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Lv 7
? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 1 decade ago

A question of ettiquet from a Non-Muslim?

I am not of the Islamic faith, and I have noticed that many posters on Y/A add the phrase "Peace be unto him" when speaking of the Prophet of Islam. Is it appropriate for a non Muslim such as myself to use the phrase as a sign of respect for your faith, or, if not, is there a correct way I can show such respect when addressing historical questions and other non theological matters where Islamic cultural influence is scholastically relevent.

13 Answers

  • Adam
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That indeed is very respectful of you..... I have noticed among even the western media, that they refer to Muhammad (saws) as 'the prophet muhammad" its curious, if they beleive and say he was a prophet, why dont they follow Islam??? Anyways, im getting off track. I pray Allah guides you to Islam, the True Islam not sadly the one u see so many muslim portraying....peace

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah dude they love it. I say "salamu alaykum" to the guys in my neighborhood here in the USA because they went through the trouble to learn how to say hello it's the least I could do. Many Americans already say "peace" when parting. No biggie.

    Now, saying "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and there is no god but Allah", that might require more commitment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ofcourse , after all the prophet peace be upon him was sent mercy to all man kind.

    we also say peace be upon him when mentioning any other prophet and Mariam ( Mary ) Jesus's mother .

    thanks for asking

    The Australian doctor ( Shebrek ) says : the mankind should be proud

    by a man like Mohammed because in spite of his illiteracy he brought a

    novel laws before 14 centuries . as Europeans we will be very happy if

    we followed these laws

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    As salam mu alaikkum sister "muslimah". that's a poem for you and all the different believing women... What do you notice once you seem at me? Do you notice somebody constrained, or somebody loose All some human beings can do is purely seem and stare because of the fact they might't see my hair Others think of i'm controlled and uneducated they think of that i'm constrained and un-liberated they are so grateful that they are no longer me because of the fact they could choose for to proceed to be 'loose' properly loose isn't precisely the be conscious i could've used Describing women who're cheated on and abused they think of that i've got not got critiques or voice they think of that being hooded isn't my selection they think of that the hood makes me seem caged That my husband or dad are completely outraged All they might do is seem at me in concern And in my eye there's a tear no longer because of the fact I truthfully have been stared at or made exciting of yet because of the fact individuals are ignoring the single up above on the day of judgment they are going to be the fools because of the fact they have been too ashamed to play by employing their very very own rules perhaps the adult men won't think of i'm a cutie yet a minimum of i'm full of extra inner splendor See I truthfully have declined from being a guy's toy because of the fact I won't permit myself be controlled by employing a boy genuine adult men are waiting to rejoice with my techniques and are not busy watching my in the back of Hooded ladies are those particularly assisting the Muslim reason The function that we play definitely merits applause i'll be known because of the fact i'm clever and surprising and because some individuals are inspired by employing my sight The clever ones are attracted by employing my tranquility in the back of their techniques they want they have been me we've the flexibility to do what we expect of is nice whether it potential putting up a existence long combat you notice we are no longer controlled by employing a mini skirt and tight shirt we are given purely admire, and in no way taken care of like airborne dirt and dirt so which you notice, we are those that are loose and liberated we are no longer those that are sexually terrorized and violated we are those that are loose and organic we are freed from STD's that have not have been given any therapy So whilst human beings ask you the way you sense with reference to the hood purely sum it up by employing asserting, 'infant its all solid!'

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  • star72
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It would be a nice gesture on your part and certainly win you a lot of brownie points with any Muslim, but I do not think it is compulsory on you as a non-Muslim. Very nice idea though :)

  • 1 decade ago

    It is fine for you to use the phrase, but Muslims might assume that you are Muslim, since many muslims themselves don't use this phrase anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, if u wish pbuh, .. Than that would be great to say.

    but it's your choice

    Thank you for asking. Really like the way u asked. Thanks

    btw: I'm pretty sure people would think ur muslim if u said it. As i haven't seen one who does it. But, yea, people shouldn't be generalizing ;)

  • 1 decade ago


    i salut you for ur kind respectful posting.

    and yes like others said its up to u my friend.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thanks so much for wanting to be respectful! It's up to you really. It wouldn't be inappropriate though.


  • 1 decade ago

    liked your question :)

    thank you

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