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  • Will congress stop before or after they have complete destroyed the business sector in the US?

    The Democratic Rep. from Florida now seems to think the this country needs a mandatory 1 week paid vacation imposed on almost all employers. His reason are:

    1) The French do it - When was the last time you were using something from France and thought "what great craftsmanship", Probably never, because they have imposed crap like this and killed there manufacturing sector.

    2) It will reduce sick days - Sorry, but sick days are not taken because people are short on vacation, but because people don't want to work.

    3) Increase business to the travel industry - Wrong, Since employers will need to shell out extra cash for work not being done, they will employ less or cut wages causing those employed to spend less, driving down the vacation market.

    If an employer has 100 employee. Each being required to get 1 week paid vacation. Lets assume all 100 employees make $40,000 per year, that means this employer will need to pay out an additional $4million for work NOT being done. Will that employer not make up this difference by cutting jobs or lowering wages?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Legal question regarding the terms of a purchase?


    My wife and I went furniture shopping. The first store we went to had a chair we liked but it was priced beyond our limit. The second store we went to offered the same chair (both stores required this chair be special ordered). The sales person from the second store quoted me a price 1/3 of that from the first store. I asked her to confirm the price and she confirmed this lower price. I told her that a competitor was offering it for considerably higher then that, but she still stuck with her price. My wife then joined the conversation and she began by questioning the price and confirming that we were discussing the right chair. After all this the salesperson confirmed the lower price. My wife and I said we would buy it for that price. The sales order was written, we put $300 down and were told that the remainder would be charged when the item arrived. My wife and I left thinking something was fishy, but we had confirmed the correct product and price.

    The following evening, we recieve a call from the salesperson stating she had made an error on the price. She then told me the correct price (same as the first store) and told me they could not sell it at the price on my reciept. They would be able to give the chair for the new price less 10% (for my trouble) or I could pick a new chair within my price range.


    Is my reciept not legally binding? Especially since I put $300 down. I have a legal right to the terms of this sale, whether or not they made a mistake, correct?

    Thanks for your help.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does the stimulus package begin the reign of the Obama Dictatorship?

    The bill was passed with no equal party involvement, it was not allowed to be reviewed by the members of the congress or the people. We were told that if it wasn't handled now the US would collapse, yet Obama was able to take a 3 day vacation before he gets around to signing it.

    Sounds like something Chavez would do.

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Isn't with holding tax refunds somehow unconstitutional?

    Withholding refunds is the same as adding a tax. If the state can just decide on a whim that they can hold any cash they want; isn't that called a dictatorship? Or better yet, isn't the idea that government is somehow holding cash that they assume belongs to them and not the citizens called socialism?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • At what point does guilt by association apply to Obama?

    When will people realize that at some point the entities surrounding Obama are not just coincidences. That he HAS TO believe these things in order to be placed with these people. Examples:

    1) Bill Ayers - Obama worked with him on boards in Chicago and attened a party that was thrown for Obama. (Obama knew who Bill was and with the tightness a political campaign is run, he only would have attended this party if he believed what Ayers believed.)

    1) Rev. Wright - You don't attend a church for 20yrs unless you believe what is being preached. This is not possible, no matter how you spin it.

    3) Frannie and Freddie - Obama was the 2nd highest paid in campaign contributions from these 2 companies. He and his democratic friends were fine to watch the housing market crash in order to line their pockets from Fran & Fred.

    4) Acorn - Obama worked for Acorn as a community organizer. In that position he offered home loans to those unable to pay. This organization is also now being investigated for voter fraud in thier registration effort. Obama interestingly also headed up some efforts to get voter registration.

    Those 4 items seem to point to a man that has some very questionalbe ideas of how America should work. A man who believes that "God Damn America" is a good sermon. A man who worked with the democrats to create our housing and market crash.

    When will the American people realize that this man is wrong for America?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • In evolution, what is the original start of life on this planet?

    In evolution, the theory states that live began as a collection of molecules in the early primordial soup of this planet. However, in this soup, was their one original micro-organism that is the basis for all of life or were there multiple micro-organisms that were created from this collection of molecules at the same time and life sprang up from a couple micro-organisms.

    5 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Does Obama's inability to back a law that prohibits infanticide change anybodies opinion of the messiah?

    He (and his campaign admits this) shot down an Illinois law that would have prohibited an abortion doctor from killing a born infant if that infant showed signs of life after an abortion attempt. His reasoning at the time was that the addition of a doctor with the ability to help an infant would have put undo pressure on the mother. He, therefore, believes that if a child is born alive, a mother should still be able to kill it.

    Does this change the views or voting stance of any Obamaphiles?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • For those who think that Obamaphilia is not a religion....?

