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Help!!! having a problem with my husband...?

I went out last night with my girlfriend and we were both drinking and this man offered us drinks in one condition, he asked us to kiss and somehow he ended up kissing both of us. We are both married and we could not believe that we screwed up and kiss this stranger. I went home and I told my husband what happened and he was real mad at me. I totally I understand that he should be upset however, I apologized because I felt quilty. My girlfriend told me that I should of kept my big mouth shut. Now she said that she has to tell her husband because her husband knows my husband and somehow it will come out. My husband is so pissed off at me, he is even talking about divorcing me. WHAT the HELL!!! I really regret that I said anything to him because I thought I was doing the right thing by telling before he found out by someone. What do you think I should do? This week is his birthday and I want to get him something special and I do not know what to do. I screwed up...

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Give him space!

    It will blow over. You being nervous around him will only make it worse.

    Give him a clean, considerate gift. That is not so expensive it seems your trying to buy your way back

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a hard call seeing I'm a man but your friend is right sometimes it better to not say a word then it would be to say that you kissed another guy even a stranger.And to apologized because you felt guilty after kissing another man because you felt it would get out.You like alcohol that much that you would kiss another guy for a drink.I'm sorry little lady but if you would kiss a stranger for a drink you need to stop.You need to tell your husband in a card how sorry you are and that it will never happen again.And if your marriage is worth saving you need to stop drinking if you can't handle your alcohol.Tell him you will even stop drinking if it will help save your marriage.Now If I was your husband I would hold you to that and you would have to build up your trust all over again.Good luck little lady and hope things work out for the best for you.

    Source(s): just my thoughts
  • 1 decade ago

    Boy did you BOTH screw up. One by going out for drinks because as we all know when you drink you tend to make big mistakes. 2 by kissing the stranger what were you thinking? You knew exactly what you were doing no I'm not going to sugar coat things for you. and 3. your so called friend is encouranging you to be dishonest. You know that if your husband did something like this you've be freaking out on this site wondering if you should get a divorce for being unfaithful. You were tempted and you kissed a stranger & you were unfaithful so now you need to gain his trust ...earn it back and that takes time. There's no quick fix to this I suggest you keep some distance away from that skeezy friend of yours or you'll end up on the divorce block.

    Learn from your mistakes rather than making excuses for our bad decisions.

    No one deservs to be treated this way. Respect him and you'll get the same in return.

    Source(s): Core values start with being honest, respectful, loving and understanding. Don't ever lose them or you'll lose yourself
  • 1 decade ago

    Well im sorry in my opinion a kiss shouldnt equal a divorce. Okay well ill give my advice i think you should kind of back off him dont bug him about it because trust me is already on his mind and when he looks at you he will think it then you buggin him about forgiveness and stuff will upset him. Just make yourself a ghost do all the regular things. Maybe leave little I love you sticky notes where he goes for the morning when he goes to work. Let him know without directly talking to him that you are incredibly sorry and you still love him and will NEVER do it again. But dont say it directly he wont want to hear it and face it. Men are like that. As for his birthday you dont have to go overboard you cant buy love and he will feel like you have if you do something extra extra. So get him something he likes though take him out to his favourite place nice classy things HE loves. but dont overdue it hun i hope it helps out......

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can understand you husbands reaction, if my wife did that I would be furious. By kissing this other fella you have broken your husbands trust. I think you did the right thing by telling him. You just have to wait for him to calm down.

    But, you should do something really special for his birthday

  • 1 decade ago

    truth is always best but you prob shoulda weighed out that if he didn't know no big deal and a big deal of nothing if he did. all you can do is earn your trust back and be prepared to stay at home because your nights out are prob over.

  • 1 decade ago

    honesty is the best policy, he will get over it with time

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