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Lv 56,578 points

HRH Shim

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  • Do any of you know or performed any first aid technique?

    And guys, I don't mean "mouth to mouth" as in french kissing ok. I mean the real First Aid technique that you know/ learnt or even performed on anybody?

    12 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • How to release anger without swearing?

    And without using any profanities?

    25 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • How would you handle this situation?

    My staff had just gone through a bitter divorce from her 5 years of marriage and and she's been taking unpaid leave for so many times that I just couldn't recall. I talked to her and tried to be sympathetic and I gave her few days off but it seems that she took advantage by taking more leave.

    I'm just fed up. Work is piling and she's playing truant. Should I just sack her or give her more time? Would it be heartless considering she just lost her marriage? What would you do? How long should we allow a person to get over this grief and get back to work?

    18 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • Do you believe it's karma?

    Relating to the natural disasters in China and Myanmar. People are mentioning about it as the disaster happened right after the bloodshed between the government and the religious sects. What do you think and whatever the answers are, my deepest condolences to the victims.

    10 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • Pak Lah chose to remain...?

    as the PM. Do you think that he made the decision himself or did someone else (I think Khairy) pressured him to stay?

    32 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • Is there a solid reason for committing adultery?

    In the wake of a very married MCA leader's sex tape, why do people commit adultery? Is it an accidental thing which later developed into an affair or is it a planned thing? Do you think by simply apologising to the people you are married to is enough? How long would you "shop around" first before finally getting married and vow never to get involved in any illicit extra-marital affair? It seems that the sanctity of marriage is getting weaker...

    20 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • What's the worst thing you've done in the year 2007?

    We've all made some bad decisions or actions so what did you do that made you wish you can turn back the clock?

    29 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • Is Faiz Khaled, the second angkasawan the actual hero?

    We have been fed with Syeikh Muszaphar as the nation's hero but after learning about Faiz Khaled jumped to his friend's aid and had his arm slashed, I think that is a heroic act. Don't you think so?

    16 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • BMW E46 air-cond problem?

    Why is it that when it rains heavily, my air-cond will start to fail which cause the interior become condensed and clouding the windows which makes visibility very poor?

    2 AnswersBMW1 decade ago
  • Do you think this ghost image in MidValley is real?

    A friend has emailed me this ghost image taken at MidValley car park. I'm not sure if you have seen this pics before but there are stories amongst the guards who have seen a ghostly image of a Chinese girl loitering around pillar F15. I have reservations about these images but I prefer getting answers from you guys. Do you think the presence of a ghost in this pictures are real or is it just another clever hoax?

    20 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • Does Malaysian Health Ministry conduct health checks to food handlers?

    How many food handler out there who are infected with HIV, Tuberculosis, or any other infectious desease are being checked? Imagine if someone with HIV cuts his/her hand while preparing food for customers. Can the customer get infected?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Does Malaysia has poison ivy plant?

    I need to know if this part of the world has poison ivy plant and if do, does it share the same features and characteristics? It would be better if anyone can give a Malay name to this plant.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago