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BMW E46 air-cond problem?

Why is it that when it rains heavily, my air-cond will start to fail which cause the interior become condensed and clouding the windows which makes visibility very poor?


Tony: No, it doesn't smell or anything, it just shuts off.

Update 2:

Snowie: Cheers! I'll include that in my list.

2 Answers

  • Snowie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Check your refridgerant (ie; "aircon gas") level (use only R-134a). It is possible that your refridgerant level is just at the threshold where it is just enough to activate the the pressure switch.

    When it rains heavily, the rain water cools the system enough to reduce the pressure below that threshold. This will shut down your compressor.

    If you're in M'sia (just guessing), RM50 will do the trick.

  • Tony T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Not sure but i have a e46 m3 cab and mine smells really bad when it has been turned off,does yours.

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