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Invited to a party...should we take a gift?

My wife and I have been invited to a party at the home of some of our newest friends. We've only known them about 2 months or so, and I'm just curious if we should take a gift along to present to them when we arrive at their home? They extended this invitation to us, and now consider us to be within their circle of close friends. Please help...


We will be driving 11 hours to get there, so food won't be an option as a gift.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would be nice of you to give them something, especially if you're their house guest -- and you may be since it's an 11 hour drive, unless you're staying at a hotel. Don't call to ask what they are serving -- even if you take wine you shouldn't intend for them to serve it at the party. It's for them, not guests, so it won't matter what kind you give them. And don't bring food. Nothing is worse than someone bringing food that doesn't go with the meal you've prepared and then they expect it to be served at the party. It's not a pot luck dinner. Give them a bottle of good wine, or have flowers delivered before you arrive.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a good question that most often ignored.

    Anytime you are invited to someone home for dinner, drinks or refreshments, it is proper to bring something, whether it be some wine, deserts or some sort of nuts.

    Next time, when you are invited to someones home, ask if there is anything you can bring. If they say no, then I wouldn't. But I would follow up with a thank you note saying you and your wife had a great time and look forward to having them over in your home.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah why not? Couldnt hurt. I would like it if someone got me a gift and it is great to be within their circle of friends especially if you do not have any. Good for you! I suggest flowers, along with wine, dessert something like that depending on the party. Have fun!

  • 1 decade ago

    A Fine bottle of wine is always a good gift. If you prefer not to give alcohol, a nice floral arrangement is good, or a live plant. In fact, I like the live plant better, because the flowers die and get thrown out, but a live plant is a reminder of you.

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  • Sara
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A nice bottle of wine should suffice. It's not overly personal. You could call and ask what kind of food you'll be eating so you can bring the proper wine to go along with the meal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should definetely bring something. It would be nice to make a really good sweet treat that is homemade. Or one of your wife's special dishes that everyone really likes.

  • 1 decade ago

    what are you talking about, food won't be an option?

    there's cake, cookies, snacks, chocolates, etc.

    foods like those will easily last 11 hours.

    wow, someone needs to get more involved with cooking and household affairs...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would take a bottle of something and a box of chocolates.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course you should. It is for courtesy or to tell them you are a friend.

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