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rich k
Lv 6
rich k asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Iraqi veterans of the last five years, Do you see a victory in the near future, and what would it be?

Just as you can't win a race if there is no finish line you can't win a war without a defined objective. I'm a Nam era vet who retired after Desert Storm, during Nam no one seemed to know what we were trying to achieve, our people were just there. In Desert Storm we had a clear goal, the Liberation of Kuwait, we did that and came home. Obviously none of us who haven't been there can really understand it as you do, so I ask your opinion, is there an actual achievable goal that we can accomplish and put things to an end as we did with the Liberation of Kuwait? Is there a Finish Line? I would also like to thank you all for your service, Vet to Vet.


Wulfen: I notice you speak for your grandfather not yourself, my question was for people who had actually worn a uniform and served in time of war.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm an OEF/OIF vet. The answer to your question is a plain and simple "No". There is far too much money to be made by the contractors and their buddies in govt. for there to be an Endgame any time soon for Iraq. I just checked the numbers and as of this moment as I write, we have spent over 524.5 BILLION US Dollars in Iraq.

    When I went in with the very first medical unit to enter Iraq, in 2003, we didn't have armored ***anything***. We didn't even have small arms for everyone to be able to defend themselves. I have had the bullets fly past my head on more than one occasion, and only had a worn-out vest for protection. Where did all of that money go? It sure as h*ll didn't go to properly equipping us with beans, bullets and bandages. Oh, but Dick Cheyney and his buddies at Halliburton got plenty fat while we went 7 weeks without a shower.

    There was recently (within the last month) a confirmed discovery of an oil field off the coast of Brazil which is at least as large as the oil reserves under Iraq. We DON'T need to be there anymore! Pull out now! Spend another $500 Billion on rigs and refineries for the Brazillian oil and let the Iraqis fight it out. We'll buy oil from the winners.

    When we went into Iraq, gas was less than $2 a gallon in most places. I now pull into any gas station that has it for $3.69 because it's too good a deal to pass up.

  • Wulfen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Lemme guess you were either in the Navy or Air Force never in direct combat and actually believed in the mission.

    My grandfather fought in WW2 he told me something I will never forget

    "When the bullets start flying and your friends start getting chopped up you don't give a sh*t about politics and the mission anymore you just want to stay alive and kill whoever is shooting at you"

    Combat Vets and just Vets have very different views on things.

    My grandfather just wanted to stay alive he didn't have the luxury of thinking about if what he was doing was for the best interest of the country. He thought in seconds and minutes never long term.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    The conflict in Iraq replaced into not approximately dictators, genocide, WMDs or oil. It replaced into approximately nearby stability, a strategic project for many international locations international huge. the middle East has been risky using fact the Brits and the French left. Israel would not represent a clever demostration of a democratic republic to the area for ideological motives, and despite the fact that the area desires a competent democratic republic. Freedom, as right this moment as prevalent, is infectious. financial study from previous united states shape efforts teach that international locations can in effortless terms have self desperate governments if the in protecting with capita earnings is surprisingly greater beneficial than poverty element. Iraq met that qualification making it an suited decision. Their dictator refusing to honor United international locations resolutions mandating weapons inspectors replaced into the open door. regrettably, Bush failed in his attempt to construct a competent democratic republic in Iraq until now the coolest of his term. the present administration right here contained interior the States isn't in threat of even attempt. i'm not useful our freshman Senator-grew to grow to be-President sees the great image yet. it somewhat is in effortless terms been one hundred days.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, the same goes for the "war on poverty" the "war on drugs"

    OIF disabled vet 90%

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am not a vet, i just want to offer my humble appreciation to all war veterans, and all of the violence they experienced.

  • 1 decade ago


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