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Was I wrong?

My cousin (14) called and told me she was pregnant. I told her that people doubt our next generation because dummies like her are out having kids. (I am black) and she called me a sell out and told me to stop acting white because I am black. I said so what is being black, being only 14 and ignorant as hell and having kids when you can barely take care of yourself? Do you think I was wrong. I am 14 too and we have totally opposite view points.


Great answers...but there is cousin told me this about 3 weeks ago and then we argued and she said she'd curse me out and fight me...she is bigger than me...but she doesnt scare me...I dont believe in giving up on ANYONE...but she acts like a 2 year old how can I stick by her? [We arent talking now]

Update 2:

she didnt have the baby yet she says shes 2 months along

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, in all honesty what you said was right. How at the age of 14 does she expect to raise a child. You seem very smart and mature for your age. I've seen this too many times. Girl gets pregnant, boy denies it's his. Girl raises child with help of parents. When girl becomes 18 she forgets she has a child and begins to act and party like a child. She will resent herself and her baby for "robbing" her of her childhood. It's unfortunate but it happens. I guess everyone values different things and have different expectations out of life. So if she is happy, more power to her. But the simple fact is now that she is another teenage statistic.

    As her loving cousin there is not much you can do now other than to support her. The baby has been conceived. So continue to be a positive person within her life. Push her to get her education rather she has a child a not. Push her to better herself and her life for the sake of her and her childs future. You may not agree with it, but its been done. So now instead of hurting her feelings, help her to be better. To keep focused on her future and education. If it weren't for my families love I would be a different person today. All that matters in this life is love and family. Without either life is empty. I wish you the best of luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Black, white, Mexican, Oriental - does not make a difference in who you are as a person. Since this baby has already been conceived your cousin is going to need a lot of support, you will need to step up to the plate as a family member and do everything you can to keep cousin on track in the right direction. The welfare of the baby should come first and foremost. Sure she was too young to get pregnant but whats done is done. This innocent baby does not need to grow up in a world of rejection when it was never asked to be conceived. Your cousins life is not over, it will set her back in her goals but that does not mean she is hopeless. Life will go on, she can still get an education, it will just be more difficult for her to achieve. Since it's too late to unbake the cake in the oven you should be giving her hope that will be in the best interest of her unborn baby. All's you can do now is MAKE THE BEST OF WHAT HAS ALREADY BEEN HATCHED.

  • 1 decade ago

    you sound very intelligent for your age. I don't care about peoples race, or color, but it seems like lots of black people (around where I live at least) try to ACT black, instead of just being a human being. You don't have to have a really bad attitude and talk about being black all the time, or have kids really young, or not have interest in expanding your mind. I've met a few black people who are absolutely competent human beings, who are proud of their race just as everyone should be, but don't think of it as a dividing factor between them and others. I think if we all stop caring about fitting the stereotypes, and more and more people push the limit of what your race HAS to act like, then slowly we will eliminate racism.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are not wrong. You are a very smart 14 year old. Having a baby at 14 is a terrible way to start life and what kind of life is this baby going to have. A baby having a baby. You be smart and go to college and get yourself a good life.

    Has nothing to do with race, even white 14 years old have babies and they are not very smart either.

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  • Mercy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    all viewpoints are wrong,just fragments of our crazy minds, just garbage, no value at all. the only difference, there are viewpoints that hurt you (which is better, you are higher on the evolution chain than those who hurt others) and they are viewpoints that make us hurt others intentionally. Those should be avoided, on the path to no views at all. No identification with anything. Just be.

  • 1 decade ago

    No your not wrong she needed to hear the truth from someone and she heard it from you i kno you wasent trying to be mean you were just telling it like it is ................

    so dnt worrie your gonna be ok in the end you were rite and sometimes people dnt like o hear the truth ya kno

  • 1 decade ago

    wow, throwing the race card in for pity

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I would have said the same thing.

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