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paulcondo asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

please help me?

I answer a question yesterday with just a no I thought it was a yes and no answer got reported lost 12 point how do Yahoo know what how many point to take off

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no staff to research so they take the trolls word for it. Happens a lot in Yahoo products for some reason. Maybe trolls have reached the top levels were they have infiltrated & influence privately plotting a revolution. I will give you a star tho it may not last.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's hard to judge when we don't know what the question was that you answered. If someone asked if people knew how to do something or why something situation happens, and you answered "No", then that would be a violation. It could have been worded in such a way it looked like a question that required a yes or no answer, but something like that would be a question that was clearly looking for a specific answer/help with something. Without knowing what the quesiton was, it's hard to answer your question. If my example is the type of question asked, then your answer would be considered "point-gaming", which is considered a form of cheating.. answering just for the 2 points, which is a more serious violation. Again... I don't know what the question was that you were answering, so I can't be sure if that's what it was

  • Jaz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If an answer you gave was in violation you lose 10 points for the violation and then 2 points for the deleted answer, you can appeal it if you think they removed it in error you do this through the e-mail they sent.

  • 1 decade ago

    it probably depends on your answer because if it is bad then they will take off a small amount of points, if it is really bad then they will probably take off a lot of points.

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