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HRH Shim asked in TravelAsia PacificMalaysia · 1 decade ago

How would you handle this situation?

My staff had just gone through a bitter divorce from her 5 years of marriage and and she's been taking unpaid leave for so many times that I just couldn't recall. I talked to her and tried to be sympathetic and I gave her few days off but it seems that she took advantage by taking more leave.

I'm just fed up. Work is piling and she's playing truant. Should I just sack her or give her more time? Would it be heartless considering she just lost her marriage? What would you do? How long should we allow a person to get over this grief and get back to work?

18 Answers

  • jimmy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    • Her personal affairs are her own business.

    • She has a contract with her employer to provide a service. If she is not providing that service, she is in breach of that service.

    • She can be dismissed.

    If you have a soft heart and think that is too harsh:

    • Talk with her. Make some arrangements. Is she able to take some work home ? Come late and leave early ?

    • Employ a temp.

    • A time limit should be agreed upon which she will be able to work full-time.

    If you are still too soft;

    • Create a new position for her. Pay her for doing little... Employ another to take over her work. Offer to pay for professional counselling...


    Consult the local labour office what options you can have,,,

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like she is going through a very difficult situation. Everybody reacts to these situations in different ways, and some people take longer to get through the tough times. For her to lose her job could be devastating - she already has a lot of stress and that extra stress of having to find new work will not help things. On the other hand, you have a business to run and work is piling up.

    Under normal circumstances, is she a good worker? If so, then you do not want to lose her. One option could be to hire someone on a short-term basis to at least prevent her work from piling up. This gives you the advantage that if she does decide not to come back, or you reach a point where you have to sack her, you already have somebody that is at least partly trained ready to fill her niche.

    The other thing to consider is how your actions will be perceived by other workers. Even if from an economic perspective it makes sense to sack her, the other staff may perceive you as "heartless" and then they may not be so keen to work for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    important issues of divorces include adjusting to a new life, managing personal/career/financial matters alone and raising kids alone... who wants to be single and divorced anyway?? While it is tough being single, it is equally hard for the working mum and kids, especially kids. I supposed if ur staff has only been married for 5 years, her kids are still young, and in times like these, they need their mother most. its good that you were there for her, but a boss is a boss, and u can never get close and personal with her, to know what's exactly delaying her for not going to work (whether its personal dilemma, financial problem, or esteem issue)... so why dont u get your other staff (who's close to her) to find out so u can hear both side of the story, so later u can decide what's the best thing that u can do for both she and you agree? coupled with a stern warning letter...i think it should be ok.

  • 1 decade ago

    A divorce can be very hard on someone, but that does not give someone a free pass to miss work as much as this woman sounds like she has. You did well by being sympathetic and allowing her some time off, but it sounds like she has had more than enough time. It is unfortunate that her situation isn't the best at the moment, but at this point she still needs to be held accountable for her work responsibilities. I had my mother pass away last year and I was given a week to mourn her passing. I don't think a divorce is worse than a family member passing. You did right by her, and allowed her some free days off, but she does need to come back to work.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you have a business to run, or are you a friend? It is so nice to have a relationship with your employees when you operate small. However, you have a job that needs to get done and an employee whose life just got turned upsidedown, which will make them very unproductive even if they were to work. The best thing would be to offer an extended leave of absence, to get their life back in order, and hire a temp in the mean time. Your employee will either agree, or look for another job, either way, you won't be the bad guy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sacking her is not going to solve the problem. She might use the opportunity to tell the whole world that you got no heart for a divorced person. There are such people out there who are so self-centered. They will only think about themselves.. And given her situation now, your next move is going to be an excuse for her to bark at.

    Have a good talk with her. Let her know that you sympatise with her situation and explain to her that you need to employ another person (which is of course not true) to cover her duties. See her reaction and decide if you really need to terminate her service...

    Good luck...

  • 5 years ago

    i've got had this arise numerous situations, truly while invited to the domicile of a colleague or acquiantance. i do no longer make lots of a fuss over it. i comprehend that they have got maximum probable immediately assumed that i'm Christian besides. whether that's their custom to realize this, i would not disrespect them of their domicile via making a great deal out of it. i'd probable no longer participate, even although, as this would bypass against my ideals. in maximum circumstances, no actual harm or judgment is implied in an hassle-free asserting of grace. As a Pagan, i'm so familiar with being in one in each and every of those difficulty, that i do no longer enable it hardship me. If asserting grace on the dinner table prolonged to a mini-bible learn, proselytizing consultation, or a interest of "Convert That Pagan!"... properly... i'd be none too extremely joyful, and would respectfully, yet firmly enable this is prevalent.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, verbal warning. Follow by written one. One week later, second warning letter. Third strike, OUT. period. Company is doing business NOT welfare organisation and it employs staff to work NOT to play truant and bring personal business to office. Cant handle personal things at home, pack and leave.

    Source(s): Personal experience in sacking staff.
  • 1 decade ago

    1. Ask her what is her real problem (because she leaving her responsibilities behind)

    2. Evaluate her (whether she is valuable enough to work with you still)

    3. Give her option or suggestion she can do it in home but still submit it in or on-line maybe. or just try something like "I'm giving you the 1 last week to grief. i understand your problem but we can't sustain and deliver a good job for company if work is still piling up. i need your immediate attention whether you still want to work with the company or leave the company. in 24hours. if you fail to do so i consider you resign from this position".

    maybe with this you can keep her to focus more one her long term future.

  • 1 decade ago

    Employ me

    the only thing that can put my into an oblivion state like a drug is my work...minimum wage of rm 2000 pleaaasee..but lemme ask my boss first whether he is willing to let me go or not :P

    Seriously ..

    i think she's terribly devastated til the point of where she don't care about herself anymore ( meaning ,she doesn't realise about the importance of her life and work right now) .talk to her about how you feel, tell her to move on ,spare some encouraging words.give her 3 days to think about it..tell her

    'if you wish to keep on working here, after 3 days come back, forget all your trouble, commit yourself to the thing that is beneficial to you..Your job'

    oooorrrr you could let her talk with me..

    P.S : I'll charge for consultation fee :P hehehe

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