning.

    Vitally (?)

    Mentally, The concept of death is a physical reality. Our life on this planet is numbered according to our charts.

    Psychically, death is non-existant and those that pass over can continue to connect with us in our dreams or during our waking hours. Some who are gifted psychically will see, or hear or feel or smell these spirits or angels.

    Spiritually, life on the other side is a much higher vibration (in heaven) The dimension of heaven is a few feet above us. Much like we can't hear a dog whistle, we can't see or hear those in heaven. There are cases where some spirits can materialize, but they have to slow down their vibrations. This can get very complecated so I won't elborate.

    The bottom line is, death is an illusion. You and I are beautiful, eternal spirits/souls who hopefully belong to Spirit and are perfecting for love and Spirit.

  • 1 decade ago

    To discuss this, there would be an agreement on the defination of Death.

    Death is the opposite of life. Thus, what is life? What do we need to sustain that life.

    PHysically and medically death is the lack of brain function with absolutly no way of reviving that brain. be dead this way is to lose all hope or be so mentally ill that there is no reality only pain and confusion.

    Spiritually....dead when the heart and soul in side of a person rejects their own feelings and puts them in other places which isn't healthy. It is when a person gives up on a core belief that sustained them before. A person needs spiritually to lose it.

    Death of Vitallity would be depression..the feeling of hopelessness. Loss of interest in things that once were important. The inability of laughter, joy. And no hope of getting joy back.

    Death is when what we think of as life ends.

    I died physically once. I was in the white light. There ws no feeling of fear, insecurity, pain, or any negative human thought. It was total and complete peace. I was completely ok with the thought of this is the day I die. As I was revived I battled to stay in the white light because it was sheer perfection. When I had brief moments of human feelings I fought to stay in the light.

    But, it wasn't my time. I take no comfort in the experience because it just raises more questions.

    I have My faith in God, but being in the white light makes that belief more awsome and humbling considering the universe.

  • 1 decade ago

    Physically death means cessation of all physical sensations, medically it is cessation of the functioning all vital parts of the body like brain and heart, psychologically it is a condition of helplessness for the one who is dead because the dead cannot move his body and loses all control on his physical self, the same goes for vitally, mentally and psychiacally but spiritually death is a stage in an eternal cycle of birth-life-death-re-birth, it is a phase before re-birth, of obtaining a new physical body.

  • 1 decade ago

    Although intellectually we all know that one day we shall die, generally we are so reluctant to think of our death that this knowledge does not touch our hearts, and we live our life as if we were going to be in this world forever. As a result the things of this world – such as material possessions, reputation, popularity, and the pleasures of the senses – become of paramount importance, so we devote almost all our time and energy to obtaining them and engage in many negative actions for their sake. We are so preoccupied with the concerns of this life that there is little room in our mind for genuine spiritual practice. When the time of death actually arrives we discover that by having ignored death all our life we are completely unprepared.

    Death is the cessation of the connection between our mind and our body. Most people believe that death takes place when the heart stops beating; but this does not mean that the person has died, because his subtle mind may still remain in his body. Death occurs when the subtle consciousness finally leaves the body to go to the next life. Our body is like a guesthouse and our mind like the guest; when we die our mind has to leave this body and enter the body of our next rebirth, like a guest leaving one guesthouse and travelling to another.

    The mind is neither physical, nor a by-product of purely physical processes, but is a formless continuum that is a separate entity from the body. When the body disintegrates at death the mind does not cease. Although our superficial conscious mind ceases, it does so by dissolving into a deeper level of consciousness, the very subtle mind; and the continuum of the very subtle mind has no beginning and no end. IThe mind is neither physical, nor a by-product of purely physical processes, but is a formless continuum that is a separate entity from the body. When the body disintegrates at death the mind does not cease. Although our superficial conscious mind ceases, it does so by dissolving into a deeper level of consciousness, the very subtle mind; and the continuum of the very subtle mind has no beginning and no end.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The soul leaves the body and cuts all connections. The body is only matter then, without life. The soul goes into the sphere where she is attracted from by her frequency patterns. She learns what she did right and wrong. Then she plans her next incarnation and is attracted by the genetic characters of two possible parents. She goes to next incarnation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Death = The End....Game over

  • 1 decade ago

    No movement, no breathing, irrevocable cessation of brain activity , a return to the dust from which we came (which is fine for most people but I have terrible dust allergies)

    "I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Woody Allen

  • hadi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    death physically end of every thing and in medicine stop of heart but in spiritual discussion begins of new lift that is supported with previous one(every thing you done,do,are going to do).

    death is not terrible,actually your action is not SO bad.

    you may ask why so bad because GOD is so very kind and he will bless us as he state in Quran.

    i hope GOD bless all of us..........

  • 1 decade ago

    Death is an illusion.

    Life is also an illusion.

    It is only a play of eternal consciousness.

  • mad
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Birth is entrance gate of this earth

    Death is the exists gate of this earth

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