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Has anyone else considered just up and leaving the U.S.?

After spending my entire adult life serving this country in one capacity or another, I simply cannot stomach the thought of living in a nation full of citizens uneducated enough and naive enough to believe that Hussein Obama has any of the answers. I've always told people one of the greatest things about this country, is if you don;t like it, you're free to leave. Thank God that's still the case. I believe I'll take my own advice. Somewhere between the day the U.S. citizenship elects this powerless clown and his rose colored ideology, and the day he takes office. I never thought I'd renounce my citizenship, but I expect I could do a lot better as a Canadian. Mexico, move on in!!! Take the jobs and the welfare and education money and healthcare and everything else that this country has to offer to you. At least it has something to offer to someone. I'm gonna go be a Canadian, or a Cuban. But I spent too much of my life fighting communism to live in a nation of the New Communist Party!

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    America wont let him get into office of the commander in chief

    so hang loose

    But I too am considering moving if Saint Obama wins

    US protects Guam but they pretty much run themselves.

    And arent into the socialist state

    Might be a choice

    Phillipines arent bad either

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I "up and left" the USA in the 90's just for the experience and came back to my country. I think it's important for everyone to do that so that when people start talking about, for example, how the rest of the world hates us, you understand a bit more what the 'rest of the world' is really like. I don't know if you'll find a Utopia where liberalism hasn't already pervaded, but I completely understand what you mean about current events. After 7 years of obsessive hatemongering and bashing of our own country, now a good percentage of Americans refuse to see the facts about this previously unknown senator. My view of Americans has changed dramatically.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're being silly. Almost anywhere worth going is far more liberal than the USA. The rest of the civilized world thinks that the Republicans are absolute right-wing nutcases. Even the Conservative party in most countries is more liberal than our Democrats. If you think you're going to find your fascist paradise elsewhere, then good luck. Obama is even more popular in Europe than he is here, and he's going to win here.

  • Stripe
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    People are leaving. I know of one person who is moving because she lost her son because of drugs. She lost her house. She had another house that the renter's quit paying on & so she has had it & is leaving. She knows others who have left.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good luck! We'll be a stronger nation without you! You may want to look into Canadian politics, Mexican politics, European politics, and many other countries as well though. You might be unpleasantly surprised when you learn that these nations, and most of the rest of the world, are more liberal than us... might I suggest moving to an African dictatorship-ruled country? You'll be right at home at any of these, they are very right wing-friendly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Canada, Poland, Venezuela

  • 1 decade ago

    u damn right. im tired of socialism and communism takin this country over and no one realizing it. but ur wrong. if u were as much of a patriot as u said u r then u would do what our founding fathers wanted us to do and that is stand up against a government that we the ppl dont believe in. its time for the citizens of this country to stop takin the easy way out by sittin back and not caring or just movin to another country. we need to ban together and take back our country. screw all the candidates they r all horrible.

  • 1 decade ago

    I almost agree with you except the part you leaving the country. We who can't leave are going to need people like you to help fight the good fight against this evil!! I myself have no understanding what has plagued the citizens to think this way but it's insane and worse it's so dangerous that it's incredible that they can't see it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I understand your exasperation. But even under a nitwit like Obama, the US would probably survive to be a reasonably decent place to live -- and Canada or Mexico would not obviously be better.

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