    Although, he has not directly asked for this. If any Christian group came out and planned this or the Catholic church offered some sacred item to a conservative candidate the Liberals would refer to that candidate as a kook.

    The fact that Obama will be called a kook proves that he has been accepted in the hearts of the liberals as the messiah that all past socialist/communists have been wating for.

    Who agrees that the annointing of Obama will destroy our country?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • For those of you who have read the 'Left Behind' book series....??

    Does Barrak Obama remind you of Nicolae Carpathia?

    They share certain likenesses:

    1) Quick rise to power

    2) Promising change and hope

    3) Followers are religiously devoted

    4) His challengers seem unable to use truth against him

    I think it is very scary. Does any one else share this opinion?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the body count of the loss of life to innocent Iraq and Afgan people by terrorist weapons??

    Please only answer if you have a source for your information.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What is the loss of life to innocent Iraq and Afgan people by American weapons??

    Please only answer if you have a source for your information.

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Is the Common Good (as determined by a government) more essential then Private Property to a strong society??

    Common Good = the good of society based on what the government deems appropriate

    Private Property = All personally/privately owned property and business entities

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How are Sharon Stone's comments about karma any different then a Chirstian leader's comments about?!?!

    God punishing the sinful???

    Sharon Stone commented that the earth quake in China was caused by bad karma from their treatment of the tibet people. There has been no outrage, no questioning how this "karma' could treat people like this, in fact no one is calling her out for it.

    However, as soon as a Christian leader questions whether maybe a natural disaster was sent by God to punish those for sinfulness, his credibility is destroyed and is forced to recant his statement and leave his ministerial post.

    What is the difference?? If there is no difference, is it proof of christian persecution with inthe US?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What the duece?? How can any american allow this ignorance to persist??

    We can't request an ID when you vote; however the moron stting across the table from you telling you where to sign for your mortgages must be finger printed.

    Shouldn't we be finger printing the idiots who signed for loans they could not afford and are now defaulting on? (Please don't blame evil Big Mortgage, it takes 2 to tango and the accounts of true criminal activity among lenders is very low and not statistically relevant.) Also please remember that the total amount of mortgages being defaulted on is about 1 - 1.5% of the total american mortgages.

    When will america realize that the liberals policy of reacting to a problem instead of being proactive will only sink this country further into the fascist socialism?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • If the democrats wish to force the saudis to pump more oil???

    Why are they blocking any further development of our own oil reserves? and Why are they also the people screaming the loudest to reduce our need for foriegn oil?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why do people waste time asking Y!A question and waiting for answers when?!?!?

    had they typed the same thing into yahoo or google, they would have the answer????

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • When americans wake up and realize that government has destroyed our country....??

    will it be too late????

    -Food prices soaring because of the ignorant policy of corn based ethanol.

    -Health care prices soaring because government unwilling to relinquish control and allow free market to work.

    -Fuel prices soaring because government unwilling to drill our own oil supply or lower beaurcratic bullsh*t to build nuclear.

    -Taxes soaring because government is in the business of gaining wealth, not serving the people.

    -Never ending war, because government would rather quarrel like kids then solve the problem.

    -Billions in foriegn aid to countries that don't need it or are terrorist countries.

    The 2 major parties have candidates that will only make the problem worse.

    By the time americans realize they have voted people in to office who will destroy this country, will we have a country left to save.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where are our leaders???

    Our current government is made of self serving egotists that do not have the best interest of our contry in mind. On either side of the political spectrum, there is nothing but rhetoric. No one is willing to stand up for anything, unless first indicated by a poll. A true leader will stick his neck out for what is right.

    Where is our leader? How do we return the presidency to a position that commands respect because of its ability to unify* our country? The last 3 have been a complete bust and have destroyed the office.

    *Unify - Not by forcing your way on the country, but by presenting a non-biased solution that has the countries needs at heart. Not the interest group who gave you the idea.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Republicans and Conservatives only!?!?!?

    Do you believe that Bush's complete lack of leadership and inability to articulate issues has been his greatest downfall as a president??

    Besides the war and a tax cut (which he can't even make permanent) Bush has done nothing. He has allowed himself to be beaten up on the war, the economy, taxes, housing market and anything else that goes wrong. Yet he is silent.

    Is this not he sorriest excuse for a conservative president we have had? And I ask this as a conservative myself that sees no help for conservatism in the near future considering the our presumptive nominee is a liberal himself.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Animal Cruelty Wisconsin??

    If I live in wisconsin and have racoons living under my deck, is it illegal to poison them?? If I 'accidentally' leave a shallow dish full of anti-freeze in the backyard next to the opening where they exit my deck, could I be charged with animal cruelty?

    I am not interested in the opinions of any animal lovers. It could cost me $500+ to have them removed via trapping. I don't have $500 to spend on myself, I am not spending that on pests.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago