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DS vs. PSP? which system for an adult?

i'm looking for a system to play at work during the night. which is better for an adult? i've been leaning toward a DS lite but i want REAL information and stats on both systems. cost is not a factor in my decision. i want something with huge gaming possibilities and lots of options

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer that's a tough one. I've got both and I must say they both have their pros and cons. Hope this helps:


    Pros: TONS of games, but only if you really like Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, and Puzzle Games. GREAT interaction, meaning a touch screen and a microphone, not to mention being able to download some games from one system to another (WI-FI).

    Cons: Many of the games are for kids and it is not as graphically impressive as the PSP.


    Pros: BEAUTIFUL graphics (anyone who has played FFCC would know this). Great extras: you can download Mp3's and pics. POWERHOUSE for a portable system, that is. You'll find that the PSP games are more in depth than the DS (check out Monster Hunter).

    Cons: Smaller selection of games; new games take a while to be released

    BOTTOM LINE: If you are looking for a fun, light-hearted gaming experience, go for the DS. If power and graphics are what you want, go for the PSP.

    Source(s): Owner of both systems
  • 1 decade ago

    I would say the DS is better. The PSP is just like most other portable game devices. The DS gets you more involved using the touch screen and microphone unlike the PSP that doesn't really have an outstanding feature that I know of, and I think that Nintendo makes better games than Sony, (just my opinion). I own a DS and I am glad I chose it over the PSP. If you want something fun I would reccomend the DS. If you have the right equipment you can play with people around the world with the DS.

  • 1 decade ago

    DS is for kids. Well, so as PSP. But there are stuff to know about a PSP, especially the hacking part. If you have the right tools and really in to it, you can play DS games with the PSP using an emulator. So my point here is that, in PSP you can do what a DS can, and even more. I'm just not sure about the DS part.

    Go for a PSP. It's really great. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I owned a PSP for a long time, and I now own a DS. Both have their good points and bad points--here's how I see it...


    The good: Lower price (now that supply is starting to catch up with demand, that is), games--on average--cost less, the Touch Screen and microphone are pretty cool, the games are a little simpler, and there's a somewhat better selection of good quick-play games.

    The bad: Several of the games are targeted toward kids, the graphics won't exactly blow you away, and, as much as I love the system, it's terrible for fans of racing games.


    The good: Amazing graphics, uses a memory card (so you can store far more than just a game-save file), much better selection of games targeted toward adults, supposedly has Wi-Fi capability (I could never get it to work).

    The bad: More costly (don't forget about that memory card!), games are more costly as well, and some of them have crippingly slow loading times (i.e. Midnight Club 3).

    It's largely a matter of preference. Try to borrow one before you buy!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think a DS is more suitable for adults...

    its an stress less fun thing...

    and I see more adults playing with a DS rather than a PSP..

    I hope this helped you!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    psp gaming is more stressfull yet still fun I would not whant to play it at work I personally like my psp more than my ds but the DS is just plan stressless fun or less stress more fun id go with the ds

  • 1 decade ago

    PSP is good but its expensive like 1000$like that if DS i think 500$ psp is more good then that two screen because DS is gameboy PSP is sony sony is the best

    Source(s): PLEASE LIKE PSP
  • 1 decade ago

    psp all the way

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