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How much to tip a landscaper for a one-time job?

I was wondering what the common courtesy is in terms of tipping a one-man landscaper for a one-time job.

It's a one man company and I'm still waiting on his estimate. Is it appropriate to tip in this case? If so, what percentage?

Thank you!


Oops, I probably should have added more details. It's not a big job -- pruning a few bushes, one small tree & mowing the lawn.

Haha, no I'm not single so that's not an option. Even if I was it wouldn't be... :)

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since you don't have the estimate yet, I wouldn't even think about tipping. People usually bill not expecting any extras. Now if you accept the estimate, and really like the work, well then it's up to you. A Pastor I know had all the church members tip someone who never gets tips, like fast food employees, etc., it makes everyone feel good. But, I believe you are jumping the gun on this one. If you really like the work, and the cost isn't overcharged, why not? Don't use a percentage system, just do what your conscience tells you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't typically tip owners who do their own work because they make a good amount. If the landscaper sends a single employee - I would tip that person about $3 per hour that they are there. $5 per hour if it's really hot.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    How Much To Tip Gardener

  • 1 decade ago

    Good grief, I'd never think of tipping a workman as a matter of course. If he gives me a bill for $308.69 I might write a check for $310 just to round up, but these guys charge plenty to begin with. If this is his regular job he shouldn't expect to be tipped.

  • 1 decade ago

    The best tip you can give a contractor big or small is to pay your bill in cash. And for doing so he may give YOU a small discount. The reason: He may decide not to report this as income and save himself some money come tax time and he doesn't have to worry about a check bouncing. I try to do this as much as possible when I can afford to. It's a win-win.

  • 1 decade ago

    well gratuity is usualy 15%, but I don't think that aplies to I would say depending on the end price, and amount of work he did...(like is your lawn fairly easy to cut or is he having to beat down a jungle)....all and all twenty bucks is more than reasonable, if you ask me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you single? Is he hot? Tip him a dirty martini, and see where that takes you...

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