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I can't seem to send an attachment ? Need expert advice.?

I have Yahoo email address. It seems I can't send any mp 3 or any attachments in mail. I can send emails. It comes up " there was is problem." I tried contacting Yahoo but of course they don't know . With all the millions they have they can't spend any money on decent customer service or a phone line. So any suggestions. I do have Norton and no viruses on my mac. And the mb is way below the limit of 10 mb. It was working a week ago.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yahoo is still having some problems at the moment. Suggested cures range from Update Adobe Flash Player and Javascript to clear IE7 cache, cookies, and browsing history. Different things seem to work for different people. It's causing attachments to not show, 999 errors where it won't let you do a particular action and some people cannot send receive delete or move mail. It's not just Vista either it's happening to some of us on XP. I have been advised to use this site to view my mail, if all else fails go back to classic mail via this link. click yes when asked do you want to opt out. Hope this helps.

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