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How are Sharon Stone's comments about karma any different then a Chirstian leader's comments about?!?!

God punishing the sinful???

Sharon Stone commented that the earth quake in China was caused by bad karma from their treatment of the tibet people. There has been no outrage, no questioning how this "karma' could treat people like this, in fact no one is calling her out for it.

However, as soon as a Christian leader questions whether maybe a natural disaster was sent by God to punish those for sinfulness, his credibility is destroyed and is forced to recant his statement and leave his ministerial post.

What is the difference?? If there is no difference, is it proof of christian persecution with inthe US?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Alot of people ARE outraged at Sharon's insensitive comments. The comments are as ignorant as similar statements made by Christian leaders after 9-11.

    However, she is not a religious nor political leader. Her statements doesn't make a difference besides making her look stupid.

    Blame George W Bush and Fox News and all the pro-war satanists disguised as christians. They deserve persecution from those who seek peace and truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Really? Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell were forced to resign in disgrace? I thought they both continued to be wildly popular after they made those claims.

    One major difference may be that Sharon Stone is not a religious leader perhaps? Is any random Christian who says such things forced into the imaginary disgrace you claim for ministers? Come to think of it which ministers have suffered this fate?

    But yes the statements are equally deluded and crass.

  • 1 decade ago

    She isn't a religious figure head to start,

    Kamma isn't how she explained it (being Intentional Action Vipaka being the result)

    what could she step down from her acting is nothing to do with her personal opinion of the situation in china whereas a religious leaders opinion that god made something happen is related to what he does and what his personal opinion is.

    Notice the Lack of any Buddhist monks or leaders definitively saying what the cause is there possibly due to their lack of knowledge of why earthquakes happen.

    (((((May All Be Happy)))))

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The difference is that noone takes Sharon Stone seriously

  • Ptah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sharon Stone has no concept of what Karma is. Karma is simply the result of an action.... nothing more, nothing less.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you see anyone parroting that insanity?

    Lots of Christians repeat here all the time the crazy things said by Pat Robertson, John Hagee et al.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its simple, wicca says that if you cast a spell to curse someone it wil come back to you three times as bad, this is the rule of three, it is also a spiritual law set up by God, a self fullfilling prophecy, if you tell a child long enough he is stupid, he begins to believe it, it is a curse, but it could come back to bite the parent in the but as well for saying that curse over the child of God. I have seen this happen. My sister-in-law, was taken home from colorado by her Mom and stepdad and the step dad knew she had back problems but was mad that he couldn;t have his way in some matter, so he drove over every bunp as ruffly as he could and my sister-in-law had very bad back problems after that, well a few months after that the stepfather of her mother, suddenly got sick, very sick himself. Anyways, leave revenge in God's hand.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sharon Stone is irrelevant. No intelligent person takes anything she says or does seriously.

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to like Sharon Stone's snatch but now its all old and wrinkly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Karma is as Karma Does.

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