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kia asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

How do I tell a good friend his breath stinks,?

He's a nice guy but his co-workers are laughing at him behind his back,including management.I feel bad for him,what can I do?


He is beyond mints and gum,he smells like cat poo

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    being honest is being a true friend. try to put your shoe in the shoe of your friend. sometimes a friend needs the honesty, concern and kindness of a friend or someone close to them.

    you can tell your friend honestly and in a nice way that you are concern about his or her health. better tell your friend private. even if it hurts, you must tell him in order to save him from future embarrassment.

    since bad breath cause comes many, it is best that you recommend him to use an all natural oral care product. or you can tell him to go to a nearby dentist to detect the cause of it and to be able to get the appropriate treatment.

    proper hygiene is important in taking good care of oral health. visit for more helpful tips in getting rid of bad breath.

  • 1 decade ago

    If he's a good friend...just be like "hey not to be mean or anything but your breath stinks" then offer him some breath mints or listerine strips or gum and say "take these brother and may they serve you well"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take him to lunch or drinks after work and just flat out tell him. You don't have to say that people are making fun of him, just nicely say something like "Um, I don't really know how to tell you this and I don't want to embarass you, but I've noticed that your breath is not as minty fresh as it could be."

    Either that or just say "Dude! Whoa! What the hell crawled in your mouth and died? It smells like you're rotting from the inside out and you reek!"

    Either way should get the job done.

  • 1 decade ago

    if hes a good friend "yo breath is kickin"

    but if u wanna be polite just be like " hey u wanna try this new gum/mint i got?" or "you want one"[[as u hold out a pack of gum/mints]]

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    once you're somewhat her buddy you're able to, yet be tactful please. that is plausible that she's on medicine that could reason this variety of difficulty. oftentimes meals might reason discoloration of tooth. Sounds unusual yet i replace into so embarrassed approximately having undesirable breath at one time till i found out that of all issues potato chips have been the perpetrator. no count how plenty I brushed my tooth it did not seem to count. purely be comfortable on your attitude.

  • 1 decade ago

    Give him some mints once in awhile, saying they were extra, or some gum, saying you had extra.

    or tell him nicely.

  • 1 decade ago

    offer him some gum or mints, her might get the hint

  • 1 decade ago

    >> if he is a good friend, you should just be able to come out with it and tell him about it. he will either thank you kindly or get pissed at you. most likely thank you, because then the laughing will stop and he will realize people want to be around him more :]

  • File a complaint to head management about the situation and what's going on.

  • 1 decade ago

    beat everybody up! then buy yourself some breath mints and offer him one and let him keep the whole thing.

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